Hi all! Happy Monday to you! I have worked the last FIVE days, all twelve hour shifts, so I am ready for a day to catch up on the house, laundry, etc...and block of the months. I love the Monday Block of the Month rehab concept that is going around in blog land! I am always disappointed in myself when there are so many great quilt ideas from all of you all, and I start out raring to go! And then life gets in my way and I get behind...so I need a plan, and then to execute! In that frame of mind, I am catching up. ON some of these, at least! Above are the crazy dogs. I did a crazy cat quilt last year, but did not do all twelve blocks. You can find these fun (and free) blocks at www.syverkstan.net.
And who can resist these precious rabbits? Love the Raspberry Rabbits! What a talented designer! I still need to do the stitching and embroidery, but a lot of the tedious prep is done. Yahoo!!
And these!! These are the Barrister's blocks! Please see her blog here, what a fun lady! A retired attorney, she is having a quilt along, making six inch blocks, like the Farmer's wife quilt. Because I gave my Farmer's Wife book away, I am making her blocks instead. Kind of obsessed with catching up with her, LOL!! I made the above four blocks, but the big news is in the inauspicious looking recycled cardboard box below.....
ALL THE REST OF THE BLOCKS ARE CUT OUT! That means I can stitch them up at my leisure, which usually means after work, and dinner, and dog walking, etc. YIPPEE!
*****************Nurse's Notes******************
Patients are always a mystery! A nurse never knows what kind of patients (diseases or personalities!) she will get in any given shift. I was so lucky this last work period...I had some really interesting and fun, and creative people as my patients!
One lady was in the hospital...she is a wonderfully talented artist and gifted me with her work, done in her hospital bed...how pretty, huh? Looks like a wonderful fabric design to me! She said she does not mind if I shared her work on my blog.
Another darling patient gifted me with this. Wrapped in paper towels and IV tape...(I loved that!)
Yum! Chocolate and biscuits from Germany!! Just wonderful...thank you dear patient!
You know, as a nurse, we share some incredibly intimate moments with relative strangers. From sharing the miracle of birth, to the moment of death, we are there...I have been there. I cry at each birth (I am not a labor and delivery nurse, so have had only a few of these moments...I am sure the real L and D nurse are much more disciplined). I cry at each death too, even if I have to steal away for a moment, so the family does not see, so I can be strong for them. Yesterday, a old, old, old gentleman just touched my heart...struggling to breath, he just said, "please, please stay with me..I cannot breath, and I am so frightened",...and I did, stayed until he calmed and was able to relax. Sometimes a hug and a hand mean a lot, to any of us, right? Just a darling fellow, talented, brilliant, wonderful...it is a such a terrible thing that he is so very ill. I have been praying for him today, as I whiz about here in the house....
Thanks for letting me 'diary' a bit about my nursing...I really want to remember these moments in my career, later, maybe when I am a patient!!
Have a great day!
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Mystery quilt and more
Hi to everyone!!! This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts. I have been using a few of mine. Great fun! This q...

Good morning to you!!! My 4-H friend from years ago made a layer cake out of some of her fabrics and challenged me to make something. This...
I made a tutorial for the kitty cat blocks I have been making. They are fast and fun to make!! Some pieces are turned differently in the...
Guess what!? I get to give one of these Go! Accuquilt cutters and dies away! So...what do you think...want a chance? Just leave me a com...
Wonderful projects and I did see the dogs, but never have the time to keep up, still trying to catch up with my projects, lol.
What a sweet story. I was in nursing school and I saw so many nurses who never stop to be with a patient or didn't care, you were a special angel for someone who needed one.
Love all your blocks! You sound like a wonderful nurse!
Nurses are the best! My mom just passed away last Tues, and the nurses were so loving and kind.
Love the dog blocks....gotta look for those! I'm a nurse too and it makes my heart smile when I read sweet sentiments like the ones you just shared with us. I especially agree with 'sharing intimate moments with relative strangers'... such a good description of what we do!
What a great feeling to get caught up! And what lovely artwork from your patient! Enjoy your day.
It means so much to patients and families when the occasional nurses actually takes a little of their busy day to spend some extra time talking, explaining, encouraging. I have been with my husband in the hospital for nearly the past month and it's awful for both of us. I'm so incredibly grateful for the nurses/staff who seem to TRULY care (as it's obvious that to many, it's merely a job).
Your patients are so lucky to have you for a nurse, with your caring sensitivity!
That art would make great fabric. Some company needs to nab her for a designer.
Your BOMs are all so fun! And I am glad to see you doing Randy's Sow-along. She is a favorite of mine! I wish that box of ready to sew blocks was in my sewing room. I am falling behind. Can't believe all you get done with such a work schedule!
I love those dogs!
Such great 'nurse-ee' thoughts Julie!
I enjoyed hearing about your triumphs as a nurse as well as some of the saddness that comes with it. Being a nurse takes some kind of wonderful to do it!!!
Your little blocks are so darn cute too!!!
Beautiful projects!
Good work on the BOMs! I should get more organised and get some of mine prepped ready to sew when I have a few minutes to spare. Please can I have a nurse like you if I have to be in hospital some day!
Love hearing your nursing stories. A wonderful tribute to the love and care you provide.
That box full of pieces looks like great fun!
Good luck with the block catch up!
All patients deserve a nurse like you.
What fun with the BOMs! Love the doggies and bunnies :)
Softies like you are the best kind of caregivers!
You are a treasure of a human being, to have you as a nurse is something special, you clearly touch many peoples life's.
Sounds like life is keeping you busy. Your soft heart is what makes you a great nurse. You really can and do make a difference in people's lives. And in between you get to quilt! Can life get better than that?
Love the dog blocks! What a hoot!!
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