Sunday, September 2, 2018

OH my goodness...finished at last!! Hurrah!!

 I am delighted to say that the Bitty Blocks row quilt top is in one piece!!  I have to say I have loved making this quilt...the different blocks in each row made it fun and not boring to piece the same blocks a zillion times,  because you were very soon on to the next row!  and of course I love using my scraps.  Much of this quilt came from the pre-cut bins.  I use Bonnie Hunter's scrap user system, as many of us do.  I secretly call our Bonnie, Bonnie-cakes....and I love her quilts and scrappy goodness!!

 Rosie is posing on the quilt...she is my best quilting helper.  Love her!!  I have found some pretty strong opinions of animals NOT being on quilts...but she is my darling girl, gets bathed regularly, and grooms herself much as a cat does, every day, and she does not shed, being a poodle.   She is cleaner than lots of humans, LOL!!!  So she can be on my quilts, for sure.  It is OK with me if you feel otherwise, and I am sure if she were running through the mud and the muck outside, I would feel much differently, LOL!
 Before Rosie...there was Rusty.  He was a darling poodle, too.  I found this old picture of him, and wanted to share it with you.  He was not as brilliant as Rosie, who has finished her PHD....Just bear with my jokes, will you??  Hahaha!  But he was a loyal and lovely companion for nearly 18 years.  He is in Doggy heaven, now.  Rosie is a very smart girl...I believe she is a poodle prodigy!
 These flowers were cut from my garden today.  Such pretty zinnias!!
God makes such beautiful things!!!



loulee said...

Wow! Your bitty quilt looks amazing.

GO STARS! said...

What a fun quilt! So many different things to look at and such a great use of scraps! I like your Rosie enjoying the quilt. My two kitties, Magnus and Klaus help me Quilt and are my constant companions. Our pets add so much to our days! And beautiful flowers from your garden.

Leeanne said...

Gorgeous quilt top Julie and your flowers are lovely too! My Bonnie Hunter scrap storage system is over flowing, time to make some quilts!

Kristy said...

I love your quilt! It is so pretty! Bonnie is an amazing person. Your helper is very cute too! Those flowers have the most beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing. God is good. K-

AnnieO said...

Just darling! So glad you are pleased with all these bitty rows.

I thank Bonnie's brain for helping me deal with my scraps and for 100 other hints and helps and her great can-do attitude.

Your home, your rules! Nothing is too precious for our cat to lie on, she certainly thoroughly inspects everything in the sewing room :)

Donna said...

Love your quilt; so happy, bright and fun! Well of course pets should be on quilts! They are part of our families!

KaHolly said...

Hurray for a wonderful, funderful finish! I absolutely love it! I love scrappy, I love row quilts, and I love color, does it get any better than that? Well done!

Little Penpen said...

Wow! that's an incredible quilt! Love your fur babies too.

Frog Quilter said...

Love your ittybits quilt. Beautiful and fabulous!

Quilting Babcia said...

Your bitty blocks quilt would be such a fabulous teaching quilt for a child, counting blocks, colors, shapes, etc. Plus it's just fun looking at it! Love your neon color zinnias too, they are so cheerful now that so many of the other flowers are winding down. We have almost all the quilts put away at the moment, our 15 month old puppy is a chewer though he's slowly getting better. But his favorite activity is a long slow swim in the creek followed by a good digging session!

Loris said...

How fun to see all those Bitty Blocks all sewn together and getting a Rosie blessing too! She is a lovely girl.

Anonymous said...

Bitty Blocks look fabulous.
As far as animals on things (quilts)...I prefer animals to people so there! Your fur babies are the sweetest.

Tired Teacher said...

Beautiful use of scraps! Wonderful to see Rosie again.

Kyle said...

Congrats on all those iddy biddy blocks. It's an awesome finish.

Chantal said...

Congratulations on the scrappy quilt. You did an excellent job. I love it. And Rosie too. Give her a big hug for me please. Hugs to you too. ♥ ;^)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Both of my sons will tell you that it isn't a real quilt until it has dog hair on it. I wash my quilts before I give them away, so, a little dog hair isn't too bad.

شركة المثالية said...
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Stephanie D said...

Love this quilt! So colorful and cheerful! Rosie has good taste! And the zinnias are gorgeous! Have a great day!

Quilter Kathy said...

Your Bitty Blocks quilt is spectacular! I love it!
And I love the nickname you have given Bonnie :)
Of course our pets and babies will be on our quilts... that's what they're for!!

Elaine Adair said...

Uh oh, bitty Blocks got past my viewing! How cute! So much to look at, to compare, to admire, to figure out, and the colors are clear and lovely. Great job! ElaineAdair

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...