Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A milestone.

 Between yesterday and today's stitching time, I finished all the hand stitching and applique on this quilt, "Sweet Land of Liberty!"  I have all the sections sewn together now, and I will put a small border around the piecing.
 I had an empty spot on this quilt for a long time, and have thought a lot about what really should go there.  My dad was a World War Two veteran, and he both sold and wore poppies. I really didn't understand what that meant, when I was a little girl, but I do now.

The remembrance poppy is an artificial flower that has been used since 1921 to commemorate military personnel who have died in war.  

So...I used an already made block that looked like a poppy to me, and appliqued it down to the space on the quilt, and added a few embroidered words.

I am not sure about what color of small border to put around the body of the quilt...I will think about  that for a bit, and the answer will come to me.

I am very grateful to Lori, of Humble quilts, without whom I would have NEVER made this quilt, and also her group of intrepid quilt-alongers!!!  I do love this quilt so much!!!  There is much personal meaning here for me.



Chantal said...

Your solution to fill in the empty space is so well-thought. It would make your daddy proud, I'm sure. Very meaningful quilt ... and beautiful too. Enjoy! ;^)

cspoonquilt said...

What a wonderful quilt! And the poppy was a great addition! Happy Holidays! cheers.

Quilting Babcia said...

Beautiful quilt and a thoughtful remembrance of your dad.

Lori said...

Hooray! You did it and made it such a wonderful,personal quilt, just the way Cheri would have wanted you to! Love the addition of the poppy!

Sherrill said...

DANG!! You are on fire! What a wonderful finish and a beauty!

Tired Teacher said...

I ❤️ this quilt!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great work! I have always loved this quilt and look forward to working with Lori on it in the coming year!

Libby in TN said...

I like the bright fresh colors you used. It gives the quilt a completely different look.

Cathy said...

It's looking good. I love your personal design elements. Hugs

Anonymous said...

My grandmother was a Blue Star Mother, and we sold poppies for her group. I think it was on May 1st. We did that for a couple of years. That's beautiful quilt. Great job. Thanks for sharing and the mention of poppies. It brought back memories for me.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Another great quilt top. Congrats! Both of my grandfather's were in WWII, and one of them was also in WWI.

---"Love" said...

I knew you would finish that quilt in a special way, and you did, and with so much meaning! Great job! ---"Love"

Karen said...

Sweet Land of Liberty......a very good finish. I never have pulled mine out again to finish the lower right corner section. I don't even know where it is right now. Anyhow, so good that you stuck to the project and all looks so good.

Kyle said...

What a glorious finish and the poppy was the perfect addition.

Randy D. said...

I think everyone agrees that the poppy is a great addition to your quilt! BRAVO on the completion!

Robin said...

It really turned out great! I'm so glad you stuck in there and finished it up. The poppy is a nice touch.

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