Monday, February 20, 2012

Sonoma Rose...a giveaway!!

HI Y'all!! I was privileged to have a chance to review the latest Elm Creek Quilt novel by Jennifer Chiaverini!! As many of you know, Jennifer has written many books...wonderful books...including quilting how-to books as well!! I wish you all would have nudged me before about her...I love her writing, based on this book! Now I am going to have to go to the library and check out all her books there...but I checked Amazon, and all of them are there too. So, I can see some book shopping in my future!

This book is about prohibition...which caught my eye, as I have some (ahem) distant relatives that were bootleggers in prohibition times. It is about strength of character, courage, and making it in tough times, running a vineyard in the 1920's. The 1920's are an interesting period...kind of after World War 1, and before the great depression. Lots of income...lots of pianos, and big ticket items for homes were purchased in these years...that is why you see so many old upright pianos from this time period. But I digress...this book can be yours! Just leave me a comment, and I will choose a winner by random drawing on Thursday and send the book to you! It is a hard cover book, not even published yet...very cool!

OK then!! The Patient Strings top is together! Oh how I loved making this, it was super easy and super fun! NO matchy-matchy, just sew and go and have a blast...that is how I roll!! Too bad it did not even make a dent in my string stash...sigh...

So, this was going to be the border...and it just does not work at all. The diagonal lines are just I am doing string blocks, smaller, as the border, keeping with the diagonal lines. I like it much better!! And I have so many more ideas for string quilts...seems like I just love working with my scraps, and those collections and matching fabrics? (I really don't have too much of this type of stash) Not used at all! I guess they are aging...

So the discarded string border of the above quilt? Became this table runner! Really, I have learned something about strings and scraps working with these blocks...if you pair the string blocks with a grey-tone or dull print, the whole piece becomes grayed...if you put something quite bright with the strings, all the colors are accentuated and brought out...I love that!

OK, so I have started something new...what is this, you might ask? You know the Civil War Bride's quilt? I have lusted after it for years...and decided enough is enough, I am making one! Karen Mowery, of Sew Primitive quilts, wrote a pattern book with the patterns for this quilt!! I just so admire her work, and when I found out she had written this book, I snatched it up. It has become my Jubilee quilt...a celebration of turning 50 years old, very soon. Lori of Humble Quilts started a blog featuring ladies who are making Jubilee quilts...please click here.

Here is Karen's is so cool!

Fifi! Of Romania! You won the cross stitch kits from last post...just e-mail me your address and I will send them off. I have never sent anything to fun!



Leeanne said...

hey Jennifer's book sounds very interesting, is it not part of the Elm Creek series?
Loving your stringy border. I was interested to read your thoughts on fabrics to go with string blocks.

Loris said...

Book reviewing is a fun treat, isn't it? I'm having the same opportunity this week too and I love it! I wonder if there are any bootleggers in my family heritage though I'm not sure any were that adventurous :-)
Your string border looks wonderful! Hope you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

Definitely sounds like a good book. I have a couple of her earlier ones but haven't kept up. I need to! Your string border looks great!

Deb said...

I have read all her books that my Library has. I love them all. This one sounds really good. Your string quilt looks great.

Finn said...

Hey Julie, and off you go on another adventure! The Bride's Quilt sounds lovely. Applique is definitely NOT on any list of mine, but I'm sure you will have a wonderful quilt. I like it, just not making it!
I've read most of Jennifer's books and she has written many. Try to read them in order if you can, it helps. Regarding the string blocks you considered for border...I used a similar block(except with a 4.5" square and the 2 triangles) on a scrappy 9 patch quilt. For the heck of it, try laying it against the quilt with the light side to the outer might find it more favorable. Just sayin'...Big hugs, Finnie XXX

Sallie said...

I would love to win Jennifer's new book. Thanks for the chance!

Lori said...

So much cool stuff going on here!! Woo-hoo! You've started on your brides quilt!! I love it! I've been working on my Jubilee quilt as well.
I really like the Sonoma Rose book. I didn't think i would:)

LesQuilts said...

Hi Julie!
Thanks for the giveaway! I love Jennifer's books! Your string quilt is coming along, I saw what you meant about losing the diagonal lines, the other border seemed to emphasize individual blocks vs the whole quilt! The runner looks exactly like it should be! Adorable!
Take care, Leslie

Binsa said...

I am a great fan of Jennifer's a chance to win Sonoma Rose,enjoyed your post Julie, catching up on your projects, Hugs O'faigh

Anonymous said...

Just when I thought I was nearly done with her books, she comes out with another!! Love them too.

blessings, jilly

Michele said...

I'd love a chance to win Jennifer's new book. I have all the other books in hard cover, and love to read them. It's been a few years, so I best start over with book 1. Thank you. Michele G

Sharon said...

Love your strings. Sounds like the book is a winner!

Humbolt, the troll said...

Would love to read the book, quilting and reading are my two favorite pasttimes.

Brenda said...

I would love to win this book.Thanks for the chance.

Denise in PA said...

Yay! I love all of Jennifer's books and I'm sure I would love this one. Thanks so much!

Kaaren said...

I've read all of the Elm Creek books and look forward to reading this one too, Julie. And if I'm the lucky one, I will pass it on to another Jennifer Chiaverini fan after I;ve read it.

Donna S. said...

Thank you for the chance to win the book!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu adoraria ganhar este livro,já ouvi sobre autor,mas não tenho nada dela,ainda...Obrigada.

