Monday, May 2, 2016

Estate sale goodies

 I had an opportunity to go to an estate sale today.  A lady is 95 years old; never married, no children, and a quilter and antique dealer all her life.  She had to go into assisted living recently, so hired a team to clear and sell all the items and antiques in her home.  Earlier in the sale, there were hundred + quilts and quilt tops for sale, from the pictures. Almost all were gone, but I found this one today.
 It is a snowball variation, right?  It is completely hand pieced.  Not too old, based on some of the fabrics, and the back is  meticulously pressed, every seam in the blocks pressed open. Quite well done. The price?  $9.00.  Crazy, huh?  It was 75% off day, everything, and the house was still full to the rafters.  Lots and lots and lots of Haviland china and sterling silver.
 This chair is old, old, and quite small.  $16.00 for it...
 And this is a butter press!  She had tons of these...and I loved this one, so got it too.
 $4.00 for it.
And I also got this, which I do not know what it is, but I liked it is hand carved.  $1.00.  Does it have something to do with tatting??

Dear husband got a solid silver pot for $4.00.  Ridiculously low.  It says on the bottom, "Sterling silver"

All these prices are mentioned, because it was just so sad to see all her life's collections and treasures going for almost nothing.  She had entire rooms full of dolls, and entire rooms full of display cases of china and crystal and what-not.   I guess we should just enjoy each day to the fullest, and use up that quilt fabric, friends!  The fellow that was running the estate sale said that she had a room of fabric, full top to bottom, when they started the sale three days ago!!!  My guess is that some quilters had a wonderful time clearing out that fabric.

Have a great day all, and thank you for letting me share the estate sale goodies!



Chantal said...

That's a very beautiful quilt. At first I thought you had made that. It looks so new. Great find. I love that chair too. I love antique wooden chairs, period! I have absolutely no idea what the last picture is. Keep us posted when you find the answer please, as I am very intrigued by it.
It is sad when we think how little our precious things are worth for others. Bless her soul.

Tired Teacher said...

It saddened me to hear of this lady's treasures basically being given away. It makes me want to down-size my own possessions and collections while I can.

I love the items that you purchased: the quilt is a beauty.

Karen said...

The quilt top design reminds me of a furnace filter....the metal part. Quite a bargain but yes it is sad to have all that work go for so little money. I figure that is what will happen to all my quilt tops.

Leeanne said...

What a wonderful treasures!

Rebecca in AK said...

Well you certainly came home with some treasures! But I agree, it is so sad to see someone's whole life basically, going for next to nothing.

Sherrill said...

After downsizing when my DH passed away (from 3600 sq ft to under 2000), I still have WAY too much and intentions are not to saddle my boys with having to clean it all out!! I really have more fabric than 10 people could use and need to go thru it and give to the church quilt group! But the problem is this young generation doesn't seem to have much interest in heirlooms so who's going to buy the treasures? :-(

Kathleen said...

when I go to assisted living, I will be taking my fabric with me !!!! I will leave the silver pots, but the fabric will go !!!

Janet O. said...

What a find on that top--and the chair--well, all of it!
So sad that there is no family to inherit the treasures of her life.

Binsa said...

Hi Julie, so so sad and makes me wonder what will happen with my things when I pass. I have already earmarked some of my things to people I love.Hugs Lyn

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
I but she enjoyed every minute of her life with all these goodies surrounding her. Now you have a little portion of them and will enjoy them too. What a great life to live, feel pure admiration.

Little Penpen said...

Awww, that is so bittersweet. I love your finds! I used to work in a nursing home and one of our patient's family was having an auction of her things. It was amazing, but very sad, at the same time. I purchased a box of cookbooks that day and still treasure them so much.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Wonderful goodies! Sorry she didn't have any family that might like her stuff. At least it went to people who appreciated it.

Sandi said...

How happy she will be to know you will love and appreciate her old things being new to you. So sad but I'm sure she will be happy that they have new homes.

That quilt is amazing!

Jill said...

Great finds! Congrats! Wish I lived nearby, I have been looking for butter presses, but they are always out of my price range.

Jeanne said...

That's a very pretty quilt! I would have loved to see all of her collection! You came home with some nice bargains.

Lori said...

Moving my mom we couldn't give away enough stuff! Yes, it was very sad. Lucky you will treasure your finds.

Kyle said...

What a lovely quilt. So glad you rescued it and gave it a new home. Sounds like the previous owner enjoyed her possessions while she had them. I guess that's what we should do.

Vicki W said...

I adore that quilt!

Unknown said...

Very Sad! but reality. Antique markets are gone. Today's generations want no clutter. We have our share of these things too. What a waste of lovely items.

Me and My Stitches said...

How sad that she had so many wonderful things and no one to share them with. I'm glad that a few of her things found a good home with you.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...