Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's a string thing!!!

Well, you might ask why in the world is she doing a string quilt, with so many projects on the go...and I have an answer! Please see below...

I cannot close this bin anymore, it is so full of strings!! so, I decided to join so many other quilters and make a string quilt. This quilt will be given to one of my patients at the hospital. I love, love, love using these little bits of fabric up, it is great fun to see pieces of old projects and clothing we have worn.

I finished the crazy cat hand quilting! I put the binding on, and will stitch it down some quiet evening. I need to erase the blue quilting lines still too.

Before baking! Our Valentine's pie!! Hope he likes it...

Have a great day, all!!



Terry said...

I need to make a string quilt too. One of these days I'll get to it! :0)

regan said...

The string diamonds are great! And those crazy cats are so adorable, sweet little heart noses! And how can he not like pie!?! Yum!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

I love your projects...nice string quilt and cute cat quilt....and yummy looking pie!!

~Joan said...

I saw one very recently with black strips in the center and the rest was homespuns...thought of you!

Leeanne said...

Like, like!!! Mmmmm the pie looks yummy

Sharon said...

Another wonderful quilt! Do you use paper or fabric for your foundation? Love your adorable cat quilt!

Pat said...

I love the light strips in the center of each block and how they form a nice pattern when the blocks are sewn together. CUTE cat quilt and very yummy-looking pie!!!

Sharon said...

Happy V day to you. I have never attempted strings, but my bags are getting to the overflow stage.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Fabulous fun! And I can smell the pie from here. Dang it woman! I'm craving cherry pie and making another 'string thing quilt.' Hugs and Happy Valentine's to you!!!

WoolenSails said...

I love the idea of a string quilt and a great way to use those scraps. Love the kitties, what a fun pattern.


Janet O. said...

I have a string quilt like that started using black as the accent fabric.
Love your crazy cats!
Is that a cherry pie? My favorite!!

Mary said...

Awwww, your so good, sweet and kind! I just love you Miss Julie! How uberly sweet to make a quilt for a patient! I just know God is going to bless you special!

I've been too sick with the flu to sew on my new machine. Wah! But Dr.Chai fixed me up with a Zpac, so I'm feeling much better now! See you at work!

Nicky said...

Sure your patient will love your strings - lucky person!
Any pie left?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Cherry pie is a favorite around here, too. I have signed up to take a String class at Mid-Atlantic quilt festival from Ami Simms, I can't wait. Your strings have combined beautifully, well done! I am sure your patient will cherish this gift.

Anita in Florida said...

Hmmmm...pie looks yummy! I am in love with string quilts these days...they are so much fun...yours is going to be beautiful. Love your border!

Shari said...

What strings? I saw the cherry pie and fainted. Haven't had cherry pie since 2000. I'm drooling as I speak. I need a recipe that uses fresh cherries... good thing I have the internet for help. He better have not only liked the pie but loved it! (But only one piece, must remember his health - and send the rest to me - lol).

Libby said...

*mmmm* Cherry pie - love it!

Lori said...

You make the best quilts!! I love string quilts!
What a cute finish.

AnnieO said...

Lovely string blocks! No strings for me--just can't collect one more type of scrap at this time; maybe if I ever get a sewing room again :)

The crazy cats are meowvelous!

Hope the pie met everyone's approval :)

Loris said...

That looks like a great border for the sting quilt. Very Clever!

A Garden of Threads said...

Wow, that is a colourful string quilt, look great. Yummy pie, cherry?

Mary Johnson said...

It looks great! Love the border too ... I've been. Looking for a quilt to put a picket fence border on so I can use one of my GO dies ... You've done a nice job of using strings for this one.

Lois Arnold said...

Love the border on the string quilt! Cherry pie? I love it - used to have it for my birthday every year. George (Washington) and I share a birthday so it was a tradition! Looking forward to the Dallas Quilt Celebration in March!

Anonymous said...

Your string quilts are awesome!

Love the cats!

Now the pie...mmmm, too bad I couldn't Taste Test, it looks delish!

Jeanne said...

Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. Is the pie gone?

Elisabeth said...

You make so many nice things, thank you for sharing.


Mystery quilt and more

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