Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday, Sunday!

Hello!  How are you doing, each of you?  I am off work today!!!  Hurrah!!!  I have had a lovely day, today...weeding (too hot), laundry...changing sheets...cutting quilt blocks out...and on I go!  I am at this stage  in my leaders and enders project from Bonnie Hunter.  Am I REALLY doing them leader and ender style?  Nope!  LOL!  I am in love with making these little blocks; just great fun!

I had the opportunity to go to the quilt guild!!!!!!!  It was so much fun!!  On the guild sale table, there was a tiny quilt.  It was just exquisite to me.  For the grand sum of a 20.00 donation, I now have this quilt.  It is the best crafted thing I have ever seen!  A true master of her craft made this, and I honor her.

You really cannot see the stitches, but I tried to photograph the back.  Amazing work!

Who is that heifer there? might be me!  At the guild, a couple of years ago.  The quilt is Jewel Box...made of scraps.

Have a great day, each of you!!!



Sherrill said...

Do you have any quilts that you are putting in the upcoming show? I might have told you before but Mona Levingston is my quilter. She's told me snips about it. I'll be out of town, returning on the 20th so if I get to go, it would be on the last day. Are Covid numbers going up at your hospital?

Elaine Adair said...

You sound like the Ever Ready Bunny, full of energy. Cute quilt blocks, but I'm slobbering over the last older quilt photo, AND nice to see your face.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The pineapple mini quilt is indeed gorgeous - the pattern, the fabric selected, and the stitching! I quit making Leaders and Enders because they took my focus off of my other sewing and soon become the main project.

AnnieO said...

Hi there! Lovely to see your smiling self. Love your Jewel Box quilt. I made one about 9 years ago and it’s a great design. I like the new leader ender fish—I’m still making more of last year’s for the quilt idea I want to try. Your new purchase is a treasure of a quilt.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Yay for a day off!!
THose blocks are SO cute!! and I like how scrappy they can be!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That is a cute little quilt. Love the hand quilting on the back. I got to go to my large guild again on Thursday. It was great to be back. My little guild has been meeting since May, since all of us have been vaccinated.

Sherri said...

Hi Julie. Is the Jewel Box a Bonnie Hunter pattern? I would really like to find the pattern. Yours is beautiful.

Chantal said...

Love your leader-ender blocks that are not sewn as leader-ender, haha. They play well together. I really love your jewel box quilt. Congrats on this beauty. I bet you still have the same smile. ;^)

Lori said...

So fun guilds are starting to meet in person! Glad you were able to attend.
Love that single block!!
The jewel box pattern is always a good one! Your version is lovely.

Jan said...

I did the fish ender and leaderss, too. You can see my finished quilt on my blog. It was fun! Yours look great!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...