Thursday, May 24, 2012

LInk for the quilt in last post!! Want to quilt along??

4 Patch Quilt + X's and O's = AWESOME QUILT - Jenny Doan shows how a really complicated looking quilt can be made easily. Watch the 4 Patch and the X's and O's tutorials before attempting this (links are…
Added on 8/25/11

Hey, I did it!!  I hope this is OK...Is it public domain if the tutorial is on u-tube? 
 Anyway, this is where the idea came from for my current quilt...and this lady at Missouri 
Quilt co. does lots of other tutorials too!  I am so glad to have found her...thanks Nicky!



Kristi said...

I watch their videos ALL THE TIME!!! They do wonderful tutorials and they always make them look soooo simple yet so very creative!!! I want to make that quilt as of these days!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the video. After seeing the quilt blocks yesterday, I was hoping that I could find the pattern.

Jo said...

I just might quilt along. I don't have time to start yet another project but I do know I need a donation quilt for High School Music Boosters for the fall. This looks easy and FAST...maybe even some leader and ender action.

Loris said...

What a great video! I love this pattern idea. I watched the X's and O's video too...need to make a baby quilt and it will be perfect. I have some batik's that might work well for a gift with the x block and 4 patch.
Thanks so much for sharing this! Hope I can join you quilting along :-)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...