Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Bountiful LIfe...A Civil War Bride's Quilt!

 Well, I have been working on my Jubilee quilt, "A Bountiful Life".  Today I prepared the Bride's block...and it took almost all day.  Truly, all day!  I love it, though, it is a work of great fun...and I can't wait to have her features embroidered on.  Then she will take a personality and life for me!  I am loving this project!!
 Remember the gifted plaids from my friend Ruth at the quilt shop?  I put all the blocks together into this little quilt.  I just need a border, of which I have no suitable fabric, so I will have to go back to the quilt shop...poor little me, LOL!!
A big thanks to Michelle!  I recently won these beautiful fun fabrics from her blog...thank you so much, Michelle!  Please visit her HERE!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!



WoolenSails said...

That is a wonderful block and I can believe it took all day. I think I spend more time on the appliqué than the sewing.


Quilter Kathy said...

What a great bundle of fabric you won!
Enjoy your sewing!

Karen said...

The bride block is one of my favorites in the quilt. You will have a beautiful block.

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh yes...wonderful brides block, and I can believe it took all day, I know 'cause I'm super slow. It is going to be great when all her little features are added!!!

Nancy said...

Ooooh, please show us your block again when you've added the details. It's great now, so I know it is going to be fabulous when it's completed.

Anonymous said...

That block is Devine!

Nicky said...

What a beautiful block ! My you have been working hard!

KaHolly said...

Your Bountiful Life block is gorgeous, inspirational! I want to applique and as soon as I finish the baby blanket that's in the hoop right now and free up my 'hands', I'm on it!!

Darlene said...

Your Bountiful Life block is truly beautiful, Julie.

Lois Arnold said...

What a lovely block!

Janet O. said...

The Brides block is gorgeous, Julie!
And I love the plaids and stripes in the simple 25 patch quilt.

ria vogelzang said...

Love your applique work! And what w lovely fabrics you won!
Love from the Netherlands!!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, enjoyed seeing your latest Brides block....a lovely win of fabrics...Hugs O'faigh

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