Friday, July 30, 2021

End of the month update; mini quilt and applique!

Cathy and I have been making this applique quilt together!!!  Mrs. Lincoln's can find the pattern here: 

Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands

 We are nearing the end of our journey.  Above is my latest applique block, the pineapple.  I have four more applique blocks to complete, and I will have the center together.  Whoop!!!  This feels good to have made some progress!!!

I have run out of the sashing material, so will have to improvise.

 Here is my mini of the month.  It is 2 inch nine patches, leftovers from the pineapple blocks I made earlier in the year.  I used a thin piece of flannel for the batting, and hand quilted it.  I love the soft, drapable texture.  

Please see Wendy's blog here, for lots of of mini quilts!

The Constant Quilter

What a lovely month it has been!!


Monday, July 19, 2021


Happy Monday!!  This modern solids quilt is coming along...lots of blocks cut out,  as is my usual way of doing things.  How can a person not be cheerful with these bright colors under the needle???

 I finished a whole row of the 100 bocks in 100 days sampler.  Now these are just great fun to make!  Quirky, super simple, and pops of color in there!  Hurrah!

Hope you are having a lovely day!


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday, Sunday!

Hello!  How are you doing, each of you?  I am off work today!!!  Hurrah!!!  I have had a lovely day, today...weeding (too hot), laundry...changing sheets...cutting quilt blocks out...and on I go!  I am at this stage  in my leaders and enders project from Bonnie Hunter.  Am I REALLY doing them leader and ender style?  Nope!  LOL!  I am in love with making these little blocks; just great fun!

I had the opportunity to go to the quilt guild!!!!!!!  It was so much fun!!  On the guild sale table, there was a tiny quilt.  It was just exquisite to me.  For the grand sum of a 20.00 donation, I now have this quilt.  It is the best crafted thing I have ever seen!  A true master of her craft made this, and I honor her.

You really cannot see the stitches, but I tried to photograph the back.  Amazing work!

Who is that heifer there? might be me!  At the guild, a couple of years ago.  The quilt is Jewel Box...made of scraps.

Have a great day, each of you!!!


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

There is that math thing again! Love it!

I have been steadily working on these little leader and ender blocks, from Bonnie Hunter, at Quiltville. I am making these little blocks from my 2 1/2 strip bin.   Please see her tutorial here:  

She is using 2 inch pieces, I think.  

Well, those squirrels are running amok!  I started the 100 blocks in 100 days challenge.    I am trying to make a modern quilt...someone will like this one, in the future  Please see her post here!

#100Days100Blocks Event Information - GnomeAngel

Ok, so here is where the  math figures in to my post.  Have you ever made a round, bucket type bag?  So how do you figure out the size of the pieces around the bag?

Measure the round part on the bottom.  My model was a 10.25 inch across the middle dinner plate.  

So:  10.25 x pi (3.14) = 32.2, approximately.  Add a seam allowance and there you are!!!  

I loved my geometry class, with Dr. Conner. He was a amazing little man, maybe 5 feet tall, with kind  brown eyes, and a twinkling smile.  I loved how much fun he was, and he helped me love math of all kinds!!!



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

It is all about the math, isn't it???

Happy Tuesday to all!!  I finished the applique on this set of blocks!  Hurrah!  Now I just need to figure out how to set them together.  The pattern calls for a lot of piecing, but I would like to keep is a bit more simple, so the applique stands out. The reason why I mentioned math is because I made twice as many quarter square triangle blocks than were needed.  And I have a minor in math, LOL!

 I finished this set of blocks today.  This will be a perfect lap/chemo quilt for a lady who loves red.  I have not decided whether to follow the pattern, or to go my own way with this one!

Hope each of you is well and having a good evening!


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Wheww!!  I have run a couple a marathons, figuratively speaking.  I worked 5 days in a row...then went on a trip to attend my sister's funeral ( She passed away in February, but due to covid, we only could go now), and then I worked 3 more days.  THIS IS MY FIRST DAY OFF IN 17 DAYS!!!!!  WHOOP!!!!!!!!!!

I bound a lot of things on the trip, and hand quilted as moments arose.  I finished binding the above crumb quilt, which I just love.  Flannel makes up the backing.  It is so cuddly!

I finished the hand quilting on the discovered quilt in the quilt closet...
All done!!!!  I washed it...flannel is on the back of this one, too.  I used polyester batting, and I wonder how that will be, usage wise.

In my sister's home was a curio cabinet made by my father.  It was sent home with me...
I am still deciding where to place it, so it is temporarily in the foyer.

 This is my hand stitching of the day!!!  I usually hand quilt during on-line church.  Now that is a perk of staying home instead of going in person!

Happy Fourth of July to all who celebrate; I am grateful for American independence!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...