Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Another Option??

 Well, another option...a straight set!  I may well chose this, because I am setting the little nine patches I am making on point...what do you think?  Would this solve the problem of not overwhelming the stars?  I like the fact that you can still see all the fun and funky fabrics, some quite old, and all scraps!!
Speaking of scraps...Lori sent me some of her wonderful scraps!  Included was a block, fused to the background.  I blanket stiched around the pieces, then quilted it in a crosshatch pattern, making a pillow.  I don't think you can see the quilting very well...OK, Miss Lori...do you want it back?? 

Have a great day, all!!!



Sallie said...

I like this option the best!

WoolenSails said...

I do like your new version and those blues really set off the colors nicely.


Leeanne said...

Yes I like it!
stunning cushion

mkhquilts said...

Yes!! I liked the idea of the pink with the Boston commons type setting, but I like this one even more! That blue (teal?) looks great!

Janet O. said...

I like the stars in this simple setting with the blue. It lets the stars be the stars, ya know? : )
Love the pillow!

AnnieO said...

That's a really lovely blue shade and definitely doesn't overwhelm your pretty scrappy stars.

Love the pillow!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Still love that first option in the last post best...but that is just me. After all, YOU have to live with it not me! (Although you can totally feel free to send the quilt my way when you're done...no matter what option you choose!)

Helen in the UK said...

Oh yes, I'm liking the straight set :)

ria vogelzang said...

That's also a very nice looking option! But I just had a peek at the zig-zag-starquilt at humble-quilts....... That just looks stunning!!
But whatever you decide; your little stars are so pretty!!! They shine!
Love from the Netherlands!

Teri said...

That is a nice option. I had thought about that with a trip around the world setting. I do like the on point option as well. I think it will look great with whatever option you choose.

KaHolly said...

That's the one!! Aren't scraps wonderful? I was given a couple of small bags full by an elderly friend and it has been so much fun working with some of the 'vintage' pieces!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great....but I'm pretty easy to please, since I don't really know what I'm doing yet. =)

~Joan said...

Since you're in experiment mode anyway, give this a try...flip every other row of HSTs around so each star row is in a "stripe" of blue. I think that would add the last VA VA VA voom to your top.

Karen said...

The setting with the pink fabric in the previous post would make me happiest....I think.
The pillow is my style for sure! Love it.

Kathy said...

It looks great! My first thought was what Joan suggested above - flip one row of HSTs around and see if you like the stripe effect. I think that would look neat, too.

Kim said...

I think the blue is more dominate than the pink and takes my eye away from the stars :0)

I know, make more stars you have some real winning ideas here!

Happy Sewing

Linda O said...

Another great option! Your little starts just twinkle! Fun, fun pillow!! Great job!

Quilter Kathy said...

Perfect! And Lori's block is now a sweet treasure!

Sheila said...

I am seeing the blue here more so than the stars but whatever you decide I am sure it will be lovely !!

Nancy said...

I like this setting more than the pink. I think you will also like the movement the blue blocks give to the quilt

Jeanne said...

This is a pretty blue, but I like the pink better. And I'm not a pink person. VBG Whatever you choose, it will look spectacular.

Libby said...

Am I too late to weigh in? I like the red version from the previous post . . . and not just because it's red *s*

regan said...

I know it's no help, but I've really liked all 3 options you've just shown! The pink with alternating cream rounds was great....I didn't think the pink stole the show. I liked the simple on-point with cream, too. And this half square with blue is beautiful, too! My first thought was that the blue might be too dark, but then I really looked at it, and it pulls the blues from the stars very nicely.....so it doesn't steal the show, either!

I like them all! See....no help! Sorry! lol

Lois Arnold said...

Yes, love it! This is a great option!

Just Ducky said...

I like this option too, but how about turning the hst blocks so they create alternating blue and white stripes across the quilt?

Lori said...

Too funny! I thought about not sending that block! lol I made another one and put it in a quilt, so I am thrilled you found a use for it.
I love the setting for your blocks! The color is quite wonderful too!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...