Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Country Threads!! Book Giveaway!!

I am supposed to be posting this tomorrow...but I am at the hospital all day working, so I am posting this late tonight, in anticipation of tomorrow...

I just loved this newsy fun newsletter that Mary including with her book...please see below! The newsletter is chock full of country wisdom and fun, and quilts, and animals...what could possibly be better? Again! SEE BELOW!!! Hee!

I was honored to get to review this book for Mary and Connie of Country Threads!! Country Threads is a very cool quilt shop...located on a real working farm in Iowa!! I wanna go! Here is a link to their shop. They have goats and all kinds of farm animals, and the quilt shop is in a restored chicken coop! How much fun is that!

I just so happen to own the first Charm School book, and really love it. I have made several projects from that book, and found the directions concise with good pictures/illustrations...I liked that part a lot!

Back to Charm School has lots of projects, from simple to those a little more challenging...including good old country/motherly wisdom. I know you all have some charm packs hanging around in your quilting space...this book is the answer to using them up.

Isn't this a cute quilt? One of my favorites in the book for sure...

So here is the deal! Leave a comment to be included in the random drawing for the book...but be quick! I have to work on Saturday, so on Friday Night, I will randomly choose a winner!!

Have a great day, all!!



Sallie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I like the cups quilt, too!

Mary said...

Their shop really is neat. If you get the chance, go! I had the opportunity to stop there when traveling as it was on the way. So many wonderful things!
I also loved the first book, and would be tickled pink to win the second one. Thanks for the chance.

Deb said...

That looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Monica said...

The mug cup is really cute. I could see using the small designs on the fronts of thirst for it.

Michele said...

I would love a chance to win this Charm Book...I love to buy charm packs, however, I've yet to cut into one! I need some HELP! Michele G

Vanya said...

Love Country Threads, thanks for the chance to win the book.

WoolenSails said...

I would love a chance to win the book. It looks like it has some wonderful quilts to make and great ideas for gift giving.


Amy said...

The coffee cups are adorable! I have some leftovers from Choco-latte by Whimsicals that would be so cute in this pattern.

Anonymous said...

Charm squares are so fun to work with. Looks like a fun book.

Richard Healey said...

Would love the book. What you working on at the hospital?

Launa said...

Oh, how I'd love to win this Country Threads book and make those cups as the little quilt is one of my favorites! Thanks.
Launa P.

Supergoof said...

Yes, what a great book!
Groetjes from The Netherlands,

Janet O. said...

I have the first book and love it. Thanks for a chance to win the second!

Annette said...

I have charm squares floating around my sewing room that could use a good project. This book looks like the answer. And awesome giveaway Julie...Thanks.

hueisei said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great book! :)

Jill said...

I am reading great reviews on this book. It does look like a good one. Thanks!

regan said...

I've seen some great reviews of this book! So fun, and the charm school saying are so sweet, and bring back memories, too!

pcflamingo said...

Cute cups! And I have seen some other cute stuff from the book. Thank you for the remote possibility of winning :D

Martina said...

Lovely book. The cups are so cute! Thanks so much!

LindseyAnne said...

A great book. Please include me in the giveaway draw

jirons42 said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Fifi said...

Have a great day to you!fully deserve ;)

Lisa said...

I love the quilts in this book! I'm going to have to buy it if I don't win one!

Binsa said...

Love a chance to win the Book Giveaway...Hugs O'faigh

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Looks like a good book! I'd love to be included.

Gloria said...

I am going to a Quilt Show at the weekend and am definitely going to pick up a charm pack or two.

Love the teacups!

dawn said...

The cup quilt is cute! I don't think anyone can have enough quilt books. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how lovely...I'm seeing these around and would love to win a copy. I think that cup quilt is ADORABLE!!! I wonder if it's difficult?

Thanks for a chance to win!

kt said...

Looks like a great book--thanks for the review and the chance to win!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is a wonderfully 'charming' book. Oh, the cup quilt is my favorite, too. Would love to own this book, but good luck to all.

Lisa England said...

Oh yes, that coffee cup quilt is so cute! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sue K said...

I was at the quilt shop yesterday and saw this book...very cute! Thanks for the giveaway.

Brenda said...

I would love to win this book. Lots of great projects.

Karen S. said...

I love patterns by Country Threads! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Karen in NE Indiana

Libby said...

Love Country Threads and thier Goat Gazette! This book looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

Robert said...

