Friday, July 15, 2016

Sampler and an UGLY quilt!

 I have made a few more blocks for Pat Sloan's Sampler quilt...  See all the blocks at her site!!
 A couple of little book marks are completed, machine quilted.
 And a few more circles are coming to life!!!
 There is a nursing story behind this pie from McDonald's...I had a very, very sick lady, who was really not supposed to make it...but she did!  I took care of her for five days straight, in the ICU...a beautiful Hispanic lady, just about my age,  who did not speak English.  I enjoyed putting my Spanish classes to good use!!  And her children and grandchildren helped me learn more Spanish, too. I loved her grandchildren, and hugged them and tied their shoes and generally just enjoyed them.  One of them brought me this pie, hot from the oven at McDonald's.  It was given to me with all the solemnity of a ceremony of high importance...and it means the world to me. That little six year old gave me his pie, bless him!! I love my patients, and I really loved seeing the patient who was not to live, walking around our unit with a walker, gaining her strength back, so she could go home.

A Save!!!
 Now for the ugly, ugly quilt.  I have no memory of making it, but there are my fabrics, right there!  What was I thinking?!!!  I will have to look back on the blog and see when I created this monster.  I found it hiding in the quilt closet...
I think I am going to take the blocks apart and put something else between them...geesh!  Can't imagine what I was doing....

Hugs to all!  Have a great day...I guess every quilt  can't be my favorite, or even a winner...Rosie my poodle doesn't like it either, LOL!



Tired Teacher said...

I enjoy reading your nurse notes, and thrilled to hear that this lady improved enough to go home!

The black frames on the basket blocks are nice and will look great with a different sashing.

gayle said...

Hurray for your patient, and awwww for the pie!
I'm trying to think of something Pollyanna-ish to say about the quilt, but... umm... I'm sure it's very kind to its mother.
(It'll be absolutely fine with different sashing. The baskets are great. Easy fix!)

hetty said...

It's not that ugly!

TakeMeThereTotes said...

No no no I like your quilt. Not every quilt has to be fantastic. It is pretty and colorful. It is a great scrappy quilt. There are so many other quilts to make. Just quilt this one and make another one you are going to love. At least that is how I feel about the time used to remake another setting of the blocks. Hope you don't mind my two cents on the subject. I think is it very pretty!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

It's busy, but, I like that quilt! It's fun and bright! So glad the lady made it, and you could touch her life and that of her family, too. Sweet story.

Vic in NH said...

It just a psychedelic quilt from the 70's? What's not to love, then? Thank you for all the lives that your nursing blesses and for the glimpses we can share with you.

Janet O. said...

Sweet, sweet story about the pie--and that shows how much your patients and their families love you!

Those sashings with simpler blocks, and those blocks with simpler sashings would give you two great scrap quilts! : )

Lynn Dykstra said...

Use the quilt as a back for another--don't put more effort into it, it is fine as it is!
My McDonalds story--I was working evenings at the hospice and a patient wanted to eat bread. None to be found. The kitchen was closed. At midnight after report I went to the drive through at McDonalds and asked to buy a bun. They said they couldn't sell just a bun. So I asked for a hamburger. I asked them to hold the pickle, the catsup, and the meat. Got my bun, drove back to the hospice, and made my patient happy.

Chantal said...

You are doing very well with the sampler blocks. Awwwhhh! about the pie story. Your patients love you as much as you love them. You are just a heart on two legs. Bless you for helping all these people. As for the quilt, there is one for everyone. Maybe you don't see the beauty in it anymore but some else might. Personally, I don't think it is that bad. Maybe a touch too busy but teenagers usually love things with lots of colours. Do you have teens in your family? I love the baskets with the black frame too. Anywho! Good luck with your decision. Love the nurse stories; keep them coming. <3 ;^)

Diane said...

That pie story made me tear up. How sweet. And the basket blocks are awesome, if you swap out the sashing you will love it, but I kind of like it as is. I'm weird like that. :)

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

The sampler blocks are lovely! Loved your nursing story. So glad the lady made it.
The quilt top isn't that bad, just very colourful. I would hate the unpicking, but maybe that's the way to go!!!

