Sunday, June 4, 2017

a little rainbow fun stuff!

 So Scrappy!

Please go and look at all the fun projects, in a rainbow of colors!  Yellow is the color for June and someone (Please let me know who?  If it is you, please let me know, and I salute you!  OINK!)  made a delightful piggy pattern!!  So, here is a yellow piggy for June.  Hurrah!!  I am going to use polka dots for these pigs.

Update!  Chantal found the piggy designer!!  Here is the link...thank you dear Chantal!
Sally Trude was the designer!

And a green block for last month.  From the 2.5 inch bin.

Thank you for all your comments on last post, about how you do your bindings.  Wonderful wisdom being shared, and I appreciate you!!



Chantal said...

Love your little honker! Mangofeet is doing them too and I do believe she had a link to the tutorial. Yep, here it is :
Sally Trude was the designer I believe. Enjoy! ;^)

julieQ said...

Thank you, Chantal...I updated my post. Hurrah!!

Vic in NH said...

Cute piglet block! And I love your stars in scrappy greens, too!

Sue SA said...

Welcome to RSC! Love your pigs, Sally makes great tutorials for all sorts of pieced animals. I have been making RSC stars using 2.5" scraps also, but mine have HST in the corner.

Tired Teacher said...

Adorable! Will you be making more of the pig blocks - all in polka dots?

gayle said...

Yay for piglets!! I'm always happy to see more people making Sally's adorabledorable oinkers!!!

Karen said...

Oh no! Another pig! Oh how cute.

Kyle said...

Looks like we'll be seeing some cute rainbow piglets

Janet O. said...

Oh, that pig made me grin! Such a cute block for the RSC!

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW glad to see you're back in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

Magpie Sue said...

Polka dot piggies will be the cat's meow!

Binsa said...

Cute block Julie.

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...