Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cape May Diamonds!!

Cape May Diamonds! These are the shells and water/sand worn rocks we collected in New Jersey. You can't really tell in the picture, but some of the rocks are actually quartz stones, worn smooth and lovely by the surf. I think this is what is known as "Cape May Diamonds"! Thanks Pat, I called them pearls in the last post. We also found some beach glass, all the sharp edges worn smooth away. The "diamonds" especially sparkle when they are wet. I love looking at these gifts from the sea, and will always remember the pleasure of walking and gathering them.

My Sylvia's Bridal Sampler quilt progresses...slowly...These blocks are so much fun to make! Very small pieces in some of them. Eleven made so far and 140 blocks in all to be made!! Whoop!!!

More adventures to follow...a fun adventure this week is in store! I will tell you all about it this week!!

Have a wonderful day,


Friday, September 25, 2009

Plaids, plaids, plaids!!!

Lookee!! The mail just came, and I must have a wonderful angel looking after me...I received all these lovely plaids!! I am just mad for plaids these days...and I am so excited to use them. Thank you, Joyce!!!


Home Again!

Hi friends!

We are back from our trip to Atlantic City. I won a nursing scholarship trip, and could take a trip to any continuing education conference...and I picked Atlantic City because of the conference offered (a CCRN review), and because I had never been there off we went! On the way, I finished quilting this little quilt above, and put the binding on today, and I just need to hand finish that and it is done...A finish for Finn!! I like the scrappy binding.
And because I just can't leave well enough alone, I made this block. A larger version of the blocks in the Kim Diehl quilt above, but with the added circle applique in the middle. What do you think? Original? Or is there not an original block left out there? LOL!!

On the trip, we went to Cape May, in New Jersey. The beach was wonderful, and full of "Cape May Pearls", which are small tumbled stones, probably from a quartz outcropping somewhere. They are so pretty, and we collected pockets full! I am surprised that the airport security let us take all those stones through security check. Huge thanks to Pat and her friend for giving us all kinds of wonderful ideas of where to visit in New Jersey. It was gorgeous!

The Trump Taj Mahal at Atlantic City, on the boardwalk...we just peeked in to see the place and took a picture. Did not see any big winners!!

We also went to Hershey, Pennsylvania. DH has always wanted to go, funny because he does not eat any chocolate at all! (But I do)....anyway! We went to the town and enjoyed learning that because Mr Hershey did not have children, he benevolently started a school and provides education to this day via his foundation to thousands of needy children. The whole town revolves around chocolate! The above butterfly are part of a butterfly exhibit in his gardens.

And roses! Blooms galore at this time of year, and the whole garden was just gorgeous.

Had to visit chocolate!!
Remember to comment on my last post if you are interested in the giveaway...
Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Special Occasion...Celebration!!

Hi all! I just realized...I have been blogging TWO years! It has been so fun, meeting and sharing friendships with you all. So, it is time for a GIVEAWAY!!

Now, what does a quilter need...marbled fabric as above? Yep! That would be good...
A silly cute little dog? No, he is not for the giveaway, but isn't he a cutie? Dear husband and I spotted him at the recent car show we attended.

A lovely pattern book? Yep! That would be good!!

A little bag, handmade...sure! That would be great!

How about some tiny scissors, just right for thread trimming...Yes, that would be good too!
So, here is the deal: Please leave me a comment if you would like to be entered in the giveaway. Be sure I can contact you if you do not have a blog. I will draw a winner on October 2nd, next Friday. Good Luck and thank you for your friendship over this past two years!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

a little frustration!

Why was my profile set at "no-reply"?  I did not change wonder few people have been replying to my comments!  It is changed now, thank you to Linda for the heads-up!


Kim Diehl miniature

Hi Friends! Have you all seen this book, below? It is by Kim Diehl, and is called "Simple Seasons". I love this book lots and lots. Above is my version of Kim's quilt in the book. She is really a good writer, and her directions are very good. I used what I had on hand, so my quilt does not look exactly like hers. Those little squares finish at 1 3/4 inches, and have four pieces. Cool!! Love it!! All the applique is pinned on, and now I just have the fun of appliqueing the pieces all down. I love the hand work the best, it is kind of reward for the monotony of preparing all the pieces, for me.

