Saturday, December 15, 2018

And it is a wrap!!!

 This quilt has been advanced to the flimsy stage!  Lots of orphan blocks have been used, and new blocks too,  and all went into this one.  Pretty scrappy, which is right up my alley. 
 Here is another view.
 I like this picture, though...that is Rosie Posie Pumpkin Pie, my poodle, who just would not budge when I was straightening the quilt top out for a picture...she is such a love and such fun to play with!
 And here is an empty basket, from my blue scrappy quilt...that feels good!  Two triangles left over...and they will eventually go into something.
 These are my recent heart rock finds...nature is marvelous, making this aberration of normal stone weathering, with water, mostly...I wonder how these are formed?  I love heart rocks!
 Another wrap today iron!!  My iron from Walmart was really letting out a foul smoky smell, and I had to let it go before it caught fire.  So I am using this little travel iron, instead.
At least I am not having to use this little sad iron!!  It is a small one, and the tiny swan iron may have been for pressing cuffs or collars, at least that is my thought? 

I have a Rowenta iron, but I am kind of afraid to use it, because of the spitting of water and such.

Anyway, that is my day off to finish laundry and clean a bit, and go to the store for food for dinners this week.

***************************Nurse's Notes***********************

I had a lovely day in another ICU yesterday.  These people are medical ICU patients, not heart ICU patients that I normally work with.  It is a sad place, full of hustle, but a lot of these patients will not live to see the outside again.  And yet?  Both of my patients were very ill, but made a lot of progress yesterday!  It was fun to work with old friends from twenty years ago, and meet so many young lovely nurses, just starting on their careers. 

I had a weird thing happen...a family had been very angry and demanding throughout their hospital stay, and I was selected to calm them down that shift and be their nurse,  and "love them into submission!", if you know what I mean.  They kept on talking about how they were going to sue us!!  Crazy...I finally told them in the most loving and straight forward way I could that that talk did not influence me in any way, and I was going to do the very best I could for their loved one and them too!  By the end of the shift, they were hugging me and had totally turned around in their thought processes, or at least I hope they did.  It is hard to love people who are trying to be mean, but a lot of times it is fear and misinformation that leads to that aggression. 

Anyway...another day awaits...nothing dull at the hospital!!


Have a great day, each of you!!



Tired Teacher said...

GOLD stars to you for the gorgeous quilt and for helping the family understand their behavior wasn't helping their loved one. ❤️ the heart rocks!

GO STARS! said...

Fun quilt top with all of the different blocks. My niece was in medical ICU for 9 weeks. She passed almost two years ago. My family and I appreciated those nurses and doctors so much. But we saw many families and visitors who did not know how to be kind - to staff or to other families around them. Some of it is stress and grief and some is just the personality of the people involved.

Julierose said...

Wonderful flimsy--great job on this one--hugs, Julierose

audrey said...

It's amazing how badly people can act when dealing with fear and a lack of control. Kudo's to you for your patient heart.:)

Libby in TN said...

What a lovely post! Love the AMERICA letters in your quilt. Having always been a rock collector, now I'm going to start looking for hearts!

Anonymous said...

I love your orphan block quilt. I'm a scrappy fan also. You could use your 'spitting' iron without water and just use a mist bottle to dampen. Thanks for sharing.

cityquilter grace said...

unfortunately nurses are often the only person a patient regularly communicates with during their stay and gets the brunt of fear, illness and loss...

martha said...

Leave the spout open where you fill the water. The spitting stops when spout left open . Try it.

Chantal said...

God bless you! ♥
Oh and love your flimsy too. ;^)

Sherrill said...

I don't think I could ever be nice to someone who was being as ugly as they were being! You definitely have a 'super power' and you were exactly what the dr. ordered!! You were put there for that reason. I don't know how you get everything done. Got some beauties there!

Karrin Hurd said...

What a great quilt and hats go off to you with your caring attitude with difficult people. Bless you for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Use distilled water in the Rowenta and it will not spit. Learned that long ago when another quilter counseled me. But one of my favorite irons cost $15 and came from Family takes anything and keeps on trucking. And I've used it for over eight years. Love your posts and that's how my day starts often. Getting older and much of my quilting happens "in the mind" and slow go limping alone often. I'm trying to graduate to making small stackable quilts since I'm 47 years in and too many quilts and need to use up stash but then Bonnie Hunter tells about a new mystery and off I go. I pray for my daughter when she comes to clean out my house..SIGH. Happy holidays to you and thanks for blogging.

Rose Marie said...

What a lovely top! Your setting strips are perfect for all different sized blocks.

Loris said...

I've used my Rowenta dry because of the spitting...interesting idea from Martha though. I'm going to try that.
Your new flimsy is wonderful. I love the AMERICA in it.
That was loving work with the stressed family. Serious illness/stress often doesn't bring out the best in us but your words and actions helped them tremendously.
Merry Christmas to you and that cute Rosie :-)

Lori said...

Whoop! Whoop! The top is super awesome!!

I bet you are a wonderful nurse!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your new flimsy!! and congrats on only 2 triangles left.
And wow - that is so amazing, I love that you could turn their attitudes around with just straight forward words - hugs!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on a great quilt top! I had to replace my iron last month. Never fun. Oh well, I got my $6 out of it (yipee for cheap Walmart irons). It's strange that some people think you will only do your best if you are threatened. They don't realize that threatening people makes it harder for them to do their best, not easier. Glad you loved them into some niceness.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...