Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 HI Y'all!!   This string quilt is quilted, bound, washed, and ready for gifting!  It is a patient quilt...we have some patients at the hospital who are really sick, and stay for a long time, sometimes, so this will go to one of these patients.  I big stitch hand quilted it through each string, and washed it this morning.  It is so sweet smelling, and all crinkled up just right!  Don't you love quilts that can be washed, and crinkled,  and really used?  Fun!!
 Crinkles...love them!

 We were recently in a huge hail storm.  It is was just surreal...the huge hail stones thundering down on the metal roof.  BOOM!  BOOM, BOOM!!  The hail stones were golf ball size.  I can just imagine how it was for the people who got baseball and softball sized hail!  The eerie thing is, when we saw this rainbow, you could see the hail in the rainbow light...individual hail stones up in the air.  I mean, it was so weird watching it go down the valley, and seeing the individual hail pieces in the air, far away, they were so large!  I tried to just be still and be in the moment, and enjoy the power and awe of this storm.  The cars were under cover, so they were OK...
 Well, lookie!  A gorgeous quilt from a gorgeous friend...it is up, and will stay up through the summer!  Thank you so much, dear friend!  See her blog here!!
 Mother's day!  I hope you all had a wonderful day!  I received these gorgeous flowers from my son and his wife...and they are just so pretty.  Thank you so much, guys!  Having you is such a joy in my life, and I could not even begin to ask for better kids!
OK, I can't resist!  I found some more little triangles, cut off from connector corners, and so made a tiny quilt top.  It is fun to make something out of (almost) nothing!

I hope you find yourself happy and blessed this day!



Browndirtcottage said...

Oh Oh, lovin' this string quilt! Your fabric placement gives it such depth. One of the best string quilts I've seen!

no, seriously!!


~Joan said...

Look at you giving away a hand-quilted quilt! Thou art less selfish than I.

Nicky said...

Another stunning quilt - love the quilting

Leeanne said...

Mmmmmm I likee too!

Donna Keating said...

Any patient would be proud to receive such a kind, loving gift. Quilts provide warmth in more ways than one.

Mary said...

Gorgeous string quilt!! The recipient will be most pleased!

Lois Arnold said...

Your patients are so fortunate to have a caring nurse and a quilt besides! Beautiful!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a wonderful quilt...love the quilting...love, love, love!

Nancy said...

You are a sweetheart to make quilts for your long-term patients. I know they love you AND the quilts.

Shari said...

Lovely tiny quilt - lovely post all round. Sounds good in your world.

Lori said...

The string quilt is amazing and looks like it would be wonderful to snuggle under!!
Love the patriotic quilt!! Perfect to kick off the summer season.

Saska said...

Oh, I love crinkly quilts...fresh out of the dryer. Wrap up in them and take a snooze. Oh wait...do I HAVE to give it away??

Looks good and you're good for making them for your patients.

AnnieO said...

Generous soul, you, hand quilting a patient quilt. They will love it and all the healing thoughts you stitched into it.

Hail in a rainbow--you won't see that often--glad you took the moment for what it was.

Pretty flowers!

Angie said...

You have got to be one of the SWEETEST people that I know. :D You have a beautiful soul---love the crinkled quilty goodness. Isn't nature amazing! And the tiny little quilt is perfect. Hugs.

Deanna said...

So many fun projects--beautiful flowers, too.

Linda said...

Thank you so much for sharing your picture of the hail & rainbow. That was powerful!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the turtle blocks. I love them and really appreciate them. Tonya M.

Vesuviusmama said...

What a wonderful string quilt! I don't wish to be a patient, but if I were, I'd want to be yours!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...