Regina said...

oohh... a book would be good!!!

Marcia W. said...

If win, this will be my first Elm Creek book. Thanks for the hints on string quilts. Brights make the difference is a good one to remember.

paulette said...

Love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!
LOve the string quilt and really like the border...very creative of you!

Janet O. said...

Another great string quilt, Julie! Your point about the type of fabric used in the border is well taken. Something I hadn't thought about before.
Would love a chance at the book. Saw Jennifer at a book signing last year and she talked about researching for this book. Very interesting.

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

these books are just so fabulous, I am sure this is going to be another great read!

nlcalendar said...

I enjoy Jennifer's books and would love to win this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

Edna said...

~Love Jennfer Chiaverini's quilt novels.~ I've read eight so far and they were hard to put down while reading. Thanks for the chance to win her latest.

marie said...

Jennifer's new book sounds very interesting, would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.

scottylover said...

Love Jennifer's books and I too have distant relatives who allegedly made their living in the "shine" business! Please count me in on the drawing!

Sandy A

canuckquilter said...

I would love to win the book. I've enjoyed every Jennifer Chiaverini book I've read so far. Love your string piecing!

Vivian said...

I see on Amazon that this is a big, thick book. I always enjoy having one of those around. I've read several of Jennifer C's books, and this sounds like another good one. Historical fiction is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.

My bin of strings is overflowing. I need to do something special with them, just as you did.

mtquilter said...

I'd love a chance to win the book. I've read most of the Elm Creek series although I think I'm a little behind. I love your string blocks...don't you just love scrap quilts! I made a quilt last year with friendship triangles and love the scrappy look even more now. I wish I had thought to make a jubilee quilt when I turned 50. I guess I could make would have probably taken me 5 years to make it anyway!

Dar said...

You are a girl after my own heart on 2 accounts -- first I love Jennifer's books, have read most of them and would love to win her latest, and secondly -- most of my favorite quilts that I've made are "scrappy quilts" using my older fabrics with a few new ones thrown in. Evelyn Sloppy is in my library too. Also like Bonnie Hunter's scrap ideas. Keep the great photos coming.

LindseyAnne said...

The Elm Creek books are wonderful. I have to buy them from Amazon as they are not available in the shops in the UK. I usually buy one for my husband to give me for Christmas and then spend one of the holiday days curled up with book and Christmas chocs - bliss! So I'd love to win this one.

kt said...

Love seeing your string quilts! Sounds like my kind of book--thanks for the review, and the chance to win!

Sharon said...

I love her books...hope you draw my name!

Robert said...

My wife and I, have and have read almost almost all of the Elm Creek series. Will add this book to our collection. It's amazing, working with scraps - they seem to multiply instead of going down. Love the string quilt and table runner.

Donna Keating said...

Would enjoy reading this book.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I've read all the Elm Creek books ... although I had to wait a good while to read the last one (the waiting list at the library was long!).

jofridsquilt said...

I have red one book of Jennifer Chiervanni and I am currently working on Silvia Bridals sampler. I just love that books. Hugs Jofrid

Me and My Stitches said...

I can't wait to read Jennifer's new book - there have been great reviews about it. Love all of your projects, especially your Jubilee quilt - it is going to be wonderful!

Terry said...

I love her books! I have this one reserved at the library but I'd love to have my own copy! Thanks for the chance! :0)

Lelia said...

Oh my, sounds like a wonderful read! Lucky you to have it ahead of the release date. The Elm Creek books were all wonderful - I suggest them in order if you can.

also, your quilt is stunning! what an interesting border.

Anonymous said...

Please toss my name in to the hat will ya? Thanks bunches! You seem to be more productive than me these days. :-)

Gayle said...

I'd love to read Jennifer's new book!

Jacqueline said...

I would love to win a copy of the book. Put my name in the hat please..

As for your string quilt, I just completed one and it to did not make a dent in my scraps..

Jean said...

I have read many of her books...they are always interesting. Love your string quilt....sometimes it is just so relaxing to sew without a care in the world.

Lois Arnold said...

I love Jennifer's books. I had the privilege of sitting next to her on a flight from Paducah to St. Louis about 10 years ago. I'm sure she doesn't remember me, but it was fun to find out who she was. It was my first time teaching in Paducah, so sitting next to a "real" celebrity was frosting on the cake!

saltandpepper said...

The Sonoma Rose book sounds very interesting.Thanks for a chance to win it!

nancy b. said...

Always room for more fabric, and books! I have read several of Jennifer's books, and like them all. Thanks for the chance to win this one!

Vanya said...

Love your blog and the Elm Creek books thanks for the opportunity to win the latest one. Vanya

Jane said...

I enjoy the Elm Creek book series and would love to own the latest edition for myself. Thank you for the opportunity to win the book!

Anonymous said...

I love Jennifer's books. Just added to my collection at the used book store last week.

Jill said...

I recently watch a program on public tv about prohibition, I found it very interesting. This books sounds great! Thanks for sharing.

Jan said...

Love your string quilts! Gorgeous and now on my bucket list.

Lisa Cox said...

Oh, it sounds like a great book. I would love to win this!

Sunshine said...

I'm really enjoying your string quilts ... lots of good ideas :)

Anne said...

I'd love to win Jennifer's new book. Thanks for the chance! Hope my entry's not too late.

carol said...

Love her books. You do nice quilts.

Deb said...

I've never read any of this series of books although I've read about them on many blogs. I keep trying to win a copy! I'd love to enter. Thanks.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...