Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are you right or left leaning??

 HI Y'all.  You know, I never, ever would have said Y'all...ever.  Then I moved to Texas, and by golly, I am saying it!!  Above are the rectangle blocks...they are the most fun ever!!  Just grab a strip and sew one on, flip and sew another on.  Try for a 45 degree angle, but don't stress over it...Yahoo!!!  Not a political statement, but I realized after the first few blocks that every other block had to be "stripped" to the left or right, so the quilt would zig zag.
 The rectangles are 4x8 inches.  Looks kind of Gee's bend-ish or something,  yes?
 I am not without companionship while I quilt...Here is Rosie Posie Pudding Pie, the best poodle on the whole block!!  (May be the only one...)  She is so cute...see how little she is?  I thought it was cute that she was holding on to her toy and snoozing.  And her hair ribbons have been in a whole day, but they won't last much longer, I am sure,  LOL!
And this pretty fellow!  He was on the wall, by the garden...isn't he a lovely green?

Have a great day, all!!!



Richard Healey said...

I love the picture of the lizard. I use to love chasing them as a kid. Oh while back to quilting.


Kristi said...

Love the picture of your poodle with her toy while she sleeps....so cute!

Nancy said...

Rosie is so precious! Have you had her two years?

Browndirtcottage said...

....cool quilt!!!


Quilter Kathy said...

Rosie is so adorable...what a cute photo!
I say "y'all" frequently and I've never lived anywhere near Texas! Love the string quilt!

Anonymous said...

Love your string quilt

Libby said...

Those puppies do love their toys *s*

Darlene said...

I'm from Texas and say y'all all the time. Recently some friends laughed at me because I said "all y'all" LOL

Loving those strings.

Oh, Rosie Posie is adorable.

~Joan said...

I definitely lean to the right! Your zigzag quilt is soooo neat...like a library of your strings.

Another good idea to store away for a future quilt. Getting THAT close to a lizard? NOT a good idea.

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Julie, Not sure I could quilt with the green looking over my shoulder. Quilt looks great.

ria vogelzang said...

Little Rosie is adorable! And I love your zig-zag-blocks! Looks like great fun.

Nicky said...

Tcha you just don't stop with those strings - trouble is I want to make them all and just cannot keep up! Pinterest is fun - oops I have one of yours pinned Julie!


Saska said...

I think ya'll is just part of our vocabulary.
I haven't done any strings in awhile, need to get back to them.

I'll take the lovable pooch, but keep the green critter.

Lori said...

Everything about this post is sweet!I've got to start setting aside time to sew....

Darcie said...

How fun! (Rectangles are so under-rated...sad) I love yours!

Aw, Rosie...what a snuggly cutie! She sure has been a Godsend to you, hasn't she!

I found a heart-esque rock yesterday on my walk...thought of you. ;]

Pat said...

Love Rosie sound asleep with her toy cuddled close to her! I've made some rectangular string blocks...using dryer fabric softener sheets as the "foundation". I like the idea of doing a "zig-zag" arrangement with them! Thanks for showing that!!!!

Lois Arnold said...

I'm loving the chevron string quilt! I used to tell my Southern cousins that I wasn't an "all" when they said y'all, that I was just one person. LOL Many years later in Iowa, there were those who said youse -- much more disturbing!

Binsa said...

Hi Julie, lovely string quilt....love the picture of sweet Rosie....Hugs O'faigh

Debi said...

I always lean to the left...as I am left handed. Love your strings, they are so bright and cheerful. Such a cute puppy.

Teresa said...

Those blocks would be fun to play with!

Jan said...

Your Rosie is just the sweetest! I love your "leaning" quilt.

Jan said...

Your Rosie is just the sweetest! I love your "leaning" quilt.

Becky said...

That is the sweetest photo of Rosie and her toy. Neat chevron blocks!

Marie said...

So beautiful! The border is gorgeous, especially those hearts.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...