I found this little floral quilt, wool applique and plaid fabrics for the border. I love it...makes me happy!!!
What are you working on today???
What are you working on today???
Onward!!! I am working frantically on the RWB quilt for my hubby, but I have to dust, honestly...it is needed!!!
Hope each of you is doing fantastic!
Hello!! I am off work today! I finished my children's quilt top today. I am packaging it up to be longarm quilted, then it will be shipped to Ukraine this fall. I loved making it!!
and below is her quilt for a girl. I just love them both!! Annie is a fast quilter!
I am off work for four whole days!!! Watch out, world, I am on the loose!!!
How are you doing? Working on something today?
Nancy, who blogs below, sent out the word for these quilts. She needs 25 of them.
O, Quilter -- Can You Help? (nancynearphiladelphia.blogspot.com)
Here are some fun facts about our July 4th remembrance.
Hope each of you has a happy day!!
Rainbow quilts!!! I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...