Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jubilee quilt, and borders in (on) the pink!

 Hi Y'all!  Well, I have been working on my Jubilee quilt!  This quilt will be a celebration of my 50th year here on planet earth.  I have chosen the Civil War Bride's quilt for my celebration quilt, and am doing Karen Mowrey's variation, A Bountiful Life.  Above is the second block, the Missing Groom.  In the original quilt, the groom is missing, so Karen designed the above block...the groom is now found! This is made from wool applique, and I am all ready to start hand stitching on this one.
 And this one!  This is the first block...but you know, I just love that groom's block the best so far!!
 The pink quilt got it's border.  I really love it, although a family member told me flatly "it's too small"...that took the wind right out of my sails, and I will hang it in the closet until I can feel better about it.  It is about 60x70 inches, lap sized.
 The flowers are blooming at my house!!  Hydrangeas, I think...
 Tomatoes are turning red...
And Star Gazer lilies are blooming and oh so fragrant!!

Hope you have a great day, all!!



~Joan said...

Oh, Julie, that's just the right size for a lap quilt. Much larger, and it would be a twin-bed size. I made two of those in for my married daughter and one for her wedding coordinator.

If you want the pink quilt larger, add a wide border! It's beautiful.

The hydrangeas are lovely, as is the lily. Your season is ahead of ours here. I have both those plants, and there are not even buds in sight yet.

Anonymous said...

I love it and have to tell your get that a lot here about being too small! It's perfect I say! I hope you quilt it with sweet cute and girly.

Anonymous said...

Pink quilt is beautiful!! you have inspired me to make one! If you have a place on the wall -- perfect size!! and perfect for a lappy!!

Lois Arnold said...

Joyce calls that size nap blankies so it's the perfect size! I love the hydrangea -- we had blue ones in AL and they were my favorites. The Jubilee quilt will be stunning! Happy birthday whenever it is!

A Garden of Threads said...

Oh Julie, The pink quilt is stunning. Love, love it. DO not put it in a closet, it is the perfect size be folded and put on the bottom of a bed. Happy birthday!!

Sharon said...

I love the pink, it looks to be the perfect size to me. When do you turn 50? My turn is in June!

WoolenSails said...

I love your blocks and your pink quilt is gorgeous, beautiful work.


regan said...

I'm thinking the person who said it was too small was wanting it for their own bed!?! Of course, it's perfect as a lap quilt.....snuggly sized to cuddle up with on the couch! Perfect! And oh.....thanks for the pics of the hydrangeas and lilies.....we are just now seeing green popping out of the mulch here in Maine.....will be a long time before my lilies are blooming! I needed that little bit of lovely! Thanks!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

That border on the pink quilt is perfect! And I think the size is just right - that's a nice-sized lap quilt!

Your plants (flowers and tomatoes) are way ahead of ours ... it's just now time to safely plant tomatoes. It won't be long before you'll be eating fresh tomatoes!

Karen said...

Congratulations on your Jubilee quilt - it's going to be wonderful. And I think your pink is perfect!!

Leeanne said...

What! Too small! Forget it, it is perfect.
Loving the Jubilee quilt, what method of applique are you doing?

Deanna said...

Too small for what? And who asked them? Are they the quilt police?

Quilter Kathy said...

It's funny how some people can take the wind out of someone's sails, eh? I just hate when that happens to me!

Mary said...

Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! Not sure which I love more, the Jubilee blocks or the Pink quilt! Love your flowers! My roses have faded, but after I dead head them, they'll come out again.

Hee, hee...I'm in the home stretch on my bag. If I'd quit adding pockets and embroidery, I'd been done by now! I have 2 more days off to enjoy! I be a sewing fool!

Tilkkureppu said...

Pink quilt is beautiful!It is perfect!

Anne Heidi said...

Your pink quilt is perfect! Don't listen to whoever told you it was too small- quilts come in all sizes :-)
Love your jubilee blocks- when is your big day?

Nicky said...

