Monday, June 11, 2012

Those Strings are taking over!

 Well, remember those string rectangles?  I made 96 of them...a12x8 setting.  Am I out of strings?  NO, but the box is about 1/3 full now.  I have been thinking of a applique border, and this is what I came up with.  The leaves are strings too, panels of strings sewn together, then leaves cut out from them.  As you see, I have one border still to prep with more leaves.
 I like the movement of the chevrons, it is fun looking at the wiggles!!
 The hearts are string too, sewn together, then the heart cut out.  String blocks finish the corners.  Now all this still has to be hand stitched down, so there is quite a little bit of work left to do.  I am putting a scrappy binding too, little bits of binding from all my other quilts.  I love scraps!!
 The strings laid out, in the contemplation phase of what to do next...before the borders were born.
In the string box were some little squares.  Not strings!  and an odd size...What is a girl to do?? I couldn't just leave them in there, LOL!! So I made this little quilt for fun.  I have seen several similar small quilts on the blogs this spring, so thank you all for the inspiration!

Hey...would anyone be willing to part with strings and scraps, in trade for collections or bundles?  I just don't use them, I always turn toward the little pieces.  Just seeing of there is any interest, if you are not a scrapper...maybe we could trade!!

OK, well, have a great day to all!!  Too many projects and not enough hours!!

Julie K


Lori said...

You are a crazy stringer!! Any colors or sizes of scraps? No need to swap, mine will be on the way this week. I rec'd the block for my birthday quilt! Yay! Thanks! I am thrilled to have a block from you in my birthday quilt.

Vicki W said...

Oh my, I'm having big love for that quilt. That border is perfect!

~Joan said...

Such a lovely quilt from the humblest strings!

Loris said...

Love your strings and applique! what an inspiration!

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

I LOVE your stringy quilt and those beautiful appliqued borders really set the center off. But.... but can I say I'm not as wild about the corners?? You put those beautiful borders on and because they're med-dark colors the stringy corners seem to pull your eyes away from them and center part of the quilt. Please don't be mad, just saying what caught my eye.

regan said...

Those borders are perfect for this quilt! It's awesome in every way! And I love that little quilt, too! Sweet! You are such an inspiration to us.....use up every little piece! :o)

Pam in KC said...

I love your string quilt! I may have to copy it, but I've got tons of stuff in the queue before I get that far.

Unknown said...

I love your quilt. I know what you mean about the strings taking over, I have already done several string quilts, and more to go. Somehow, I can't seem to not be able to let go of any strip of fabric -sigh-, and I am loving your pieced applique borders!

Merilyn said...

Wow! Your string quilt is looking fab!!!! Love the border too, frames the whole piece beautifully!!! You come up with some really creative solutions, nice work!!!!!

Deanna said...

I would trade strings. Lately it is charms that have caught my eye. Anyway, let me know if you still have some to share.

Linda said...

Love the string quilt and applique boarder. Something about the corners just don't do it for me.

Karen said...

The applique border pulls all the scrappy string blocks together. Good choice.

Pat said...

How clever of you to make your applique pieces from strings, too!!! I love it!!! I can probably send you some strings, too, and wouldn't need anything in return. Let me get beyond my granddaughter's next visit and then remind me, okay?

SubeeSews said...

HI! I am willing to trade strings with you. My string bags seem to never go down. I have them all by color now. And I love your quilt. Is there a pattern out there? Or is it your own design? Are you the Julie I met at Shipshewanna?

WoolenSails said...

I love how it came out and it looks beautiful with the border around it.


Julianne said...

Oh its beautiful! I love all the bright colors and the dancing strings...what fun, and that appliqued border, you GO GIRL!!

Shari said...

Brilliant quilt. Love that border. Another winner!

Anita in Florida said...

OMG...I love everything about your quilt...the applique border is to die for. Just usual! I'm in awe of all you do!!

Kathy said...

Your quilt is wonderful, and the applique border is perfect for it. Great job using up your strings!

Terry said...

I really need to get busy using up my tub of strings! Your quilt looks great, especially that pretty border! :0)

Lois Arnold said...

