Friday, June 22, 2012

Finshed my latest string top!! Yahoo!

 Good morning, all!  I finally got all the blanket stitch applique done on my latest string adventure.  It was great fun to do, fun and fast, just a pleasure in every way!  Thanks to everyone for your support and comments, and for those who swapped scraps for fabric with me.  I am really enjoying this quilt a lot!
 Another view...
 You may or may not remember that I was making tiny stars, 4 inch stars, about a year ago.  I have been plugging along on that, and now only have 34 more to go!  My friend Joan sent me some stars, I can pick hers out right away, by the pretty fabrics...thanks Joan!!
 Rosie the quilt model has stepped up her demands for modeling for me.  She wants a designer to design her collars, and a caterer brought in to support her strict dietary standards...models these days are kind of tough to work with!!  Only the best for Rosie!!
And all that modeling work made her tired, so she hopped up to the top of the couch for a little beauty rest...

******************************Nurse's Notes****************************

I met a gentleman in the hospital at work, and he was an inspiration.  Now, I talk to everyone...kind of part of being a it was no surprise that I spoke to this gentleman.  An older fellow, he had an artificial leg from the hip down.  He rapped on it and said "I am just fine" when I asked him how his day was.  So he proceeded to tell me that he had lost his leg to bone cancer 30 years prior, and has never looked back, works out each day, eats right...and generally told me "I refused to be a victim to this".  I just loved his fighting spirit, and gentle humor...what a great inspiration he was to me!!   Just a moment, but a good one...




Nancy said...

A positive attitude/outlook is a one of the best "medicines" for the body.

Love your quit and your stars, both quilty and furry!

Vicki W said...

Love the string quilt and all those stars are awesome!

Browndirtcottage said...

Woo Hoo Yipee!!! A finish!!! And a VERY good one I might add!


Sue H said...

The borders on the string quilt are AWESOLME! Love that quilt.

MB in MI said...

What a truly beautiful quilt!! And you and the older gentleman's story have helped me more than you know--thankyou.

Darlene said...

LOVE your strings, Julie!

Thank you for sharing the older gentleman's story - a lesson for so many.

~Joan said...

Am *I* the Joan? I think I remember sending you some stars, but that seems like a lot longer than a year ago! What are you going to do for alternate blocks? It looks fantastic. I love the variety of light to dark and the darker background on some. OH, and the nearly disappearing ones with low contrast!

Grit said...

Sehr schön.
Dem Hund scheint es auch zu gefallen.
Liebe Grüße Grit

Karen said...

I like that even the leaves on the string quilt are made from strings.

Janet O. said...

I love the blanket stitch around your appliqued border. It fits well with the "folksy" string quilt, I think. This turned out just wonderful--as do all of your string (and other) quilts.
Those stars are so cute--going to be another great quilt. Are your setting blocks going to be solid, or do you have something else in mind?
I love the attitude of the man you met. We could all use more of that, I think.
(Models can be so temperamental.)

McIrish Annie said...

The borders really make this quilt. I love that they are strings! beautiful job!

Leanne said...

Love the border on your string quilt and stars ooh my they make me melt.
Love the mans out look on life awesome!
Love Leanne

Anonymous said...

Beautiful string quilt!
I wish I had your talent, God has truly blessed you.

Lois Arnold said...

Wonderful string quilt! Can't wait to see the stars all done!

Sharon said...

Your quilts are fab. Cheers to the man in the hospital. I have always disliked the word Survivor, I've blogged about this before. He sounds like a Thriver to me. C is something that happens to someone, it's not something that defines someone. "Victim" is such a huge word to overcome if you allow it to define you.I'm glad you shared this story.

Karen said...

Your string quilt if fantastic!! I think it wants to come live at my house :).

Quilter Kathy said...

Another awesome Julie quilt! And modeled by the adorable Miss Rosie! If you work her that hard, you'll have to pay her overtime wages!

Merilyn said...

Your string quilt is a credit to you and your creativity - just love that border treatment!!!!
A yummmy collection of star blocks too, they will make up into something wonderful, Miss Rosie is awfully cute!!!!!

paulette said...

Love your moment...I bet you have a million of them!! Also your string quilt is the added just the right zing to it!!

Lori said...

Stars are always my favorite and your look wonderful! Love your string quilt- another amazing one!

Lori said...

PS, Love your patient's attitude!!

Deanna said...

Those strings look great! What a pretty quilt.

Angie said...

Julie, you have outdone yourself again, girl!! Your string quilt is GORGEOUS! :) Those stars are real cuties, too. Your patient is another 'angel' stopping by to cheer you on. :)

Angie said...

Julie, you have outdone yourself again, girl!! Your string quilt is GORGEOUS! :) Those stars are real cuties, too. Your patient is another 'angel' stopping by to cheer you on. :)

Leeanne said...

What a cool man you met!!
LOVE the quilt! If had known you were doing a scrap quilt for this one I would have helped.
now you've got me wanting to make another string quilt!

Taryn said...

I like your stars and they look good against your rug. I am working on my own star blocks and am thinking of using a background kind of like the color of your rug. I liked your story of the man you met. My experience is that not all nurses are so conversational so I give you three cheers for being one who is.

Mary said...

I think this is my favorite string quilt yet! I've been saving up strings now. Those NS tubs are sure coming in handy! Later girl!

pcflamingo said...

Love your string quilt - it looks like a happy box of crayons! Your quilt model is so helpful :D

Donna Keating said...

Charming quilts. Love your patient's attitude. What a blessing.

Jeanne said...

Julie, you make the best scrap quilts! Thanks for sharing the story, too.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Love,love, love your string quilt, and your inspiration story... I'll remember him today!

Darcie said...

Little Rosie...what a princess! ;]

Love your latest string "adventure!" The applique is darling. (And speaking of applique...guess what is on my quilt machine, ready for some "attitude!") ;]

Love your nurse's note, too. What an inspiration he is! I hope he shares his story with many...we could all use a little nudge like that at some point.

Happy day to you, my dear!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Love your string top!~ and those stars are so cute! Have a happy week!

The Calico Cat said...

I dreamt abiout that top quilt this weekend - I love how you did the borders!

Mystery quilt and more

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