Look at these gorgeous nine-patches!! These have flown all the way from Canada...and they are gorgeous! Congratulations to
Jennifer, she is the first one to have her 6 inch nine patches made...yahoo! She is the big winner! More prizes to come...Thank you for the wonderful quilt journal too!

From Australia...Lyn...How cute is this angel? Thank you,
Lyn!! The card is so special, it has texture...so you can feel the fabric/texture on the front...how unique is that?

I have been tapping my toes to the fun music...dancing a little bit...just having a ball making nine patches for the swap! How about some funky bluegrass...a little country...some pop music...a little classical? All this fun music played today and infused into the stitches, LOL!!

Here are my strips cut...about 10 minutes. I do things a little at a time, how about you? when I can grab a minute...or ten!!

Whoopsie, this picture is out of order...below are my strips sewing together into units (15 minutes) ...and above are the sub cuts from the units! About 15 minutes for this...

My floor needs sweeping, LOL!! Old linoleum...I really want tile. Do you have tile? Oh, I digress...

All the units paired up and ready to soar through the machine...fun! This is the fun part!!!
I will do this next time.
How are yours coming along? I also did 9 more basket blocks today...and one dear Jane block.
Dear Jane:
How could you? You made such a hard block, that mine came out terribly! I should redo it...but Jane, I did not like making it the first time, why in the world would I make it again, LOL???
Not really Jane, you are a pretty nice lady anyway....
I go back to work tomorrow...and we have a new computer system, and I hear it is horrible to chart on...I will reserve judgment for now, maybe it will be just fine!!!
Have a great day all!!
Great use of little blocks of time! The 9 patches for the exchange look wonderful. Will make a great looking quilt. Good luck at work tomorrow :)
Lookin' good! I'm done with my 3's and need to go to the shop to get fabric for my 6's.
Arggh! Yet different computer charting. Hang in there! We still haven't even started the training yet for ours. But they are planning so many meetings and training, I think September is going to explode.
Love your 9 patches.
Been there with the computer charting--going on 4 years now--and they keep changing it!
But I have to snicker quietly; the docs are having to put their own orders in now and they are NOT happy about it! We, on the other hand, are very happy, because it cuts down on the admission prcess considerably!
We're on Cerner--which one are you going to?
Love your fabrics Julie. have a great day at work!
Hi Julie, Glad the patches made it. Yours are looking great. Take care.
I love the 9 patches that have been coming in so far. I am picking out fabrics for mine and will start as soon as the kids head back to school. Thanks for letting me join in. Jill in PA
Love your cute little nine-patches!
It's a bit(..!..) easier than some blocks Jane made....!!
But still Jane is also reat fun!
Enjoy your work and colleague's tomorrow and good luck on the new computer!!
I've made 25 3" blocks. Will be sending them along soon - looking forward to seeing what everyone did!
Woo-Hoo! Sounds like you're having fun in your sewing room!!
Lovely nine patch blocks......
The angel looks like a wonderful addition to any sewing space.
You are moving right along getting your blocks made.
Perhaps the new computer won't be as bad as you think.
Love your Plaid Obsession and the lovely 9-patches! I especially love that you write to Jane! :-D ... I did a post on my blog about her and my quilt-in-progress (ugh! :-D) here: http://cheaperthantherapyquilting.blogspot.com/2010/04/dear-jane-why-are-you-mocking-me.html Oh! to be so close yet so far!!! ;-D Keep up the beautiful work!
They 9 patches are coming along. Good luck with the new computers Urrr.
YAHOO - my nine patches were mailed today to you. YAHOO
And now - what to do next? LOL
Happy Birthday! I missed that part on your other post.
I'm getting my blocks together too. Thanks for sharing sneak peeks of those sent in!
Jane is remorseless, I fear.
Hello Julie, don't work too hard....you will soon pick up the new system...glad the little angel arrived safe and sound...enjoy seeing the nine patches....coming in...hugs lyn
What fun to see those 9 patches as they come in - it's going to be a delight to put them all together into a quilt!
I'm loving the 9 patches...I have a few more to do and then I'll get them off to you...this sure has been fun! Thank you again!
I will be buying my fabric tomorrow or Friday at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham (UK)to do the blocks next week when I'm on holiday from work!
I am working on mine too - love your reds - mine also have a major 'red' look.....can't wait to get these all back - - -
A happy belated birthday, Julie! I've been catching up on reading all my favorite blogs and sure enjoy seeing all the pretty 9 patches that have arrived. Mine are almost done and will be mailed off this week.
Making 9-patches is like eating bon-bons...can't stop!
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