Oh, Julie! It is stunning! I absolutely Love it!

Quilter Kathy said...

It's fabulous!
I could send you some strings. I got a big bag from a quilting friend and I am sure I will never use it all, so would love to share :)

Amelia said...

Love the border - what an excellent idea.

Karen said...

This quilt just keeps getting better - I love the way this one's turning out!!

Smiley Quilter said...

I LOVE your string leaves and hearts; what a great idea. I love strings but have been trying to finish some other quilts. As you say there is not enough hours in hth day(although it might help if I got off the computer)

Janet O. said...

Yet again, another beautiful string quilt from the amazingly stringy Julie K! What a clever border, too. Just perfect.
I will see if I have some strings I can send your way--I don't do much with strings but I do have some around here somewhere. I'll get them sent off this week.
Cute little quilt, too!

Jeanneke said...

What a beautiful quilt, especially the borders! Great job!



Sue SA said...

Love the borders, inspiring me to get back to my own string quit!

jirons42 said...

What a wonderful new idea for a string quilt. I love it!!

loulee said...

I love your scrappy quilts.
What size pieces would you like? I'll trade.

Leeanne said...

Are you STRINGING me on? This is amazing....another LOVE IT!!

BeckyK said...

I absolutely love your quilt. What a great border!!! Thanks for sharing!

Robert said...

Love your scrappy chevron quilt with the applique. What a great idea.

Love scraps. Always going into shops asking if they sell them and is amazing how different shops sell them. Love it when they have a tub and a gallon ziplock bag for a couple dollars. My wife love to stack and roll the fabric tight to get all my little gems in it. (Some places have pieces the size of fat quarters in the tub.) Love the colors! If you let me know your address, I can send you some to see what they are worth? Any minimum width? I just hate to put them in the garbage.

Nicky said...

I am predictable! I love the rectangles and the addition of the applique - sorry string applique!

I prefer scraps too I have to say - so much more interesting!

Kim said...

will you do raw edge applique or turn all these shapes under?

I'd love to do some trading with you........tell me more :0)

Happy Sewing

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

You are so talented :) Love your string quilt and the appliqué border is the perfect finishing touch.

Rose Marie said...

Can we say 'awesome'! Love, love, love what you are doing!!!!!

Angie said...

It is fabulous, Julie!! :D Super job, girly.

Nifty Quilts said...

Beautiful quilt! Your appliqué border is a brilliant addition.

KaHolly said...

Stunning! I was just looking in my 1.5" strip basket and I think they multiplied while I was away for the winter!

Browndirtcottage said...

This is such an awesome quilt! The colors just pop!


Renate Bischoff said...

How beautiful! What a great use for scraps!

Sandra Kaye said...

Looking great!! Love the heart border :):) Hugs

Alyssa said...

One of the best quilts I've seen. The blocks are perfect. Love it! I'll be stalking you, hope you don't mind. God bless! :)

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Mary said...

LOL! You are such a string a ding! Gorgeous, gorgeous! I love your strings! Darn, I'm behing on my blog! I need to post pics of my bag and my hexies!

Anonymous said...

This is SO why I love your blog. Seemingly a few days after seeing the start of some fun chevron string blocks you add a ton of new blocks AND a stunning, sparkly, super, string applique leaf border. Love the hearts too! Be still my heart!

Hugs, Roxanne (in Virginia)

Wonky Girl said...

Another great quilt by you! I'm loving the string pieced applique. Another inspiration.
Thanks for sharing all the photos :)

MARCIE said...

Julie, Julie, that is one fantastic string quilt! I am seriously crazy about it! And your border is great. You are amazing!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Now that is such a creative string quilt, I love it!

charity-crafter said...

I'd love to trade with you. I have a ton of strings and scraps.

I make quilts for charity and the group I sew with found me one day digging through the trash for the really good pieces they had thrown out.

Now they just collect all their scraps as they go along and hand me bags every month or so.

Yes, you can have too many scraps.

Vic in NH said...

Your chevrons design is quite beautiful; so much movement to it! If you still are taking names to swap for strings, I'm available, too. Just tell me how to get your address and I'll mail you some of mine.

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