Country Threads is where I took my first two quilt classes. May stop there today when my wife and I go quilt shop hopping (if we don't get the 8+ inches of predicted snow). Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

Becky said...

The coffee cup quilt is now on my "List." Take care! Have a great weekend!

Johanna said...

That book has been on my wishlist along with the first one.

Anne said...

...comment left... fingers crossed...

Jan said...

Ooh Julie, Friday is my birthday! What a wonderful present this would be!

Linda Bakken said...

I love the first book too! Linda B.

Anita in Florida said...

Looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance at it!

Michele T said...

This book looks awesome... I love to make table toppers. Thanks for the chance to win a 'signed' copy woo hoo!!

Nancy E said...

I have always liked Country Thread's patterns and I have their other book and love it so I know this is another GREAT one. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Darlene B said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! I love your plaid quilt on your header - I need to make one of those!

Diane H said...

These are great books. I'm never quite sure what to do with charm packs. Thanks for a chance.

Caroline said...

I'm lucky. I live 25 minutes away from Country Threads.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new book!! I bake for a coffee shop so the cups quilt would be perfect for me to make! Jane E.

Me and My Stitches said...

Can't wait to see their new book. You should go to Country Threads some day. It is a fun place! Thanks for the chance to win!

KatieQ said...

I have lots of charm packs hiding away in my closet that need to be made into quilts. This looks like a fabulous book.

Margaret said...

I just received ten charm packs in he mail. I need this book so I can use them up and make awesome stuff to give away. I have hardly anything made by me. I just always seem to find new homes for stuff I make. Oh well, the fun is in the making and the giving.

Anonymous said...

I would 'sew' love to win this book. I love the quilts that I've seen from the book; I am inspired to make something with my stash!!!

Rosa said...

That book looks great.Thanks for the chance to win

Annmarie said...

How charming!! I'd make good use of that book. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Jane said...

I have a number of charm packs just hanging out on the shelf, no idea how to use them. Thanks for having the giveaway!

Dolores said...

I too liked the coffee cup quilt. It just so happens that I have some charm squares waiting to be used in a project. Thanks for the chance to win.

wannabequilter said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks so much for your offer

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book... would love to win it!
Thanks for the chance.

Teri said...

Sounds like a wonderful book.....thanks for the giveaway.....

Paula said...

Great give away. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.

Lori said...

this book looks wonderful
looks like a lot of fun
Lori Smanski

BizyStitches said...

Love the projects I've been seeing that comes with this book. I grew up in Iowa. Thanks

Potpourri said...

I would love that book I like the TeaCup quilt as well.

Debi said...

This is a wonderful book and I love the cup quilt as well.

Pat said...

The cup quilt is sooo cute! Hope I win.

pbee ... said...

Julie, I love you banner quilt! Plaids are wonderful. I wonder which quilt I will make from plaids when I win the Charm book? Thank you.

marie said...

Love charm packs, sure would like to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

Mary said...

I agree - love the cups quilt!

Lisa Cox said...

I love quilting books. You can never have too many.

rose said...

I love anything country threads does, thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...


Donna said...

I have visited with some of the people from Country Threads while I was at the 'big' quilt show in Des Moines. They are such nice people!! And I love their booth at the's sooo homey looking. I would love to go to their shop too. And, yes I do have several charms packs in my sewing room; just waiting for me to find the right project for them.

Lynn said...

The shop is a fun place to visit. It is the one shop my kids actually like to go to. Thanks for the chance to win.

libbyquilter said...

first i want to say that i LOVE your header quilt~!!~

and i would enjoy the opportunity to win this fabulous sounding book. thank you.


Sunshine said...

This book looks fantastic ... charm packs are so versatile!

KMSC said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Carol said...

The book looks very interesting. I have an assortment of charm packs making a home in my sewing room just waiting for inspiration. Those cups are adorable.

Kathy MacKie said...

I really enjoy working with charm squares, thanks.

Patti said...

I would love a chance to win this book. Thanks.

Dee said...

Love Country Threads, love the cuppa.

Gill said...

This looks a great book!
I love the teacups!

CC said...

I would love to win this book as I have some very cute charm packs that I have no idea what to do with. I love Country Threads and I love their compassion for the animals. Thanks for the chance to win a great book!

Loris said...

I'm loving the quilts from this book! Thanks for the chance to win one :-) Hope your shifts go well!

