Saturday, September 19, 2009

a little frustration!

Why was my profile set at "no-reply"?  I did not change wonder few people have been replying to my comments!  It is changed now, thank you to Linda for the heads-up!



Amelia said...

Are the ghosts and goblins coming early to your place? Glad to know your blog is back to accepting comments again. I don't like talking just to myself...I want you to hear/read it.

Terry said...

I wondered why too, as I know I have replied to you in the past! Glad you're back! :0)

bettyp said...

You know that has happened to me too and I know I didn't change it. Bloger much be having issues....

Pat said...

I noticed it and meant to tell you but it slipped my mind. least you got it fixed now!

Libby said...

I wondered too - a few blogs seem to have had the same thing happen . . . . I thought it was me *s* I'd better go check my own settings.

ForestJane said...

I had thought you were just being... private... lol

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...