Friday, December 14, 2018

Hand quilting

 I finished the hand quilting on this one block wonder quilt.  I guess bubble pink is a favorite color of mine, because it just makes me happy!!  A heart seals the deal.
 I recently saw a quilt that I hand quilted about 15 years ago, and the stitches were tiny compared to what I do I trying to make my stitches smaller again. I embroidered the heart shape.
 I did get the fall table runner quilted as well.
Big stitches!!  That is super fun too...and plaids...what could possibly be better???

What quilt alongs are you going to participate in, in this coming year?  I would love to know...please share?

Have a great day,



WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful little piece and beautiful stitching. I do love to hand quilt, but I need to start using my machine so I can get more done.


Annie said...

Julie, your comment about the size of your stitches matches mine, discovered as I hand quilted a small quilt after a long hiatus from hand quilting. Hope it comes back!
Am going to make Pam Buda’s Circa 1880 quilt next year - with some trepidation. Simple block, but enough of them to challenge the availabile free time. Of course I’ll continue to make Bonnie Hunter’s Mystery, which has become as much a part of my Advent/Christmas season tradition as listening to Christmas carols.
Thanks for writing such a nice, interesting blog. Not only are you a fine quilter, but the epitome of what any patient could hope for in a nurse!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on your two adorable finishes!
I never plan to start a quiltalong... it just happens somehow! LOL
I'm doing Bonnie's mystery right now but don't have any plans after that!

KaHolly said...

Two sweet finishes! I haven’t committed to any quilt alongside as of yet. I don’t have a fabric fund to pull from this year, so if I do see what that tickles my fancy, it will have to work with scrappy. In the meantime, I have a few UFOs to pull out and finish up.

Tired Teacher said...

Love the pink! My quilting mojo took a vacation, but I hope it returns soon.

Loris said...

I love the plaid table runner. It's only big stitches for me. I cannot get the hang of hand quilting at all except for a very primitive big stitch which fortunately, I like :-)
Have a Merry Christmas, Julie! Hope you get some sweet time off with your family.

Julierose said...

Great finishes! ;))) I just really love the half-plate flower a basket..(do I always think of food?? lol)I also love the dbl pinks and have a hard time finding them...hugs, Julierose

Mary Ann said...

I stepped up to Bonnie Hunter;s newest mystery. I have 4 tops that each have homes when finished. I have pieced 3 of the backs and plan to baste them so when the holidays are over I can quilt them. Still making 2019 a year to finish tops and not add to the number. Mary Ann

Lori said...

My hand quilting stitch length on the cherry tree quilt is all over the place! When I'm consistent, they are decently small.

I'm hosting a stringalong and will likely make a couple of string quilts!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...