Saturday, December 22, 2018

Strings ROCK!!!!

 I changed the pink strip, that was in the middle bottom of this quilt...and tada!!!  Here is the top, minus the string border.  I was trying to show the bright, pretty strings in this outside picture.
 I really need to find a better way to take pictures of my quilts, but here it is!!  Speaking of STRINGS!  The border for this quilt will be all strings.  YUM!!
 I have been looking for and sorting strings from my here are my purple ones.  I am thinking a purple quilt would be fun, perhaps for a patient at work that might need one in the coming year...or maybe for me?!  I don't have a whole lot, so I will supplement from my purple stash...not many of those either, so maybe I get to SHOP?  Hahaha!  Poor me!
 Or lime greens?  HEre are my lime green strings!!  They are fun too!!!
I cut all my neutral strings into 8.5 inch widths, and will for sure make a neutral quilt this year...calming, modern, yet least that is what I am shooting for.

The reason for all this string love?  Is that Lori, of Humble quilts, is have a string quilt along in 2019!!!  So come on, string along with her, and me too!!

***********************Nurse's Notes***********************

I have worked....not much.  We  have very few patients, and I was put on call today, and yesterday I had taken a PTO day so I could go to the quilt guild Christmas party.  It is great fun to be surrounded by ladies, 30-90+ years of age, with SO many years of experience and love.  I love to watch them and look at their projects and admire them, especially those golden oldie amazing fierce ladies!  They fascinate me.   Maybe I am one of those old, old people, LOL!!!  We had a bagpiper there, and that was amazing, too, as I had never heard one live before.   Two people in my quilting bee are officers this year, for the guild...and I found myself wanting to do that too, but work interferes with me being available like the retired folks.

One lady had a Burgoyne surrounded block that I just really loved...maybe that quilt is in my future!


Have a lovely day!



Loris said...

Julie, this is becoming a work of art! I love it!
I'm glad you had a little time off for the season. It really is fun to get together with friends to celebrate. Have a wonderful Christmas. I'm hoping to sting a bit in the new year too :-)

Loris said...

Ha! String a bit....not sting! LOL

Julierose said...

Hah--I am also joining in the String Fling at Lori's...separating colors right now and deciding what to make....
Love your quilt in progress...hugs, Julierose

---"Love" said...

The change you made in the sashing looks great, and will go well with your string borders when you get them finished. Sounds like you are really enjoying this Christmas season without too much hustle and bustle. Just so you know, old ladies, especially old lady quilters, do know how to have fun; glad you got to join them for the party! ---"Love"

Lori said...

I love the little string sashing so much better than that pink! It is awesome. I vote purple string border!!

Love your nuetral string start!!Yay!!

Christmas quilt parties sound like a lot of fun! What color was the Burgoyne surround? I love that in a 2 color scheme!

Lori said...

I love the little string sashing so much better than that pink! It is awesome. I vote purple string border!!

Love your nuetral string start!!Yay!!

Christmas quilt parties sound like a lot of fun! What color was the Burgoyne surround? I love that in a 2 color scheme!

JoAnne said...

Sounds like you may live in the DFW area since there was a bagpiper at the guild party yesterday. I'm in Trinity Valley Guild but didn't make it to the party yesterday. Sounded like fun!

Anonymous said...

I like the little string strip instead of the pink. That's is a beautiful quilt, can't wait until the finish. I'm going to have to try 'stringing' this year. Thanks for sharing.

Quilter Kathy said...

OH yes... I'll be participating in all the stringy things happening!

Janet O. said...

The string sashing just brings that already pretty quilt to a higher level.
Love the luscious pile of purple prettiness (had to throw some alliteration in there). :)
I love bagpipes--couldn't get enough of them at the Scottish festival we attended this year.

Kleine Vingers said...

The string sashing looks so good in your quilt. I'm looking forward to the string quilts coming year.
wishing you a lovely Christmas and New Year

dq said...

The strings are PERFECT for your lovely flower quilt! They also look like so much fun to make.

Elaine Adair said...

Your color sense is a gift to all of us. Every project you make is an example of COLOR! Thank you. Happy HOlidays, ElaineAdair.

Sharon said...

Yes to your cream strings, it will be fabulous. I just pulled out an oldie center block that is string pieced and got busy with all my cream shirting strings. Its going to be fun watching Lori's string along. Someone is making my String Theory pattern so I can't wait to see how they make it their own! Merry Christmas!

Tired Teacher said...

Love the bright strings - good plan to replace the pink strip.

Kyle said...

Love how the strings are pulling the quilt together. It seems that 2019 might be a stringy year. Lots of string ideas floating around. Merry Christmas

Jeanne said...

I'm planning to do strings with Lori and a Burgoyne Surrounded for Rainbow Scrap Challenge :)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I like that top. The string border will really make it pop.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Can't wait to see what you do with those strings....

Mystery quilt and more

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