Hi Y'all! First of all, why are my pictures on the right side of the screen? Oh well, it is all just fine and dandy!! I finished the Patient strings quilt top!! It was such great fun...and my string bin will still not close. So, I started another string quilt! Want to join me???
First of all, the night or day before, cut some muslin foundations. I cut the foundations about an inch bigger than the block size I want. Smaller blocks are easier to work with for me, using strings, so I am making 6 inch finished blocks, so they will trim to 6 1/2 inches prior to sewing them together...clear as mud? Hee!!!
You can use paper foundatons, but then you have to remove the paper and may scream and kick your feet in frustration at this...or you may like this part! who knows! Just have fun whatever you do!
Then I cut some muslin pieces, about two inches wide...don't measure! This is not science, this is fun!! Art! or something....

Then choose another piece at random and sew it right sides together and finger press it out like this. Don't run to the ironing board! Finger pressing is enough...let go of perfection and have a blast instead!!

Keep on going, adding pieces to the block...on one edge, add the muslin strip! Just trust me...don't measure, just when you get about 1 1/2 inches from one edge, sew on the muslin strip. Raggedy huh!!!

Ok, don't run to the ironing board...make about ten or so blocks first! Tap your feet, make sure your favortie movie is playing, or some great music... blue grass is great fun! Sing along...LOUD!!!
Dance through the living room and dining room with your feather duster and dust a little...fast and fun, and singing all the while! Just do it!!

Step back and admire the amazing mess you have just made...and don't worry, you can clean it all up in a trice later!!

Ok, go lay out your blocks! Aren't these fun? A cacophony of colors! I have a lot of dull brown strings, so I try to mix it up with some pretty brights too...
8. Run around the living room and dance with your dog! Kiss her on the nose...don't worry about germs, it is all OK!!!

