Monday, May 30, 2016


 This was a freebie from Lisa Bongean's Primitive gathering summer quilt a few years ago...of course I changed it all up...and it is not done yet.  Still lots of work to go, yet...
 Log Cabin Lunacy!!!  I am sewing, and sewing, and sewing!!  fun!!!  (how about YOU!)

So...this is what happens when your girlie pink quilt is washed, accidentally, with a sharpie sad.  Never to come out, I am sure...after a suitable mourning period, I will attempt to fix it!!

Log Cabin Loonies!!!

Hey, I have tried...and tried...and tried to create a clickable blog list at my right, of all the super fun log cabin loonie quilters,  like my list of quilter who are nurses...and I can't.  Is it possible that I can have only one of this type of list?  I am pulling my hair out...wait for a LOONIE!!  Hee!!!

I will keep trying...and YOU KEEP SEWING!!

Hugs to all,



paulette said...

I once put a permanent Jiffy black felt pen in the pocket of my brand new yellow rain jacket and of course it leaked and left a 6" stain on the outside of the jacket. I soaked the jacket in a bucket of OXYClean (put in a ton of Oxyclean and used a toothbrush and made a paste and really scoured the stain, then added water)then left the bucket and jacket for a week to soak and it all came out!! You would have never guessed!! It's worth a try....good luck!

Dolores said...

If the oxy clean doesn't work, you could always applique butterflies on the stains. That's what we do with quilts that have boo-boos. Good luck. Looks like you're having fun with log cabins.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

So sorry about the quilt. Maybe you can applique some flowers over the spots.

Janet O. said...

Love your little Primitive Gatherings quilt. I just bought that pattern.
Ouch! That pink quilt has a painful boo-boo. Appliqued butterflies sounds pretty. : )

Leeanne said...

OH sad about the pen on the pretty quilt!

WoolenSails said...

That is a cute quilt and a sad mishap with the marker, ugh.


Vic in NH said...

Julie, you seem to have a "Blogger" (google) blog and so do I. On my template inside the dashboard, it says, "My Blog List" and I add or delete blog links from there via a simple cut & paste from an open tab on my browser that shows their blog's URL address.

Vic in NH said...

Try the "Layout" on the list to the left hand side of the dashboard.

Diane said...

I'm sorry about the quilt, that kind of stuff happens here too. It's just another chapter in the story of the quilt! I suck at technical stuff, so I can't help you with the blog at all, but good luck with it.

Tired Teacher said...

I was thinking appliqué would work on the Sharpie spots, too.

Anonymous said...

You could stitch legs and antennae on the stains and turn them to a picnic with bugs quilt !!

Yanicka said...

appliqué can save the day ;)

Little Penpen said...

I see some pretty applique in your future!! *sniff sniff* on the sharpie!

Karen said...

Reading comments, I see there is a couple creative solutions for the marks on the quilt. I like the idea of a bit of applique.

Chantal said...

If you can't fight it, join it. If the Sharpie won't go, make more. Turn it into an "I did it on purpose" kind of art. Add more dots to form pixels drawing of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, whatever. If the pictures show all the stains you have, it could be the stem of a big flower with a few more smaller ones and that's it. Your quilt is not lost. It just need a "face lift". Best of luck. Cute little mini. I love it. ;^)brave my friend.

Chookyblue...... said...

Huge bugger about the pen...

Dasha said...

Oh Julie! How awful about that marker. I do hope you are able to sort something out.

Rose Marie said...

Soak Oxi Clean on those black marks. Let it soak overnight and then wash. You may have to repeat, but it is worth it. A quilter in Japan had issues with permanent markers and after I told her about Oxiclean, she gave it a try and most of the marks faded or disappeared.

Lori said...

What a bummer about the marker. :(
Cute little new project you are working on!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I thought the marks were "ants" marching across the patches. Maybe you could embroider little legs and turn the blobs into little picnic pests!

Kyle said...

I think everyone gasped when we saw your quilt. How sad, but I think you have some good suggestions on what to do, I can't help you with techie stuff, but I do like what you're working on.

Me and My Stitches said...

Love your cute little PG quilt! But HATE what happened to your pretty pink and white quilt. I can't even imagine how you felt when you pulled that out of the wash machine. Let us know what you do with it. Aplique is a pretty good idea!

Quilter Kathy said...

Don't let the log cabin loonies list make you loony!!
You have a hard enough time dealing with that sharpie incident.... horrors!
I would be in the loony bin I'm sure!

Rebecca in AK said...

Such a very pretty quilt! I love your Log Cabin blocks too! I am so, so sorry about your quilt. It is just heartbreaking. I hope you can find a way to get them out.

Danice G said...

So sorry about the pink quilt. Appliques would be a good solution to cover the ink spots. You asked about a clickable list...In Layout, on your right sidebar, +Add A Gadget. Choose a Link List. In the Title box, name that list what you wish, ie. Ladies Making Log Cabin Blocks. Then just add the url's of the blogs you want in that list. To get the blogs' urls, simply go to each blog and left-click up in your browser address bar. This will blue highlight the url. Right-click and choose Copy. Then in your new Link List right-click and choose Paste. This will place the url in your new List.

Danice G said...

Oh, and if you want to make your sidebar not as long after adding your new List, , you can choose your Archives to be in a drop-down box. This will save a lot of sidebar space :)

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...