Saturday, February 20, 2021

Log Cabin Lunatics!!! Ready to finish it up???

My last round was 8 1/2 inch x 1 1/2 inch strips of pale strips, and then the same size colored strips with the red 1 1/2 inch squares attached.  

 I am sewing all my blocks together today!!  Hurrah!!  

Coincidentally, I (Julie) Julierose, and Quiltdiva Julie are all making this quilt!!!  Three Julies!  Are you also sewing along?  

Please see Quilt diva Julie HERE:  Me and My Quilts - Exploring the Possibilities: Project Updates (

Please see Julierose HERE:  julierosequilts: A FUNKIFIED FLIMSY--FINALLY

 Please see Cathy's quilt, HERE:

Please see Caryl's quilt here!!!!  cinnamon holiday workshop: To-Do Tuesday #51 and Log Cabin Loonies (

Have a lovely day, each of is certainly wonderful here, with heat and water and everything!  WOW!!!  I am so filled with gratitude, after a few days of cold and dark!!



Cathy said...

I'm the odd one out because my name is not Julie but I am a log cabin looney and have been quilting along. Thanks for the instructions.

julieQ said...

HI Cathy! I linked to your page your quilt!

Julierose said...

Mine is sewn together and awaiting a backing and layering...thanks so much for all the
instructions--what fun!! Hugs, One of the Julie's ;)))

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

I love all the Log Cabin Loonies quilts!!! Mine will be a small fun to be sewing along with others doing the same thing!! Thanks Julie for a fun time!

Sherrill said...

Heat, water (that doesn't need boiling anymore) AND little to no ice on the roads!! No to mention our 56 degree high for today. Couldn't ask for much more aside for maybe 70 degrees. HA

KaHolly said...

Loving your log cabins! They are always a favorite. Glad to be on the other side of this catastrophe and looking forward to sunny, warm weather today. We were also among the lucky to have regularly scheduled rolling electricity, but it was cold and challenging in its own right. My heart goes out to those who were less fortunate.

Loris said...

This is looking beautiful! So glad to hear you have heat and water again. Boy, what a week! Still praying for all of you dealing with the aftermath of this disaster!

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun to see everyone's projects in different colours!
I really wanted to play along, but haven't finished the last log cabin looney project yet! But I still love it and will finish it someday!

Susan said...

Not sewing along because of other commitments, but I will be making the quilt when those clear out!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Round two is finished and will be shared soon on the blog (likely after round three is added). So scrappy and such fun!

Janet O. said...

These are such happy log cabin blocks!
So glad you have heat and water! That was a tough situation you had for a while.

Lori said...

WOWSER! The blocks look even better when sewn together!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love it!!! It looks so great!!!

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hat digitizing said...

Great work!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...