Run in and admire the pretty Valentines flowers...try to take a picture and fail...
1. Wake up!
2. Smile a big ear splitting grin! Thnk about how life is so good, you are not in the hospital or in the grave, so life is just peachy!!Hug your spouse, kiss him or her and tell him how much you love him!
3. Launch yourself up out of bed! Brush your teeth, comb your hair (or vice versa), grab the sheets and towels and run to the laundry and start a load! Don't take time for your shower yet...that will come a little later!! Do take a few minutes and make your bed neatly....it feels good later to come in and have your bed neat and tidy...
4. Get your strings!! You know, those pieces you have saved forever...OK, dump them all out. Get down and roll around in them...with your dog. (my dog just had her bath..she smells delicious). It is fun, don't worry, it is OK, and no one is here to judge you or see you...have fun! You may want to wear your oldest and most favorite sweat pants, because you are going to have strings all over you! Savor those pieces you have used in other quilts...pick out some favorites and remember where you used those fabrics! Whack off a piece about 7 inches long and place it in the middle of your muslin squares...
Then choose another piece at random and sew it right sides together and finger press it out like this. Don't run to the ironing board! Finger pressing is enough...let go of perfection and have a blast instead!!
Keep on going, adding pieces to the block...on one edge, add the muslin strip! Just trust me...don't measure, just when you get about 1 1/2 inches from one edge, sew on the muslin strip. Raggedy huh!!!
Ok, don't run to the ironing board...make about ten or so blocks first! Tap your feet, make sure your favortie movie is playing, or some great music... blue grass is great fun! Sing along...LOUD!!!
Ok, now you can press your blocks, using a bit of water or starch or Best Press...I have a spray bottle of water that works just dandy. Trim! Now, this part...I trim from the front (works better for me to judge how much to trim that muslin strip side). 6 1/2 inches square! Carefully!! I try to leave about 1 1/2 inches of the muslin...
Dance through the living room and dining room with your feather duster and dust a little...fast and fun, and singing all the while! Just do it!!
Step back and admire the amazing mess you have just made...and don't worry, you can clean it all up in a trice later!!
6. (Oh, I forgot number 5...that's OK! We are not about perfection here...Hee)! Plan dinner...take out meat to defrost and see what you have in the way of vegies.. Do it now and dinner willl be easy later! Hee!
7. Go to the washer and put the sheets and towels in the dryer...add dryer sheets and sniff in the good fresh smell!!!
Ok, go lay out your blocks! Aren't these fun? A cacophony of colors! I have a lot of dull brown strings, so I try to mix it up with some pretty brights too...
8. Run around the living room and dance with your dog! Kiss her on the nose...don't worry about germs, it is all OK!!!
Run in and admire the pretty Valentines flowers...try to take a picture and fail...
Grab all the joy you can out of life...it is fleeting and short, and we need to have fun and be joyful each day! Sing loud, sew hard and fast, and dance!!
Now some of you may think I have lost my mind, or have ADDHD or something...but it is all OK, and I have achieved something already today, and it is Only 10AM!!!
Love you instructions. It is what I should do with my day. Cute.
Thanks for the fun post!! Had me laughing out loud (hope that fall didn't hurt too much!) Have a wonderful weekend :-)
For a good time, call JulieQ! HA! Great tutorial.....wish they were all this fun! Thanks!
I can hear you dancing and singing all the way from here, Julie! Even over the hum of your sewing machine, washer and dryer, and your little dog :)
Sounds like a blast over at your house...I'll be right over! What a fun post to read!
Had to type the crazy word verification 3 times to get the letters right...ugh!
So fun, Julie! I like your method. No wonder I've never enjoyed string blocks. I've been going about it all wrong. I will have to try it your way sometime!! : )
Love how the muslin strips pull the random strings together! Sounds like you've had a lot of fun making them too!! Great job :)
I don't know if that's the Patient strings quilt top that's the first picture on this blog, but I absolutely LOVE it. I love it so much that I'm seriously considering doing a string quilt ... AFTER I do the log cabin quilt with my "gift" fabric (the massive amounts of 1 1/2" strips I found when organizing my box of remnants nka stash). I've got so many odd pieces of fabric that probably will never get used anywhere else ... but if I make strings out of them, think of the beautiful string quilt I can make! Besides, as today's post proves, making string blocks is FUN!
That looks like fun and I like the idea of using muslim or cheap light fabrics to use as a base, makes it a lot easier.
What an uplifting tutorial!!! I am smiling!!!
What a joy you are!
Thank you for the wonderful and happy tutorial. will follow your lead. Life is happy here too :-)
Talk about a good time-your post made me laugh. Great way to write a tutorial and may just join in with you-golf today so will have to wait till tomorrow.
Your so cute! I just loved your tutorial! The patient quilt came out great! I love how you tied in that border, it's perfect!
I was up all night quilting. Today I decided I needed a couple of more different turquoise pattern fabrics to make the quilt larger than a throw. I found the cutest little japanes Kokeshi doll print. I can't wait to show it to you!
Cool, fun, fast and upbeat post.....bring them on!!! Life is too short, too serious to get all.....well serious!
let the good times roll!
Your string quilting 'tutorial' had me "in stitches". You are so funny. I often get so busy sewing, I not only forget to plan dinner, I forget to eat!!
The strip quilt and your tutorial are super cool. Need to make one of these periodically to clear out the overflowing scraps drawers and boxes.
What a hoot! You are a nut! Thanks for the fun.
Thank you for your very clear instructions...a good way to use up some bits and pieces..
Thanks for making me smile!!
Cute post!!! Hey, there...I got an envelope in the mail from you....THANKS!!!
"art or something". You are cracking me up today! What a crazy-fun tutorial!
Now I must prove I am not a robot.
I happened randomly onto this this morning - what a joyous way to start my day!! Going to have to come back and "visit" often - you are awesome!!
That certainly gives me a visual of what goes on at your house!! LOL!!
Love the string blocks!!!
Sounds amazing.I love string block.Great tuto.
This is a GREAT post! Thank you for the upbeat instructions.
Love the string quilt and the flowers are beautiful.
Sorry I can't sew I am laughing too hard at your "tutorial".....
gotta love them strips though huh?
Happy sewing.....oh why am I saying that to you....you are already very happy!
This is the most fun tutorial ever. And as a bonus the quilt looks great!
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