Here is her quilt...cute, huh? Hope mine will shape up like hers. Have a super day!
1. Family, always.
2. Fabric fun (see above)
3. Cooler weather and soothing rains, Hurrah!!
4. Blog friends!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

More progress on the Mystery quilt

Hi Y'all! Above is the next block in Bonnie Hunter's newest mystery quilt. So, I am all caught up and waiting for the next clue! I even have my fabric pre-cut, just waiting for instructions...Woohooo!!!!!!!!!!
I am working on a miniature quilt, and here is the beginning, just cutting apart my chain sewing string and then I will press the blocks. This one has quite a bit of applique in it, and it should be fun! More about this quilt on the next post.

A friend at work said, "Here, take this stuff, my mom was throwing all this away." Most of the fabric is quilt shop quality...sure I can use it!! Do you ever get grocery bags of fabric scraps?
******************Nurse's notes*******************************
For those who have been following the ongoing story of Carrie, my 19 year old patient at the hospital...she is making great strides!!!!!!!!! She passed her swallowing test! Her young husband came running up to the unit all smiles and tears and hugging everyone in sight, after her successful test! So, after seven weeks of tube feedings, she had her first meal last night. She wanted a fruit we were going to get her one, no matter what it took. And we did...and she drank it all!! Now, this was the girl who really was not expected to make it, she was so very ill. Of course, she can have anything she wants for sure! Weird thing is, she is still on the ventilator via her trach part time...I have never had a patient like that. Yippppeeeee!
Have a super day everyone...hope you can find some wonderful quilting time, just for you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mysterious progress

Hi friends:

Above is my progress on Bonnie Hunters "Christmas Lights" mystery quilt. This is being published serially in Quiltmaker magazine. I resolved to only use what I have in the stash...and the red print that pattern called for? The paisley print is the only large red piece I I used it! I think the print is from around 1989, almost vintage!
The alternate block pieces are all ready to put together, when I have a moment. I still need to trim the dog-eared corners. So, I am almost caught up. There is one more section to the mystery, and I will look forward to this. Kind of messy, but all the pieces and parts are contained in the blue tray. Are any of you doing this mystery quilt? I would love to see yours!
*****************************************Nurse's notes**************************
You all were so right, and I appreciate all of your kind advice to go ahead and give the little quilt to Carrie. Thank you sincerely for your input from a couple posts ago!! She liked it, and actually smiled! This is a big thing, she is still on the ventilator, has a feeding tube, is on a continuous turn bed. But improving!! Able to mouth words to her husband, makes good eye contact, Neurologically intact except profound weakness. She is off dialysis, too. Hurrah! Your thoughts and prayers are working miracles for this sweet 19 year old patient.
Have a wonderful day!!!

Journal covers, and insomnia...ZZZZZZzzzz

Hi Friends!! I am off work, as you know that is when I post. It all started with a fat quarter...I was at Wallie-world (Walmart), picking up cleaning supplies, when I discovered that our Walmart did not a fabric department at all anymore. But...they did have a few fat quarters, and this green piece jumped into the cart, (99 cents). And became this journal cover, above. I put a few little scraps of this and that on it, and my calender is now inside. Please go and visit Wanda at She is the inspiration behind these journal covers in the first place...thank you Wanda!

I had enough to make a little cover too. Hearts are a favorite motif of mine, maybe you guessed that!


OK! I have (for the last several months), been waking up at 2 AM on the dot! Never more to go back to sleep. Now , this just won't do, dragging around like I am a Zombie, I have important stuff to attend to, ya' know? So, I finally talked to one of the Docs at work. He suggested a sleep study...then he asked how much coffee I drink. I told him, about 1/2 cup in the morning, and after lunch-early afternoon about another 1/2 cup. He said...NO MORE! Well, I doubted that this minute amount of coffee had anything to do with the dark circles and tired bones I was experiencing, but decided to go COLD TURKEY!! I did, and the first day was not very fun. I had no idea that just a little bit of coffee was so addicting. Headaches, just felt yucky.....and slept like a baby all night! Hurrah!!! Docs are good for something, after all. Just joshing, we have some truly amazing doctors, dedicated and caring people. So Darcie! Guess I won't be joining you for our afternoon cuppa for a while.....

