Monday, June 25, 2012

LIttle Bitty Stars need help!

 HI Y'all!  I am working on the little stars; in fact, all the stars are made...all 120 of them.  So yahoo!  Only scraps were used in these, so you may recognize some of the fabrics in the stars.  I am at a loss of how to set them together.  I think I want them on point, and thought a plain cream would be the perfect foil to set off all the very different, scrappy stars.  It looked yucky!  So I thought...maybe pink?  I just put half of the pinks in place...what do you think?
 See how each star kind of stands on it's own?  I want all those little buddies to shine!  I think maybe the pink steals the show, above? Hmmmm...
Here are the latest stars, the last ones.  Please help if you have an opinion....

Hey, want to know a weird thing?  The old fellow I met at the hospital, the one with the wooden leg?  Guess who goes to our church!?  He was there last Sunday!  It is a big church, and I swear, it is hard to know a fraction of the people who go there!!

Have a great day!



Lori said...

How about a zig zag setting?

Janet O. said...

I really like the trip around the world-ish setting in your first photo, but if you want the stars to steal the show, I do agree that the pink is too strong. I also like the every-other-row approach you have used with the colors on the setting squares. Have you tried a muted shade of something like blue? I don't know--I would have to experiment. Lori's zigzag setting would be fun, too.

Sue H said...

I really like the one with the pink. I think it makes a really pretty quilt. It would be fun to see a softer color in place of the pink, but I think the pink one is pretty fun. Can't go wrong, though, cuz those stars are adorable!

Missy Shay said...

I like it with the pink, I think it really makes the stars pop!

FeatherDuster said...

I like it with the pink.

Angie said...

I really like the pink in there, Julie. :)

Angie said...

Oooooh, I just checked out Lori's 'zig zag' stars setting---I REALLY like that idea... :D

jan goerke said...

The first setting is the best. Yes, I know that's carpet showing but a fabric that color set just like that would be my choice.

Leeanne said...

Ok here's my pennies worth.....
What about a brown to replace the pink? I like the setting, but I'm with you, the pink steals the show. If it was for a girl I would say go for the pink.

Kim said...

I love the pink setting in the first picture, when it popped up on my side bar I couldn't wait to come over and have a look. Adorable!
You can't go wrong with stars, any setting you decide on is going to be a winner.....but I do like the pink very much.

Happy Sewing

paulette said...'s my 2 cents worth...if the quilt is for a little girl then go with the pink...if not then ditch the pink fast! I love that setting but perhaps with scrap browns/beiges or greens or blues...otherwise I really like just the stars or the stars on point and the carpet(ie substitute the carpet for a beige or beige/brown scrappy) Sorry I'm not a pink lover...unless I someday get a pink grandbaby! :o)
Good luck!

Vicki W said...

I generally hate pink jusr because I hate it but I like it here. I like the idea of the pink theway you have it witha tan or cream in the other spaces. I absolutely love an on point setting regardless of what you do.

Robert said...

Yes, I like it on point. Pink is okay, but if you had a lighter pink try it. On a mini-Dresden plate, I hand appliqued them down on white and used a yellow in the open areas. Was very striking. What ever you decide, it will be great. From northern Iowa....

Merilyn said...

I like the stars on point! I also like the pink, but not all over, maybe as you have them set out in two rounds, and put something else in the centre round, something a little more subtle!! It's looking great anyway you look at them, I love them!!!!

Tammy said...

I like the stars on point. I also love the pink. On the other squares that are "blank" what if you added a turquoise or robin's egg blue?

WoolenSails said...

I like them on point and the cream, but not all red. I do like the idea of a red on the inside and then one on the outside?


PeggyB said...

I like the pink, but agree with others that it would look good alternating with another color, rather than all pink.

Annette said...

I really like how it looks now...part pink and part cream (the carpet actually). Quite nice I think.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love the on pointe setting...what about a black or brown alternate block? I do really like the pink though :)

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

Perhaps on point but with a darker color in between the rows of stars? Light colors will make the stars fade away. I am thinking a dark neutral (black, gray, tan). Now I will follow your blog to see what you decided to do with them! Check out my own quilting adventures at, and maybe you will follow me, too! Have a productive week!

AnnieO said...

They are very pretty stars. The pink is pretty, but you know what, I like that taupe color of your carpet to set off the very light background of the stars too :)

Nicky said...

They have to be on point Julie - they do look so much more sparkly that way!

And I love the pink !

Nicky said...

Actually I am surprised there are no strings in the quilt! Teehee!

Grit said...

Super, ich mag die erste Variante sehr.
Liebe Grüße Grit

KaHolly said...

Wow! That first setting is the one!

Sue SA said...

I love them on point, but zig zag could work too! I get different fat quarters out and audition them, often grey/blue is good or a dark green as it doesn't draw your eye away from the stars of the show!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures on point as in the top picture. What about adding a different color block in the open areas where you haven't put pink blocks yet. You can have the inner row of pink squares, then another color, then back to the pink squares?

Debbie J said...

I agree Ms. Julie that the pink steals the show! Maybe light squares would let the colors in the stars pop!

Pat said...

I like the first one better than the second. The stars still popped to me...even with that strong pink. I say....go with what YOU like the best and never mind all the many different suggestions we all make here. LOL

Me and My Stitches said...

It's so hard to know without just auditioning - but I would love to try black and see what happens. Love all of your stars!

Linda O said...

On point is wonderful! Maybe give the zig zag setting a try and see if you like that any better?

Rose Marie said...

I like your layout with the pink (or another colour if you prefer) exactly where you have it and then a beige for the areas that don't have pink. Then for the setting triangles, go with the beige and then may pink for the border.

By having the two colours for the alternate squares, it gives your quilt a whole different look.

Anonymous said...

How about going the Amish route, using black or maybe a navy or very dark blue. That might make the stars really "pop". I also prefer the on point setting, too.

Anonymous said...

I like the stars on point and sorry...I like the white squares in between. So clean and precise and gives all the glory to the stars. The pink is..........too pink.

Just Ducky said...

I think the problem is there is not enough contrast between the pink and the background of the stars - I would actually suggest trying black to make the star blocks pop.


Ulla's Quilt World said...

That is so lovely! :)
Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)

Lois Arnold said...

Though I like the zig zag setting Lori suggested, I would opt for a softer color (pink or not) and the beige as the alternating color. I like the setting where the pink is with the carpet showing through, the pink is just a tad dark. It will be lovely whatever you choose!

Jeanne said...

I love the look of your pink. Perhaps a softer shade? I would also like the round inbetween to be a different color. It's a marvelous quilt, Julie.

Barb said...

Oh wow....I love your stars!!!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Holy cow you don't need my opinion...but I like the very first picture...that is the most striking and tradtional to me...and I love it. :)

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