Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday...and nine patches and other stuff

Hi Y'all!! Guess what? I am a guest blogger at Stash Manicure! I am so excited...maybe you can pop over and see! It will be posted tomorrow, 8-4-10.
Get ready, get set, sew! I have all my strips cut for nine patches. I am so looking forward to receiving everyone's nine patches, sorting, and sending them out all over the world!

Well, it is bad news bears....gained that pound right back this week! One week up, next week down...sigh... I think that certain times of the month are not good, plus eating out wonderful Mexican food does not help, LOL ! Onward and upward...can't let one week get me down.

I have nothing quiltish of substance to show you, so I wish you a wonderful week!



Anna said...

Hi, I found you on Stash Manicure and just wanted to say I love your plaid stripes and nine patch quilt. Wonderful!

Pat said...

I have the same up and down "stuff" with the weight. *sigh* I'll be looking at your Stash Manicure post soon. I'm sure it's a great one.

KaHolly said...

Hi Julie, I was delighted to discover you on Stash Manicure this morning. Nice post! I have scrolled through a few of your archived posts and I just love your work and your enthusiasm! I found your site to be so inspirational that I am going to follow you, right now! Congratulations on passing your CCRN test! That's quite an accomplishment! ~karen

Carol said...

I'm sewing away and having a blast...love these 9 patches. Thanks for doing this for us. I'm heading right over to Stash Manicure! I've been playing with this 1 pound up, 1 pound down...I think the heat makes it harder! That's my story and I'm sticking to it...LOL!

Texan said...

Stopped by to say hiya.

I totally agree on water weight! I can swing 3-4 lbs. at certain times! Amazing isn't it.

Gail said...

I just found your blog via Stash Manicure and feld in love with the quilt in your header (9 patches and strings). Could you tell me how big the 9 patch blocks are? They look very small!!! My email address is gogail91@gmail.com Thanks.

Cindy said...

Hi Julie. I got my strips all cut late yesterday afternoon - all done on my GO.

jan said...

Hi, there! Saw your post on Stash Manicure, and thought I'd pop over and see your blog. :) Glad I did! Love your work and ideas! Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to what you're going to share next. Yeppers, I'm now a follower! Hope you have a great day, you've definately made mine better. :)

jan said...

Hi, there! Saw your post on Stash Manicure, and thought I'd pop over and see your blog. :) Glad I did! Love your work and ideas! Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to what you're going to share next. Yeppers, I'm now a follower! Hope you have a great day, you've definately made mine better. :)

Rae Ann said...

Thanks for your wonderful post over at Stash Manicure. You are such an inspiration! Loved all that you shared!!!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through the post you had on Stash Manicure. Love the stripe/nine patch quilt. I'm going to put your blog on my Favorites list. Thanks for sharing.

Deanna said...

I am a Stash Manicure reader, too. Nice post.

Don't worry too much about the pound. It is probably just visiting for nostalgia sake and will be moving along soon.

Quilter Kathy said...

Very exciting...you're famous! Love the post!
I'm off to sew 9 patches this afternoon too!

Jane said...

Love your plaid quilt! Is there a pattern?

Shari said...

One pound is a normal variation for one day so don't feel too bad... choose healthy foods and small portions and it will all work out in the long run! So easy to say... so hard to do...

Hugs - Shari

Michelle said...

Hi! I was a guest on Stash Manicure too! It was such fun...I really enjoyed your post. It is so easy to lose the joy, sometimes I have to remember it is okay to love quilting. The majority of my family are not creative and just don't get it. I saw your 9 patch swap-boy, that sounds like fun and if I had found out about it earlier I would have joined, but I need another commitment like I need a whole in the head! (Currently doing 2 BOM and 1 swap, plus all my WIPs) Have tons of fun with the swap and thanks again for the post!

Unknown said...

I feel the same as you Julie after the cruise I think I gained 10 pounds. Too much good food. Keep it going.

Becky said...

Loved your post on Stash Manicure. Thanks for sharing! Have a fabulous day!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...