Thursday, September 17, 2009

More progress on the Mystery quilt

Hi Y'all! Above is the next block in Bonnie Hunter's newest mystery quilt. So, I am all caught up and waiting for the next clue! I even have my fabric pre-cut, just waiting for instructions...Woohooo!!!!!!!!!!
I am working on a miniature quilt, and here is the beginning, just cutting apart my chain sewing string and then I will press the blocks. This one has quite a bit of applique in it, and it should be fun! More about this quilt on the next post.

A friend at work said, "Here, take this stuff, my mom was throwing all this away." Most of the fabric is quilt shop quality...sure I can use it!! Do you ever get grocery bags of fabric scraps?
******************Nurse's notes*******************************
For those who have been following the ongoing story of Carrie, my 19 year old patient at the hospital...she is making great strides!!!!!!!!! She passed her swallowing test! Her young husband came running up to the unit all smiles and tears and hugging everyone in sight, after her successful test! So, after seven weeks of tube feedings, she had her first meal last night. She wanted a fruit we were going to get her one, no matter what it took. And we did...and she drank it all!! Now, this was the girl who really was not expected to make it, she was so very ill. Of course, she can have anything she wants for sure! Weird thing is, she is still on the ventilator via her trach part time...I have never had a patient like that. Yippppeeeee!
Have a super day everyone...hope you can find some wonderful quilting time, just for you.


Texan said...

YEAH for Carrie!! I got goosebumps reading she was able to drink a fruit smoothie!! Good Deal!! and bless her husbands heart... what a lot they have been thru...

Your mystery blocks look great...

why is it a bag of scraps is so fun!

Amelia said...

Such wonderful news on the condition of your patient...we know you truly care for your patients...they are not just numbers but real people who need a medical miracle.

Quilt block is looking real detailed. I started a quilt today - using some scraps = some new = but with a christmas theme...just a basic 9 patch.;;

Have a great weekend.

antique quilter said...

love the block, wow what a great bag of fabrics, what fun you must have had looking thru it.

oh so happy that she could drink a smoothie
how wonderful, I have been following this story thinking oh my she just has to make it.

*karendianne. said...

Wow! What grrrreat news about Carrie. I'm thrilled. Beyond thrilled. I felt like I was in the room with her while she was asking for that smoothie, Julie. Thanks for sharing it so eloquently.

Really diggin' that block. Right on!!!

Still looking ahead, yes?

Nancy said...

Praise the Lord for Carrie's recovery!

I love your stack of mystery blocks and can't wait to see the flimsy.

Ali Honey said...

That's wonderful news of Carrie. I am sure the love in the little quilt helped and made her smile.
Well done Nursie.

Patty said...

So glad to hear Carrie is doing well. Such a relief. As to the bag of goodies....did they snatch those fabrics out of my stash when I wasn't looking? Several (most) of them live at my house too!! Her Mom has great taste in fabrics :)

Anne Heidi said...

I am so happy to hear Carrie is doing better!

Your mystery quilt looks really good, and the bag of scraps is wonderful!

Terry said...

Your mystery blocks are looking good. I haven't even started on mine yet. Great news about Carrie too! :0)

Quilter Kathy said...

What a fun post Julie! Your patient is getting better, the mystery blocks look great, you scored a bag of scraps, and you are making a miniature is good!

Finn said...

Hi Julie, you block for the mystery is just awesome! Love the colors *VBS* AND all caught up?? That is marvelous!
Yes, occasionally gifts of quilt "seeds" do come in grocery bags, or boxes. Isn't it fun??? Love the scraps *VBS*
Best news ever about Carrie, I hope it progresses to a full victory for her. I bet she loved her green quilt. Amazing what some quilty love can do *VBS* Big hugs, Finnie

Stephanie D said...

High fives all around for determination, love, and good nursing care!!! (Well, okay, we'll give the doctors a tiny bit of credit, too.)

Can't wait to see the mini quilt.

I was going to start Bonnie's mystery quilt, but life got in the way....again. Maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

Love your star blocks, thanks for the sweet words on my blog. Don't know if you're aware but your email is set at no reply.

MARCIE said...

Looks like another great mystery quilt on the way! And isn't it alway fun to go thru someone else's scraps? Have fun Julie!

Kim said...

Such good news for your patient! Life is good. :o)

Love the fabrics and colors you chose for your mystery quilt blocks.

Darcie said...

Singing praises!!! Such wonderful care Carrie is receiving...and she's surrounded with abundant love. That's all medicine in itself. ;-)

Hugs to you!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...