Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sheer delight!

More progress is being made on the Snail's trail! These are really fun, easy blocks to make...and I am really loving making them! About half done here.

Just Take Two. I did! Red and white...and these are not so much fun, so I have changed them up a bit so I can be a little more accurate. I wish I were a perfect piecer! I made so many mistakes in the house block that I designed this one, instead, and the heart on the roof can be my signature square. If at first you can't succeed...redesign it!!

I got all the borders done on the plaid giant fun quilt! It is ready to be quilted now...wheww!!!

This is the corner...and the last remnants of husband's pajamas, used in the red corner square. Maybe you already know this, but I was looking for the perfect fabric for another quilt...and spied my husband old worn out plaid PJ's on the ironing board. I proceeded to cut holes in them all over, using the good parts!! Long story short, dear husband (who has lots of other PJ's and I thought he would never miss these) went and found his PJ's and put them on...and found holes all over them!! It was truly hilarious...he had a good sense of humor and took it all in stride. The things our husbands put up with in a quilter's home!

These...these strings blocks are just delighting me!! I do love them so much...just me and the strings and a glorious mess in the kitchen, all around the table...just delightful!!!

***************Other Commandments they did not list but maybe should have**********************

1. Though shalt not dig through the trash at retreats and pull out little pieces of fabric to hoard!

2. Though shalt not idly look around at all the plaid shirts in church and think "maybe they would all leave me their shirts as they leave and wear home choir robes"

3. Though shalt not get caught cutting up dear hubby pajamas for quilts.

4. Though shalt not quilt and forget to cook supper!

Now, you add to this list!!! Hee!!!

Have a great day,



Nicky said...

Though shalt not tempt other quilters to do any of the above by showing them another marvelous quilt they will fall in love with and wish to emulate!

Still giggling

Rosa said...

Your shalt quilt looks fabulous.You did a great work.!

Angie said...

Julie, Julie, Julie (whisper, I thought I was the only one that took hubby's most favorite jammies and cut them up) You are truly amazing, woman!!! Love that giant plaid quilt and oh I do love those Snail's Trail blocks (which mag did you say this pattern is in?).

Nancy said...

Too funny!

I'm in love with your Snail's Trails!

Loris said...

I would have stole that red plaid too! It's a perfect corner for all that beautiful plaid :-)

Mad about Craft said...

Oh! I've had a good giggle at your post.

Love the snail trail and shirtings quilts!

Leeanne said...

Oh LOVE the 'List'!!! He, he, he, I'm still laughing!
The PJ story, yes our poor hubby's do require oddles of patients.
Wishing you a fabulous day/night, what ever it is when you read this. It is a glorious day here in Whangarei (NZ), the sun is shining, washing on the line, a quiche is cooked for dinner, after I've read all my lovely blogs I'm off to quilt some customers quilts.
Could life get much better?

regan said...

Well.....if we're going to break commandments....then these should definitely be the ones to break! I know I've been guilty of #1 at every quilt group. Oops!

Great quilts....and I love those string blocks you've started!

Janet O. said...

I love all of your scrappy projects--especially the plaids!! Recently Bonnie H. told me she has to cut a sleeve off of the shirts she brings home from the thrift stores so the men in her life don't claim them. I just hide mine--I know DH would love some of them. : )

Anonymous said...

I must be the worst offender (and sinner?) because I can't come up with any commandments! :(

I love the Snail Trail quilt, I've never seen that patter before.

Love the plaid quilt, your border is amazing!

Vesuviusmama said...

Thou shalt not let the pair of jeans that your husband asked you to mend languish in your sing room for a full 12 months while you start and complete 3 entire quilts. (I'm hoping he will just forget about them, and then I can use the denim in a denim rag quilt!). Your quilts are all lovely!

Granny Anne said...

I showed my husband your post and we are still laughing! This is so typical!!

Pat said...

I love doing string blocks, too. That snail trail quilt is looking good but I've always thought that was a very difficult block...you said it was easy. Maybe I should try one someday.

Merilyn said...

I must say I did get a giggle when you talked about your husband putting on his PJ's with bits cuts out of them, I could picture it and his look of surprised amusement LOL!!! It's funny you should mention looking at mens shirts, I take a double look too, especially at work, and often think the fabric would look good in a quilt, it's made some of my male colleagues a little nervous to think they could lose the shirt off their back LOL!!! They know I'm a quilter, so they take it in good humour!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So funny!!! Poor husband!
I too catch myself coveting shirts at church. My girlfriends laugh at me and tease me for wanting to undress the men!:)
I can't believe the amount of sewing and quilting you get done! And your quilts turn out so nice. I agree with Nicky about tempting other quilters....:) There are so many quilts I want to do when I see the ones you have done.
Thanks for inspiring me and for giving me a wonderful laugh!
Louise in Sweden

Sue SA said...

Thou should not pass time by writing quilting to do lists andmiss 5 yr olds swimming lesson! Thou shall not expect to be able neglect family for two Saturdays in a row so I can attend sewing workshops!

Vivian said...

Commandments?! Sounds more like a "To Do" list to me!

Love the quilts and hubby knows he has given to a good cause. Besides men will never throw out old clothes, so why not help them along and get a new snuggly in the process?

Jill said...

Wow, you are really getting some stuff done. Love the PJ story. The fabric is great for that quilt!

Lori said...

Oh my gosh! I totally got the visual of your hubby putting his holey pjs on! What a hoot!! Love your quilts!! Divine!!

AnnieO said...

Beautiful colors in your snail's trail blocks, love the red and white, adore the plaids, and laughing at the pj's story. Oh my!

mindingmomma said...

love your snails trail blocks! And the story about hubbys pants heehee

Libby said...

Thou shall not forget to cook supper! LOVE IT!

Richard Healey said...

I love those snail tails blocks. I keep seeing them and the more I do the more I love them and want to make one my self.

Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.

Liv Myredal said...

Beautiful, gorgeous, amazing. Keep on showing us your quilts. It makes me happy, and it makes me want to do it myself.

Anita in Florida said...

Love your strings...and that plaid quilt is gorgeous, the border is amazing!!

ladydi said...

Thou shalt not buy a pattern because it is oh so pretty only to find you have the same thing at home already.

Anonymous said...

I really want to try that snail trail block! Love it!

and too funny on the commandments. =)

Stephanie D said...

I may have to add that snail's trail to the LOOOONNGGG list of quilts to make!

I see a new plaid quilt in your header's future!

I don't covet men's shirts but I have been known to drool over veins now and then. 8^)

Shari said...

Dumpster diving at retreats is allowed - just wait until after the wine has been opened.

Susana Neiger said...

Awesome! These are beautiful! I love the variety & simplicity of the red & white ... and I love the look of all those plaids together. Wonderful.

libbyquilter said...

LOL~!!~ love the pj story~!

:- D

Mystery quilt and more

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