Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Progress on some projects...

 This block was a mistake, and would not work in the quilt I intended it to be I bordered it and will bind it...and it will be a candle mat for The Fourth of July...
 Splendid sampler blocks...
 and Buttermilk Basin blocks.  Dag nab it!  I have love the "T" pattern...for Let it Snow.  I will have to purchase it...because I really want to finish this quilt.  I printed it, but it is just no where to be found!!
 Green peppers are popping out...
 And tomatoes!!
The vegetables are liking the rain...but wow!  We are having historic flooding...mostly south of us, but this is the canal in back of the house...briskly flowing along!!!

Have a super day, everyone!!



Mary Ann said...

Been heard about the rain from my Daddy (he lives in Arlington). Hope you are keeping safe. Mary Ann

Tired Teacher said...

Misplacing patterns is what I do best: glad I have some competition! Love the blocks you've finished.

Home grown veggies will soon be on your menu, huh? Wonderful.

Little Penpen said...

You are amazing! I'm sure there are plenty of free T's floating around out there. ;) Hang tight; someone will send it to you! Your veggies look great!

Loris said...

I just sent you a T :-)
Let me know if it doesn't open for you or something.
I can try again.
Yummy vegies!

Rebecca in AK said...

That block makes a beautiful candle mat. All your blocks are looking wonderful. I hope you don't have any flooding in your area.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

How is the Brazos river, closer to you? I used to canoe on it, when I was young (and we lived in Irving). I sure wouldn't want to canoe on it right now. Scary!

Chantal said...

There is no such thing as a mistake quilt block; they are always good for something else than the intended project lol. I love that first block and the splendid sampler blocks too. Saw the damages of the flood in Texas and thought of you. Hope you stay safe and dry. Hugs. ;^)

Kyle said...

You're always taking lemons, so to speak, and making lemonade. Love to see what happening in your area. Stay dry!

Janet O. said...

That is a very happy patriotic candle mat you have created, Julie!
Love all of the r/w/b blocks.
Looks like you have already received the letter pattern you need and I see that the next pattern has been released today. Can't wait to check it out!
We just barely planted our peppers and tomatoes, so I must be patient.
Oh, my goodness, that is a LOT of water!

terry said...

Was ready to send you "T" block when I read others beat me to it. However, if anyone out there in cyberworld has "L" block I would love to have it. I spilled water on mine and it shredded before I could make it. Thank you.

Terry (

Binsa said...

Love the home grown are so productive Julie

Bren said...

I made the first several blocks of the Splendid Sampler before deciding, I would put it aside. Your blocks and projects are wonderful!!! Hope you are well!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...