Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, Monday! Happy Nurse's Week!

 HI Y'all! I am off today, after working the weekend.  I have been dreaming about nine patches, so I decided to dig around in the 1.5 inch wide bin and make some!  These finish at 3 inches.  I think the light one may be out of there!!
 A dear friend at our local quilt shop is cleaning out her stash, and I was the recipient of some of her plaids.  She gave me some piles of half finished pieces, including large flying geese.  I made the above runner from some of the flying geese.  These are 4x8 inch flying geese.  She has also started the 25 patches, and had three blocks made...soooo....
 I made some more!  Now dear friends...I have no idea what to do with them!  Please, wouldn't you help me with some setting ideas??
 More pink!  I found my pink strings, and just have been really enjoying the peaceful piecing. I love string piecing!  My goal of 63 of these, if I have enough strings.
 I won something!!  Isn't this pattern gorgeous?  Sorry for the picture, but I am so excited about the pattern.  Thank you so much, Sandy...please go visit her HERE!
 And an early birthday gift from my dear friend O'Faigh!  This little doll is so expressive, even though she is prim style with no features...look at her tiny cute feet and hands!  I love her...and her name is "Marie"!  She is sitting on my mantle in the place of honor.
Well...I had a birdie adventure.  I was home last week, and heard a little chirp...and this baby was down on the ground.  I did not know how best to help the baby, who had apparently fallen from the nest.  Well, in the next few minutes, 2 more babies appeared!  I think on that windy day, the whole nest was toppled.  I could not find it, however.  Mom and Dad Blue Jay were frantic!  Circling and calling, they were so worried about their family.  I called a wildlife rehabber specializing in birds, and she said I had to put them back in the nest.  But I could not find the nest!  So, she said to make a nest.  Apparently, blue jays cannot smell, but need to hear their babies call so they will feed them.  I took a wicker basket and lined it with thread and fabric, and put  it way up in the tree (that was scary on the tall ladder, by the way).  Low and behold, the parents immediately came back and forth to the "nest" and were feeding the babies!  so, the babies were!!

********************Nurse's Notes*************************

Hey, Happy Nurse's Day all you nursing ladies!!  You are vital and important and so appreciated...great work!!!

Last shift, I had two LOL's.  That means little old ladies, to non nursing peeps.  One was 89 and the other 85, both in with similar problems, both were cross stitchers, both lived alone, both had a daughter that looked just like them!  It was great fun, going room to room caring for them, they were a hoot!!!


Have a great day, all!!



Little Penpen said...

Happy Nurses Week to you! I am amazed at how much sewing you can get done while still working full time! I should get done more than I do, but I get too distracted by all the quilty blogs!

Janet O. said...

Fun to get the partial finishes from someone and get a quick finish for yourself. Do you have Sharyn Craig's books on settings? I love to browse those for ideas of what to do with a set of blocks.
Good for you building a bird's nest and saving a family!!

Amelia said...

You are a lady with many talents...first a nurse (Happy Nurse's Week), a fantastic quilter...and now a bird nest builder. Such a happy ending for the bird story...again if I am ever sick in your area I must have you for my nurse.

Darlene said...

Happy Nurse's Week, Julie. You continue to be so incredibly productive. I've missed you!!!

Carol said...

I want to comment on the little birdie you saved! Such a neat story and I am so PROUD of you! I would not have thought of using the small wicker basket to make a nest and then to watch the parents find it and feed them just made my day....or week! I love watching and feeding birds here in my little corner of north Texas. We have our second set of baby bluebirds (not blue jays) and love to watch the parents go back and forth to the box feeding them. Well, done, Nurse Julie! You care for not only people but birdies as well.

Mary said...

Happy Nurse's week to a fantastic nurse! Your so loving and caring and the bestest nurse ever!

I recently had a LOL with a LOL!
(Little ole lady with a laugh out loud!) She was feeling fussy. I brought her ice water, she fussed that it wasn't tap. So next time I brought her tap water, she fussed it wasn't ice water. Ok then, prior to bringing her water, I ask her,"Do you want ice water or tap water? I don't want you to fuss at me for bringing the wrong thing." She replies, "Oh...just make it half and half." I know my mouth was hanging wide open as I left the room to get her half and half!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Happy Nurses Week!
I attended a seminar on dementia and end of life issues today.
Plaid squares--I would sash them with either red solid or with more plaid scraps. What a nice friend to pass them on to you!

