Sunday, December 16, 2018

Flowers, and using what I have!!

 I have pulled out  my applique quilt from this year, a quilt along,  online with Lorraine Hoffman.  There are supposed to be tons of 1/2 square triangles of various sizes between the floral blocks, but I was not fancying them...and I thought...STRINGS!!  are always the answer!!!  In real life, these are very, very bright strings. I have strings, so I am using them! I tried to make this quilt, in the beginning, kind of a dull, more folk art quilt...
 BUT! the colors and the quilt dictated themselves, the noisy rascals!!  So I am going with the brights for the scrappy sashings.  Scraps call to me in a unique way, way more than new fabric off the shelf in a store.  I love them!!! And I  use them, too!
This is the next block that I appliqued today; the pineapple block.  So this is my slow stitching for today.

I am linking to Kathy, for my slow Sunday stitching HERE and

and Cynthia, for scrappy projects,  HERE.

*********************Housewife Chronicles*******************

Today, I gathered up laundry and washed and dried one load  of it.  I swept and mopped all the hard floors. I shook rugs, made lunch (leftovers so not hard, LOL!), and cleaned the mirrors in the bathrooms and the windows in the kitchen.  Now, I am off to vacuum, and dust, and I will probably scrub all the sinks and toilets.  And maybe that is enough for today.  My problem is that I have clutter...mostly my fault, with quilting projects...and I am working to finish things up, so that will be better!!

Let me know your best house keeping secret for a working lady?????  How do you keep your home immaculate, as I see in many of your pictures??  There are just so many hours in a day, and I WILL sew is my refuge and peace and fun!!  So how do you do it all?


Have a super day!



Lori said...

Immaculate? LOL not my house!

I love the strings you are adding to the flowers quilt. Definitely gives it some personality. I never loved mine that much and that is probably why....zzzz boring.

Enjoy the rest of you day.

swooze said...

Move everything out of the picture and hold the camera at the proper angle. Ta da!! No clutter!

Katie said...

My house can best be described as exactly opposite immaculate. Crop your photos well, that's how we do it! Clean a little, sew a's all about balance and being happy. If it's clean enough for you, it's clean enough for me. And I love the strings as sashing. Perfect choice!

Tired Teacher said...

❤️ the strings yore using for sashing! My house/apartment is anything but immaculate, but I do love my Roomba.

KaHolly said...

You certainly don’t see an immaculate hose in any of my pictures! But some look like they were taken right out of a magazine, don’t they? You are absolutely right, when in doubt, strings, strings, strings! And in your case, it’s an awesome combo!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Using bright strings is a brilliant idea. Scraps are always the best option.

Life is too short to be cleaning all the time. I choose what makes me happy!

Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

mckie2 said...

Cleaning lady! Best thing I ever did for myself. She comes once every 3 weeks and does the heavy stuff. I do what needs to be done in between times and my laundry. It's just me and 2 cats so nothing gets very dirty. There is still plenty of clutter around. I need to have my stuff around me. I have heard very good things about Roombas. Susan

Karrin Hurd said...

Great blocks, can’t wait to see it finished. My house is anything but immaculate right now. I have company coming on Thursday so am waiting to clean on Wednesday. Right now I have threads all over the carpets.

Julierose said...

Beautiful blocks and I love that little pineapple--the green leaves really make it and your colors are super hugs, Julirose

Janet O. said...

I have been a bit absent from blogs, but I have read your posts--just no time to comment. Absolutely love your nurse's notes, my dear!
Okay, that string sashing is brilliant. Perfect complement to these happy blocks!
I try to keep the front room picked up and neat, and hope no one wants to come any further into the house! LOL

Sue SA said...

Goodness me, I dont bother to try and have a perfect clean or neat home! Life is busy, messy and complex at times, the expectation of a immaculate house is unrealistic in my opinion, just as seeking perfection in other things (like my quilts) is unrealistic. I try the best I can, but really I cheat, I have a cleaner and the house stays clean for a day (sometimes two!) and I enjoy knowing that its done, then just get on with what I have to do to keep the house, garden and family operational and enjoy life!

Kyle said...

Those blocks look fabulous all tied together with strings

JustGail said...

I *like* the bright string blocks in your quilt!

Immaculate? I'm not familiar with that concept in regards to my housekeeping.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

My house has never been immaculate, and never will be. People 'live' in my house. All of us have a problem with clutter, too, which doesn't help. I can clean up my clutter, but I can't control hubby's, and his will NEVER go away. I finally gave in, and don't try so hard.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...