I am sorry that family member was in a critical mood - probably ate something that disagreed with them and took it out on your gorgeous quilt! Hadn't thought of doing an all pink but you have made me want to now! It's beautiful and whether it is the right size depends on what YOU want to use it for!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Your work is gorgeous!
The quilt is the perfect size for a lap quilt in my book :)
Love the flowers, yes they are hydrangeas x

Lori said...

Your jubilee quilt is going to be fantastic! Its looking wonderful already!!

canuckquilter said...

Let's try to get the wind back in your sails because that pink quilt is a) gorgeous and b) the perfect size for curling up with a good book. It really must come out of the closet!

Terry said...

Your pink quilt is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you it isn't. It's perfect just the way it is! :0)

Merilyn said...

Love your pink quilt, nice border too, and I love that size, you hang it where everyone can see it ok LOL!!! The Missing Groom block is great, in fact this quilt is going to be fantastic!!!!

Shari said...

I love the groom's block. What a lovely quilt in the making.

Love that border on the pink quilt. So wonderfully bright and cheerful and perfect. Unless the quilt's for grumble-guts, don't worry about opinions on size - you are the creator and master of your quilts.

Leah said...

I love all the pinks! It is perfect. Can't wait to see you finish it up.

I think it is the perfect size, but I know how you feel. I get all excited about a quilt then show my hubby and he tells me the same thing. He is convinced that if it doesn't fit on a twin bed or larger than it doesn't qualify as a quilt. I think that is why I enjoy my quilt guild so much, They like all sizes and "show and tell" is so much more fun there. :)

AnnieO said...

Beautiful pinks! Pooh on that family member.

Your wool applique looks fab!

Anonymous said...

The border is perfect as is. A dark pink binding will frame it nicely. Some people just enjoy bringing others down with their negativity. Do NOT put it in the closet! If you do - they win!

Teresa said...

Your Jublilee quilt is making up so nice, I just love the look of the applique. It makes me think a little of Pennsylvania Dutch for some reason.

Your pink quilt is beautiful and I guess it isn't big enough to cover that persons big mouth! lol, just kidding, I am sure they did not mean it as a put down. Some people just do not think before they speak.

Anonymous said...

Love the pink quilt! It is the perfect size to cover my half of our queen size bed. Then hubby can be cooler and I can be warmer. There is no such thing as too small or too large for a quilt. There is a place for every size and every size has a place.

Jan said...

The pink quilt is so pretty. It's a good size for a lap quilt, IMHO!!
Love your Jubilee quilt--wool appilque is fun because you don't have to turn under the edges!

Jan said...

The pink quilt is so pretty. It's a good size for a lap quilt, IMHO!!
Love your Jubilee quilt--wool appilque is fun because you don't have to turn under the edges!

Diana said...

I really love the pink quilt, wow, just gorgeous...

Unknown said...

I think it's the perfect size. I get that all the time from people I know, but they don't quilt. The first thing they say, "why don't you make a king size quilt" I always ask them, why don't they make one since it's so easy. uggghh....People.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tonya... non-quilters have no clue what goes into making a quilt of any size. Yours is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Loretta said...

LOVE that pink quilt! :)

Shari said...

The pink quilt is much to pretty to hide away. The size is just right.

SubeeSews said...

I think it is perfect! Not all quilt want or need to be large. The smaller ones are very nice too. Where do you live that your tomatoes are getting red already!???

Stephanie D said...

Just gotta ask--was the family member a size 3X?

'Nuff said.

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, your pink quilt is gorgeous....I have only made one king size quilt....most of my quilts I make not one is ever the same size...Hugs, O'faigh

MARCIE said...

Julie, your flowers are lovely! As for the gorgeous pink quilt, consider the comment a compliment as the offender surely meant that it is so lovely it should be bigger. I am so happy to see that you are making Karen's quilt! It is so wonderful! I agree that the groom is an adorable block. and it wool! Nice job!

Lori said...

I love you pink pineapple blossom quilt! I'm trying to finish my second one. I listened to family about being bigger, now I wished I went a tad smaller, it will be a king. That is why it's not done lol.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...