Thursday, September 10, 2009

Please help me with a little advice

Hi friends:

I took Carrie's quilt to her a few days ago, when it was all done...(Iposted about this a couple posts back, the quilt for one of my patients.) I tiptoed into the room, not wanting to wake her up so early (our shifts at the hospital begin at 06:45). On Carrie's bed was a drop dead gorgeous, hand knitted her favorite green. I stood and admired it for a moment...then quietly tiptoed back out...the little quilt in hand. I wanted her to have it...but the throw on her bed is much more beautiful, and I did not want to offend whoever made it for her by giving her another little coverlet. I think one of her family members gave it to her. What would you do? Go ahead and give it to her? Or wait and give it to someone else? Your opinion please!

Have a wonderful day!!



Karen said...

I think you should give it to her. Bound to make her feel better knowing that you care about her enough to do that for her.

Vicki W said...

I agree with Karen, you have to give it to her so she will know how much people care for her!

Amelia said...

That is a tough one.

Tell her that best wishes, love, healing thoughts, etc are sewn in each stitch..from you to her...I am sure your work is beatiful too!

WoolenSails said...

That is a tough one, but I am sure having something in her favorite color along with the other one, will only lift her spirits.

I was looking at your blog and love your plaid quilt.


Unknown said...

I agree that you should give it to her. It is a definite sign that she is cared for and she will so love it!

AnnieO said...

Oh, yes, of course you should give it to her! A quilt is warmth and love of a different sort, no one ever has too much of that!

Patty said...

Give it to her. You'll find the perfect moment to say something like "You were so down the other day, I thought I'd make you a cheery little comfort quilt. It looks like someone else had the very same idea. There sure are a lot of people thinking about you!"

Quilter Kathy said...

OH my....that is a really tough one!
But I would probably give it to her anyway, just to let her know you were thinking of her and sending her all your love.

Kim said...

Absolutely you should give this girl your lovely quilt. She will feel the love and support this quilt is intended to offer to her and add that to the same that she likely feels from the hand knit throw. Don't hesitate for a minute ~ bring it to her. She will treasure this gift. :o)

Teresa C said...

I recently threw a baby shower for a friend of mine. We are part of a large group of knitters/quilters and fiber crafters. I knew that she would be receiving two other quilts (I also made one) and many hand knit items. We all knew and yet we were all thrilled at the variety and generosity of love and time that went into welcoming this baby.

In knitting or quilting love into shawls and quilts for people that are struggling or sick I never worry-people can use every bit of love and positive energy we stitch for them and will feel that. One thing you cannot control is another person's reaction to our effort. Hopefully they will also feel that generosity. And there are some days when one blanket, if for warmth or for the feelings of love, is just not enough. Give it.

Lorraine said...

I think you should give it to her.....I agree with everyone - you can never have too many kind thoughts and prayers when you are ill and you have made this for her and stitched it with love and care..... and she will love it....would you take back flowers because someone had bought different (not better) but just different ones????....I feel if you don't give it to her you will always think of it as Carrie's quilt and regret that you didn't....that's just IMHO....

Terry said...

Since you made it for her, you should give it to her. She'll be touched that you cared enough to do this for her!

Susan said...

Yes, give it to her. Nobody needs just one......... As my mother got older, a throw or quilt were the gift of choice for her from many people. She treasured each one because of the memories of the giver.

Shari said...

You are so sweet - of course give it to her. It might be useful for those family members who sit by her side frequently too. She needs all the love and prayers and your quilt is a tangible evidence of that. Can't have too much love...

*karendianne. said...

Oh my heart breaks with all the love surrounding Carrie. And THE FAMILY! They also will be lifted up Julie. THEY will be healed along with Carrie when you give this. As I now know you will.

Think of how the family is going to feel, really. They are going to feel so surrounded by LOVE when you give. They wont feel anything else but a giving and caring heart is with them. Oh I cry...

The Calico Cat said...

You made it for her, so give it to her!

Elaine Adair said...

The gift is not the item, it is the "GIVING".

Give it with - "Many people are thinking of you."

Stina Blomgren said...

Definetly give it to her.. :o)
She will love both of them!!!!

Pat said...

I am just seeing this now....sorry to be late to comment, but I, too, think you should give it to her. I know that I, personally, can never have enough quilts or throws in my favorite colors. And.....look at it this way, she will have enough that she can put them in different rooms when she gets home and enjoy them all around the house AND she will be able to launder one while the other is in use. all means give it to her and wrap her in your love!

Anonymous said...

Julie, Julie, you can never have too many quilts whether they are fabric, wool....give the quilt to Carrie as you intended......sometimes we are our own worst critic...your work is beautiful.......hugs lyn

Texan said...

I am sure you have made your decision by now, but I totally agree you should give her the quilt you made her :O) will make her feel good I have no doubt!

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