Have a super day everyone!!!


Friday, September 11, 2009

On the way to the hospital...

Hi friends:

Thank you for your words of heart is much lighter and I am on the way to the hospital with one small quilt for one young lady!!

Have a wonderful day!!!!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Please help me with a little advice

Hi friends:

I took Carrie's quilt to her a few days ago, when it was all done...(Iposted about this a couple posts back, the quilt for one of my patients.) I tiptoed into the room, not wanting to wake her up so early (our shifts at the hospital begin at 06:45). On Carrie's bed was a drop dead gorgeous, hand knitted her favorite green. I stood and admired it for a moment...then quietly tiptoed back out...the little quilt in hand. I wanted her to have it...but the throw on her bed is much more beautiful, and I did not want to offend whoever made it for her by giving her another little coverlet. I think one of her family members gave it to her. What would you do? Go ahead and give it to her? Or wait and give it to someone else? Your opinion please!

Have a wonderful day!!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Hi Friends! Hope each of you is having a wonderful day today...I am NOT working...yippee!! Above is the first of a fun series of projects, just started by Kaaren at She is generously starting a project called First Friday Freebies. She has designed patterns and is sharing these patterns with the world on her blog, on the first Friday of the month. This little stitchery is hung up by my front door, and I just finished yesterday. You can tell when I have time off from work...Thank you to dear Kaaren for the pattern! You really should buzz over and give her a visit and a bookmark. I will look forward to these patterns all year!

So many of you are doing an invisible nine-patch quilt...Maybe disappearing nine-patch is the name? Anyway, a young couple at work just had a baby, and their nursery theme is black, white and red, Disney's Micky Mouse. Do you think the above quilt would be OK for a baby? Hmmm, not sure about the black...

I finished the crocheted scarf for dear DIL. Hope she likes it! It is much more vibrant with no flash to fade it out.

**************************Nurse's Notes**********************************

Carrie, the little sick 19 year old is getting fractionally better at the hospital! She has multiple infections...last time I had her she had a 102 fever, but is better now. Weaning off the ventilator. Well enough to get a little cranky with her dear 19 year old husband! So life is getting better for her and her family, but she still has a long road to recovery.

*******************Hearth and Home***********************

I, being off a few days...have discovered! I had enough to clean out the dishes and crockery cupboard today, and am donating 2 boxes of glasses/dishes to our charity today. I also (this is embarrassing), cleaned out my dear husband's medicine shelf! I am a nurse...keep that is mind,...but I just never get into his shelf, and I found medicines/vitamins/etc. expired years ago! He has not been taking them, just kind of put newer things in front, and did not notice the older stuff lingering in the back! I filled a kitchen garbage bag with this junk...he says it looks better!


When I am home, I lose weight., period. I walk more, eat better...just the whole thing. I have walked 3 miles each day, and I feel so much better!! I need to eat much less sugary junk at work.


I wish a wonderful day to each one of you!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Can you stand just one more?

Hi Friends!! Can you stand just one more picture of the plaid quilt? The top is finished! I put the final borders on this morning, and I am so happy that it is all together. The very outside is waving hello to you, but it measures perfectly and will straighten all out when it is smoothed and quilted. I have not decided what to do about the quilting...hmmm, I just the love hand quilting process so much, but my life is sliding by pretty fast, and if I were to hand quilt all the quilts I want to, I would be 593 years old when I finished!! I just noticed that I found this pattern picture on the web on July 16th, and on September 3 (today), I have a top! Cool, huh?
I also finished this one, all hand quilted with black thread, and the binding hand stitched, just finished today as well. So WOOHOO!! Seems like I have been hooked on strings lately... Now what? I think I will concentrate on the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler...I love those little baby blocks!
I so love to hear from each of you...thank you so much for the richness you bring to my life. Just wanted each of you to know that you are making such a wonderful impact with your comments and peeks at each project that a quilter puts on her or his blog...thank you!!!!!! Your friendship is wonderful to me.

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...