Chookyblue...... said...

such a rewarding nursing story.........job well done.......

Smiley Quilter said...

I like your quilt even as busy as it is. Looks like Charlottes baskets by Bonnie Hunter. I bet it will be great once quilted.

Kleine Vingers said...

Just leave the quilt as it is, maybe you'll meet someone who loves it. Not every quilt can be a favorite. Greetings

Gretchen Weaver said...

This looks like a Bonnie Hunter quilt. I wouldn't spend the time tearing it apart. Quilt it and send it to charity. Blessings, Gretchen

JoAnne said...

Love the quilt just as it is. I say quilt it and keep it. Might just grow on you!

JoAnne said...

Love the quilt just as it is. I say quilt it and keep it. Might just grow on you!

Karen said...

I don't think the quilt is ugly. Just bright and cheerful and very scrappy.

Teresa in Music City said...

Such a sweet story Julie! It must be very satisfying to be a nurse when miracles happen and you know you have been a part of helping that happen :*). Your Sampler is coming along nicely. As for the UGLY quilt - is there really such a thing? LOL!!! I bet a child would love that quilt with all the bright colors and interesting fabrics to look at.

Loris said...

I love those times when the rough road actually leads to success. I'm sure you are as dear to that family as they are to you.
And I hope you keep the "ugly" quilt as is. I kind of like it :-)

AnnieO said...

You are so sweet I'm sure your patients all love you! I'm sorry you think that quilt is ugly--I think it's a wonderful mixture and once quilted will look different. But if Rosie doesn't like it...

Cathy said...

I don't think it's ugly smuggly...when quilted it will probably be snuggly wuggly.
And what an awesome pie story!

Quilting Tangent said...

You were trying to use up your scraps. Rip it apart, put a solid color for all the sashing. Use the old sashing in another quilt or as the binding or design on the back.

Kyle said...

Your nurses note are always heart warming stories. It was a gift from the heart. After reading the comment about your busy quilt, I would tend to agree to just move it on. Either finish it yourself or let someone else enjoy it. You had the fun of making it and using your scraps.

cityquilter grace said...

ugly??? oh noooo...sooo deliciously scrappy!

Me and My Stitches said...

I love your nurse's notes - such a sweet story. The ugly quilt...I know that I would never rip all of that out, but if you do...wouldn't all of that sashing look great as a border? A busy, pretty border, in between two plain borders? I can't wait to see what you decide to do with it.

nestki said...

I like your ugly quilt! THe Reds and other brights make me happy. there is room for wild quilts among the sophisticated ones. however, I support your desire to change it around. THank you for your nursing story.

KaHolly said...

No, no, no! It's NOT ugly at all! Finish it up! Keep it simple so it goes quickly! Sweet story. Your patient made it because she had awesome care! XO

Ruth said...

That "ugly" quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! I think it needs a big fat plain solid color border, then a thin binding, and it will all "play together nicely"!!

Little Penpen said...

Love your sweet nurse story! As a nurse, I can imagine how precious it was to receive your pie! About your so called ugly quilt... I love it!!!

laurel said...

The quilt is a "happy" much color and a wonderful collection of fabrics. You put a lot of time and work into those sashing strips........keep them, quilt it and bring it to the hospital as a gift to someone who will think it is as special as it is!

JustGail said...

I'm failing to see the ugly in this quilt. To me it's happy & energetic, like a puppy wagging its tail.

linda said...

Wow - your ugly quilt is my most favorite one from this blog post. The scrappiness makes the quilt so much more interesting than a tightly controlled predictable color palette. Don't change it.

Roxanne said...

Love the comment above--you ARE a heart on two legs!
I can't see any ugly in that quilt! It's been a while since this post and I'm wondering if you made any decision. IF you do take apart, I liked Me & My Stitches comment to make the sashing a border.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...