Monday, July 24, 2023

Progress on the second red, white and blue quilt


Good morning!!!  Hope you are doing well today.  I am off work at the hospital today, and so I am cleaning and sewing.  Above are my blocks for my hubby's red, white and blue quilt.  This is the second one I have made of this pattern.  I am making fast progress now, with all the components made and ready to sew.  Hurrah!  I can sew blocks together!

I found this little floral quilt, wool applique and plaid fabrics for the border.  I love it...makes me happy!!!

What are you working on today???

Monday, July 17, 2023

UFO's I never knew I had!


I knew I had this UFO, above.  It was just a pile of blocks, created with much love and joy, by me.  I just had not gotten them put together yet! But now?  I do!  And the quilt has a border!  Yahoo!!!!!!

This quilt, however, is not mine...yet it a UFO.  I was going through my scraps, cutting them to sizes I use most, and I found it crammed into a bag of scraps.  hmmmmm.  Where did this come from?  What to do with it??  It had a 10 inch wide yellow border, just on two sides.  So, I cut much of the border off, left a narrow strip, added the leftover yellow to the top and bottom, and added the lavender border.  Tada!!!  This will be a perfect quilt for chemo!!!

Onward!!!  I am working frantically on the RWB quilt for my hubby, but I have to dust, is needed!!!


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Star centers and plaid hearts


Hello!!!  Above are the centers of my husband's quilt.  He liked the red, white and blue quilt I recently donated, so I jumped on the chance to make one just like it for him.  I am making such good progress on it!  It is going so much better the second time around. 

I made this block as a practice block.  Ignore the center, please, I just trimmed it to fit when it was too big for the rest of the block. But now?  I know how to make the block!  Hurrah!!

I have finished the applique on all but two of my applique hearts.   These just scream fall time, don't they?  But here, it is over 100 degrees each day.  HOT!!!

Hope each of you is doing fantastic!


Sunday, July 9, 2023

Children's quilt tops are complete.


Hello!!  I am off work today!  I finished my children's quilt top today.  I am packaging it up to be longarm quilted, then it will be shipped to Ukraine this fall.  I loved making it!!

My friend Annie M. has made two quilts in the same time frame.  Above is her quilt for a boy, 

and below is her quilt for a girl.  I just love them both!!  Annie is a fast quilter!

I am off work for four whole days!!!  Watch out, world, I am on the loose!!!


How are you doing?  Working on something today?

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Fourth!!!


Happy Fourth of July to those quilters in the USA!! I am working on the above blocks, for a children's quilt, going to a refugee Ukranian child.  I am loving these bright, fun fabrics!!!  I hope this will find a child in need of a fun, bright quilt, for a glimmer of happiness in a terrible situation.

Nancy, who blogs below, sent out the word for these quilts.  She needs 25 of them.  

O, Quilter -- Can You Help? (

Here are some fun facts about our July 4th remembrance.  

Hope each of you has a happy day!!


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Busy, busy, busy days!!


Good day to everyone!!!  I am chasing squirrels around here.  I just love plaids, as many of you know already, and I decided maybe an autumnal quilt was in order...with hearts.  Oh, my heart just sings while working on these applique hearts!!  This was so I could have some hand work to do on a recent road trip.

I finished the hand quilting of this little quilt, and it will actually be a pillow, to replace the absolutely worn out one that my husband uses for his back while sitting on the couch.  I love hand quilting!

I finished this quilt, too!  This is from Lori's quilt along, of Humble Quilts.   All plaids!!!  and hand quilted, just in time for the fourth of July.

What are you up to???

*********************Nurse's notes*****************

Hospice has been closed for two weeks now, and I have floated to many other units in the hospital, nursing very different populations of patients.  From sickle cell patients, (one young sickle cell patient asked for one thing...a Twix candy bar!)  of course I got her one, LOL! oncology, heart patients, to ICU and vented patients, to code blues, to a darling Alzheimer's patient who fell backward and had a brain bleed.  To a young man, who left against medical advice...and I am afraid for his very life, he is so sick.  It has been challenging, exhausting, and so, so fun.  I even went to the ER for a day and did ER nursing!  Wow...I really respect those nurses...they rock!!!

I am delighted to be off today!!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...