Kathy said...

Thanks for the giveaway chance. I got to go to a Country Threads Quilt Camp one summer, and it was a really fun place to visit.

MRZ said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. I like to get charm packs.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun book. Thanks for the chance to win. KMA

Marcia said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love all of Country Threads patterns and books.


Sunnybec said...

So want to win one of these books, I have the first one and love it!!

Marcia W. said...

This is a nice book - like the honeycomb quilt that saw during the blog hop. Mary E. sent me.

Cassandra said...

Sounds like a cool book! I love that quilt on the cover.

Carrie P. said...

I would love a chance to win this book. I have charms that I don't know what to make with them. thanks.

Mary Ann said...

I have been to their shop and yes it is very neat. I was on a bus tour so they fed us lunch and it was such a beautiful day that we all ate outside. Hope I win their book!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a great book~ I love it when books have so many cool projects it is hard to choose what to make first. Thanks for the chance!

Mrs. DillyDally said...

I am new to your blog...absolutely love the quilt on your header! Am happy to have found you through the Country Threads Charm book! I'll be back!

McIrish Annie said...

I am a sucker for a charm pack. Currently have at least 10 charm packs in the closet. Would definitely use this book and love the coffee cup quilt.sewww cute!

hope you draw my name, PLEEEZE!!

Mary Swenson said...

I live close the CT shop and it's a feast for the eyes to go in the door!
I have the first book and would love the second book! Loved the cups quilt, too!

Janet said...

I have charm packs and could really use some ideas. I'd love a chance to win this book!

Sue SA said...

Yeah another great give away, thanks for sharing. I love the little tea cups!

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun book - would love to be a winner!

Julie S said...

This looks like a wonderful book...I love charm square patterns!

AlHo said...

The cup quilt looks just wonderful. It would look great on the wall in front of my kitchen. I just love the look of the book and since I always have a charmpack or two in my stach, winning this book, would be wonderful. Greetings from Germany, Alex

VickiT said...

Thank you for the giveaway and yes, I have to agree the coffee cup quilt is adorable. I love the one on the front of this book also.

And yes, I might have a few charm packs hanging around. LOL THAT is a huge understatement. I first started buying designer fabrics a little more than a year ago but because I can't afford to buy too much very often, the charm packs were perfect. I could usually get one or two of them every other month or so for awhile then had to stop. I do have quite a few though and this book looks perfect for me.

Marsha said...

I would love to be the proud owner of their newest book!! In fact, I need the first one too!!
I have charm squares that need to be used so I can buy some more.

Anne said...

I am impressed with the sneak peeks I've seen of the book!

Anonymous said...

I love Country Threads and I'm sure the new book is fantastic.

Jocelyn said...

This book looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

Anonymous said...

That teacup quilt is ADORABLE!!!!
Please add me to the list of entries.

Jackie said...

Sounds like a wonderful quilt shop to visit! The book looks fantastic & I would appreciate one for the use of many charms squares!.Thanks for the chance.

Jeanine said...

I have seen several of the little quilts from the book from other blogs, and would love to win the book. I'm from Iowa and have met these ladies, and they are great people!

Jean said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I will have to see if I live close enough to go to their shop!

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Oh I just love those teacups!! Please enter me for the draw (Fingers crossed!)

Rita said...

I have their first charm school book and just love it. I'm sure this one is just as good.

Missy Shay said...

I just love all the quilts that have been showcased!

Sue said...

Thanks for the review and giveaway. Looks like a great book, I do have the first one and this looks just as good.

Jan said...

I love so much of what CT does. Their booth is always a favorite when I visit a big quilt show. Thanks for the chance a the giveaway!

khayse said...

Mary E sent me! I love all things Country Threads!

Karen said...

I would love to win!

JGlock said...

Love love love these patterns! Mary E. sent me!

nlcalendar said...

thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win this book. marilyn s

emmy said...

All the charm projects are quite unique and would love to try some of the projects. Thank you for the giveaway.

girl from the country said...

The giveaway is great...would love to win!

Regina said...

love the cups - those on a mug rug would be so fun!!!

Vicky said...

What a great book! Thanks for the give-away!!

Barbk said...

Love Country Threads!! Thanks for the chance to win their newest book!!

Paula A. said...

Great quilt book. Lots of fun quilts to make and give away or keep!

scottylover said...

