Tuesday, April 27, 2021

End of the month!

Good evening, everyone!!!  I am a bit behind with this quilt, that I am working on with Cathy.  I did get my blocks out and put this row together.  So on I go...the hurrier I go, the behinder I get!!! I will make some tracks this month!

Big Lake Quilter: Four Seasons of April (wwwbiglakequilter.blogspot.com)

Please see all of Cathy's projects, above.  

Well, I have recently been rearranging and cleaning, and found that I had tooooooo many browns.  I mean that I need to use them up!!  So I am making brown baskets, as above.
This does not look organized, but the whole quilt is cut out and placed on the cookie sheet...lots of work in this little messy pile!!!  LOL!

 Here is my mini for this month.  A one block wonder quilt!!  I like it...hand quilted, and made from a pretty bright batik.  I am linking with Wendy, at the Constant Quilter blog...she is a master mini quilt maker!!

I recently got a shelf from Home Depot to house my fabrics and project bins.  It is miraculous how organized I feel!!  So grateful for that!!!

********************Nurse's Notes*********************

Covid!  It seems to be winding down for us!  At our peak, we had 122 patients in our hospital with it.  As of yesterday, we had 9.  HURRAH!!!  I am so delighted for this...it seems safer, and the staff is less stressed about getting sick, etc. We are kind of holding our breath, as our state has recently opened up.  I cannot thank everyone enough for your love and support.  Some made caps and scarves, some made bags and masks, and everyone was so kind and loving...THANK YOU so much!!!


Hope you are doing great today, 


Monday, April 19, 2021

A focus!

Good afternoon to all!  I have been working on my Farmhouse Sampler quilt.  I looked and looked and looked at all my fabric, trying to pick a border.  At last, pink rules!!  This is a Tricia Cribb fabric, for Turning Twenty Quilts...Northcott fabric.  So hurrah!  A flimsy is born!  
I have been working on my rainbow quilts...blue for this month!  Here is my blue heart block for this month.
This is my blue wonky star scrap block for this month!
A little applique was accomplished, too.   I love these tiny blocks!!!  Great fun!

 And I may have crocheted an afghan, too.  In about 20 minute increments, each night,  I finished up this one.  So it is warm and toasty, for cool nights.

Have a great day, each of you!


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Plaids rule the roost!!

Good morning to all!  I have been playing the strings, again.  I love strings, and plaid strings...what could possibly be better?  I need to applique more heart blocks!  If you look below, this plaid quilt came from a far different place than my plaids...but they all just go together, like magic!  
Speaking of plaids...a great treat is at my house!  PLAID STRINGS!!  And I did not make this quilt...

 But Joan did!!!  I just love it...she makes quilts, and I was lucky enough to purchase one from her...IN PLAIDS!!!  I am in great love with it!  It is made from shirt fabrics, mostly, and it is so soft and lovely.  Drapable and seems just like a quilty hug.  Joan asked me if I was buying this for someone, for a gift...NOPE!  This one stays with me!

Please see Joan's blog here:

Keeping You in Stitches (shelbystitcher.blogspot.com)

Have a lovely day!


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

It's the little things!!

I am thinking about American Heart, and their fund drive for September.  For my contribution, I am making little things to sell,  such as these snap purses.  Please see the tutorial here.  

How To Make A Snap Bag | The Sewing Room Channel | beginners snap bag - YouTube

There are lots of tutorials here...I used a much smaller "pull" triangle.  I think I will make some sunglass or glasses cases, using the same method.

I finished all the pieces and parts to "Jerod Takes a Wife!"  Please see Bonnie's free tutorial, here:

I really appreciate Bonnie!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Jared Takes A Wife!

From the pineapple blocks below, there were some cut off waste pieces.  I decided to make tiny nine patches from those little cut off pieces.  Waste not, want not!  (that saying was first described in 1772, and first cited in the USA in 1932).  DEPRESSION PHRASES!!!!!!!!

Waste not... - phrase meaning and origin (phrases.org.uk)

Here are the pineapple blocks I was talking about.  As you see, I messed up this round, and had to redo the round.  Since this picture, all the blocks are completed correctly, as below, and are ready for me to send off to the recipient.  I am delighted to gain a new skill and learn to use that ruler, by Creative Grids!
Here is the block, a finished example by Annie.  I love it!

 So,  these are my sheets...guess I better get some new ones!! What sheets are the best, in your opinion?  Any favorite brands?  Time for some good sheets!!

Hope you all are having a lovely day!


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Lots of hand stitching

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!!!  I have been appliqueing hearts, again...great fun for me!
I finished the binding on this quilt, made from leftover bindings from other quilts.  
A sheet is the backing!  
I finished binding and hand quilting this quilt.  I loved doing this!
I finished the binding on this quilt, too.
A friend passed away and her daughter gave me this.  It is cross stitch on linen, and so well done!
This is the whole picture, of the 23rd psalm.  
I learned how to make zipper pouches!  I love them...fun and not a bit hard.  open wide zippered pouch: DIY tutorial - Noodlehead (noodle-head.com)  Here is the pattern!!!  Just click on the link.
I am learning how to make pineapple blocks, using a Creative Grids ruler.  I love this block!!!  Annie made this one!
This is a dark picture, but here are my centers.  So pretty, and all from reproduction fabrics.

 The lady who passed away had made these fabric leaves/petals.  There are one zillion of them in this box, all pressed and basted and ready to applique!!  AMAZING!!!  Her daughter passed things out to each quilter at the last guild meeting.  We met outside in a parking lot...and it was so much fun!

And that is what I have been up to.   I am not caught up but getting closer!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...