Anonymous said...

If e er I needed a nurse I would choose you! Enjoy the week. Loved your bird save btw.

Annmarie said...

Happy Nurses Day from a retired nurse. I love your nursy posts & the birdie story was an added treat - but actually a nursy story too.

Karen said...

One year at a hospital I worked at and during Nurse's Week, the nurses put on a Gay 90's picnic on the front lawn. They had a Keystone Cop on a unicycle, a popcorn machine, hotdogs, drinks, watermelon, the nurses dressed like people from the 1890's, and they had blankets spread on the ground for everyone to eat on. All was free for the hospital employees. Such fun. (I am not a nurse but my daughter is and so were my mother and mother-in-law).

Nancy said...

No doubt, you will find the perfect setting for your gift blocks. I agree that the light 9-patch needs to be replaced: the others are too strong, and it gets lost.

Happy Nurses' Week!

Loris said...

Love that you could save the baby birds! That is a wonderful story and so glad you had someone you could call about helping them.
Congrats on the pattern name for an author, eh? ;-)
Happy Nurses Week!

Pat said...

Great save of those baby birds and how clever to think to use a basket for a nest! I agree that the light block needs to come out of the 9-patch top you are making. Sorry I have no idea about the setting for the 25-patch blocks. HAPPY Nurses' Week to you, Julie. It is easy to tell from your blog that you are an extremely caring and dedicated member of your profession...the kind of nurse I'd want caring for me or a family member.

regan said...

What a great post.....lots of projects to work on, too! Woohoo! And I think that 25 patch could use a cheddar sashing! lol

Yay for saving those little birds.....sweet!

~Kelie~ said...

Where I work they are celebrating nurses week the same week as nursing home week. They don't let us make a big deal out of it tho. Dayshift gets to have a party. Everything is fone by the time we get there. I have 40-45 pts a night, I wish I only had a handful so I could ve an actual NURSE again! Anyway happt nurses week to u 2!

Binsa said...

Happy Nurse's Week Julie, loved your post.....Hugs, O'faigh

Nicky said...

Ooh Julie - mass producing again? On the 25 patch I saw this video about mixing up four patch and x blocks - wondered if you could scale it up for your 25 patches!

Now I'm wanting to do it!

Deanna said...

Good save on the blue jays! Thanks for passing along the bird nursing tips.

Me and My Stitches said...

What a great post - I love seeing all of your projects and how great that you were able to save those little birds.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Happy nurses week!
You have so much on the go and you rescue birds too!! Amazing :)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I love 9 patches! Really, any kind of patches - 4 patches, 25 patches, 9 patches - they're all good!

I can't wait to see what you do with the 25 patches.

I'm glad that you were able to restore the blue jay family. ;-)

Lori said...

The bird story made me smile! You are not only a nurse of people but of baby birds:)
Love your projects. Adorable dolly! When is your birthday??

Angie said...

You are such a sweetheart, Julie!! All of your patients are sooooo lucky when they have you as their nurse. :) Happy Nurses' Week (I loved your little bird photo and story!! :0)

Stephanie Hughes said...

Hey girl, happy nurses day to you even though it's late. We were out of town and just getting back yesterday. Hope all is well and here's to another great year at our great jobs! Steph

Stephanie D said...

Happy Nurses' Week! And Happy Birthday to our gal Florence tomorrow!

Rescuing baby birds, too? Ahh, you MUST add this to your resume! 8^)

Merilyn said...

Indeed Happy Nurses' Week to you too!! This year we didn't do much to celebrate it as THE day fell on a weekend day! Love your prim doll from O'faigh, very thoughtful early birthday giftie!!! and bless you heart for saving the baby birds! You'll get a crown in heaven for your kindness!!!!

Vesuviusmama said...

What a neat bird story!

Mystery quilt and more

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