Would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!

Sandy A

Andra Gayle said...

OOH! I love that one with the mugs!!! Would love to have this book. Thanks for the chance!

Linda said...

The coffee cup quilt is my favorite too! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anda W said...

Yes, I do have a few stray charm packs getting lonely in storage! This book is absolutely wonderful with projects right up my alley! I would love to receive a copy!

Marla said...

The ladies from Country Threads always come up with some great quilts. I would love to win this giveaway.

ThreadCatcher said...

Great giveaway. Fun little cup quilt...perfect for the coffee lovers in our lives. Thanks for the chance.

Sherrill said...

I have ordered from Country Threads several times and they always include the Goat Gazette. Much fun stuff in there!! Thanks for the giveaway!

carol said...

Working too. It would be nice to finish up working and have a new book to learn new techniques and see beautiful quilt projects.

Cheryl said...

Great reviews on this charming book. I have quite a few charm packs just waiting for the right project. Looks like I wouldn`t have a problem using them if I had this book. Thanks for the chance to win one.

u keep sewing said...

Love the quilt on your blog!
Thanks for sharing.
Love this book, hoping luck is on my side with a win of this book.

Silverthimble said...

I too love the little coffee cup quilt!

Pokey said...

Please add my name to the drawing, it looks fun!

ladibug said...

thanks for the great giveaway

Carla G said...

This book looks awesome! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Unknown said...

This is a great giveaway! I would love to win this book. Keeping my fingers crossed!

QuiltSue said...

I'd love to win this book. Then I could make the teacups quilt. Very appropriate for a Brit, don't you think?

Michelle said...

Yay! I'd love to win this book! Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review!! I would love to make the "Tea Cups" runner shown!

Terry said...

That looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win it! :0)

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Love the book!

Elyte said...

A great addition to any library. Thanks for the opportunity.

Deb said...

Love, love, love the CUPS!!! Thanks for showing that page. I have a friend who would enjoy that quilt. I'd love to be entered.

Stephanie said...

Pick me, pick me.

Kathryn said...

My cups would be filled with hot chocolate. I think the book has some great projects. Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

Anonymous said...

Please put me in your drawing. I WANT that book!!! Your quilt on your blog header is WONDERFUL. My grandchildren would say "sweet". (smile)

Siena Van Brabant said...

Perfect... A book with small projects! I still want to quilt, but have run out of beds to make them for.

Mary said...

Book looks like a lot of fun. Would love to win a copy.

Lola said...

Thanks for the giveaway! That book looks fabo! I too, loved the coffee cup project! The shop looks very cool too...and the historical look of the patterns is great. IA is only one state away, may need to take a roadtrip! Thanks again....

saltandpepper said...

Thanks for a chance to win this book. It looks really great!

Pat said...

You have a fun blog Julie. I love Country Threads. Have the first book and NEED the second.

Swedish Scrapper said...

This book looks really fun, and it looks like it has good directions along with those nice projects! Thanks for giving me a chance to win it!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fun book and I would love to win it. Thank you for the chance.

Janet said...

Thank you for the giveaway.I love country Threads. Don't work too hard. Janet

Helen Bazinet said...

I sure like your string quilt idea. It adds an interesting design to the quilt, I like it.

Lyn said...

Those cups sure are cute...

Karen O said...

Hope I am not too late. I love the look of this book - and I love teacup quilts.

LesQuilts said...

Hi Julie!
thanks for the giveaway! It sounds like you are making great work with the string blocks!
take care, Leslie

quiltgrammy said...

Would love to have this new book, thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I hope you haven't already chosen the winner! I'd love to have a chance to win this awesome book! :)

Tricia Benes said...

Oh...I would love to win this book! They are new to me. And I am loving your are a hoot and fun to read!

Phyllis said...

Thanks for the giveaway...great book!

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

This looks like an awesome book! Can't wait to check it out in detail.

Delores said...

Hoping for a lucky win!! I have some 5" blocks just waiting.....

Quiltsmiles said...

What a nice looking book, thanks for the chance. Enjoy your blog too, what a lovely string quilt you showed, NICE! Jane

Searchfamilies said...

Would love to win the book & love your work especially the cup quilt
Hugs Janice

troglau said...

Oh! Pick me, pick me! Just found your blog and so enjoyed reading. Am now a follower and would love to win the giveaway!
"if your not having a great day, make it a great day"

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...