Saturday, May 21, 2016

Log Cabin Loonies!!!

 So, fellow Log Cabin Loonies!!!  Isn't this such a dear, wonderful log cabin variation, above?  I just love it!  It was on Pinterest, and I cannot find who made it...if it is yours, I give you all the credit, and salute you!  and I wish I had the pattern!!  Such a darling Log Cabin Quilt!!  Just a little inspiration for all of us, in Log Cabin lunacy mode.

UPDATE!!!!!!  Janet was so kind as to share where the above pattern may be found, and to give credit to the designer...she says this!

The pattern for the quilt is called Chelsea Cottage, and it's in the book You're Invited by Blackbird Designs (Adams/Allen)

Thank you so much, Janet!!!
Here is where I am...working on my brand of log cabin blocks.  I am loving them!!!

So...I don't care of you just have a pile of fabrics, or strips, or a log cabin quilt you are already working on...Link up below, and join in the fun, with the best and most fun quilters in Quilt blog land!!!

Tomorrow...I am luckily off from work.  So, I will create our list of Log Cabin Loonies on my sidebar...join anytime!!!  No rules...just fun, fun sewing!!!



Binsa said...

Hi Julie count me in as a Log Cabin Looney regards lyn

KaHolly said...

It IS a beauty!

Julierose said...

Oh it does sound like a fun relaxing sew-a -long. hugs, julierose

Chantal said...

You sure did find a little beauty on Pinterest. I love it too. Enjoy the logging ... uhmm, I mean the sewing. ;^)

Browndirtcottage said...

Teresa over at Fabric Therapy made a green/white one some years back, but I can't remember if she added a little house like that one. It's most cute though! I'm just finishing up a scrappy log cabin.

Cathy said...

I'm a looney. Hopefully your SAL will motivate me to use my short strings in a bunch of wonky log cabin quilts.

JanetD said...

The pattern for the quilt is called Chelsea Cottage, and it's in the book You're Invited by Blackbird Designs (Adams/Allen). It's very cute.

gayle said...

Like I said before, you had me at 'lunacy'...
Proud to be a Log Cabin Loony!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I've been wanting to make a log cabin quilt. Been procrastinating about it for years. Been stressing over cutting into new fabric. Been wanting to use up my old stash. I think I would like to join this "Looney Been" too to keep me motivated. But I am wondering how to subscribe by email or Bloglovin' to your blog so I don't lose you. Karen

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I am hoping to join in, too! I've never made a log cabin quilt, but have wanted to. I'll plan to link up next month. Thanks for the fun!

Sue SA said...

I love log cabin quilts, they are quintessentially the "real deal" in my book! Of course I love having a Go Cutter and sewing machine to create them (so glad I am not a pioneer woman) and would love to join in the madness. Now just got to find that box of scraps I couldn't bear to throw out! Thanks for starting the newest craze in blogland!

Kyle said...

What a great beginning of Log Cabins blocks.

Katie S. said...

I'll join up. I made one scrappy block and stuck it on wall. I liked it so much I've been treating it like a picture but if I got motivated I could probably make a bazillion ! KatieS.

Janet O. said...

That is a sweet log cabin pattern.
Looks to me like you have a great start on your log cabins!

Lisa England said...

I just found your QAL through Cathy at Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting. Sounds like fun! I love log cabins and make them often. Wonky log cabin blocks are a favorite lately as they are a great way to use some things from my unruly, overflowing scrap bins. I finished a lap quilt with wonky log cabins recently and I will link a photo. The pattern I started with for arranging the blocks is very cool and there is info on where to find it in the description of the quilt.

Lori said...

What's not to love about these great log cabin quilts?! Terrific!

Quiltdivajulie said...

My log cabin (linked) is one I made a couple of years ago. It was gifted to my sister's father in law who just recently passed away at age 96. Now his wife enjoys using it.

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...