Sunday, August 30, 2015

Slow Stitching Sunday

 Hand quilting!  That is what I have been slow stitching on today.  Above is a little crumby quilt top that I had stashed in the closet. Over the last few days, I hand quilted in each little scrap.  It was fun!  And I am glad I just did not throw this one away, which was the immediate urge when I took it out of the closet.  I am thinking of a tiny vine applique around the edge.
 Another heart quilt...I must have made a metric ton of these.  I still have to clip threads on everything!  Just keeping it all real here.
 I hand appliqued all the circles down on this table runner...still more work to go on this one.
 I put a binding on this quilt!  I chose the blue, and added a flange.  The whole thing is by machine, and took some time, but I like it...'cause it is done!!
 Another pic...dear husband commandeered this quilt, and it is in use on the bed already!
 I made some Gorp (trail mix) for work...I always pick out the M and M's and eat them first!  Just a kid still, I think...
And more progress on the postage stamp.  It is a vendetta, now, to finish this up!!  LOL!!  Each square is one inch finished.  I used my rotary cutter, but I remember my grandmother's postage stamp quilt was made by cutting each piece out with dressmaker's shears, after tracing around the square with pencil, using a cut out square, cardboard template from a cereal box!!  I am down right spoiled!!

Have a great day, everyone!



Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
so many wonderful projects, you are sewing at 90 miles an hour, at least.
Great finishes, congratulations.

Janet O. said...

Your delight over the little crumb quilt makes me smile--and your confession about the M&Ms made me laugh. I have to eat the M7Ms with peanuts because I don't love peanuts by themselves. Is that un-American or something?
The quilt that is already on the bed--I really like the quilting pattern you used. Can you show a little more of it? Pretty please?
I really want to do a postage stamp quilt. But I believe I over think it and talk myself out of it. : )

Rebecca in AK said...

Such a great little crumb quilt. I am glad you kept it! Don't you love it when you DH loves a quilt that you made! I have not made gorp in years, since the kids were still at home.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh what lovely little quilts! The postage stamp quilt is quite the undertaking!

Julierose said...

Lovely projects all!! I am working on a Rainbow postage stamp--but my blocks are 2.5"==GI-normous compared with your little ones...hugs, Julierose

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I do the same thing with GORP and always think to myself, why didn't I just eat the Mand m's!! LOL!

Tired Teacher said...

Of course the M&Ms must be eaten first! Isn't that a law somewhere?

My mother cut templates from cereal boxes, too, and pain-stakingly cut the fabric with shears. No wonder it took ages to make a quilt.

Lori said...

Great projects! Fun to have a new one on your bed!!

Kyle said...

I really like the flange and binding on your quilt. That little bit of light really adds to the impact. Great job. Hard to think back to the days before rotary cutters, but it wasn't that long ago!

AnnieO said...

Omigosh, you are definitely engaged with all variety of quilty fun! I have some of my grandmothers pattern pieces for wedding ring sections, cut from cardboard or paper from the 1930's!

Linda O said...

Wow, Julie, what a fun bunch of projects you are working on! Congrats on the wonderful finish! The little flange on the binding looks great! The quilting design is gorgeous too. Your postage stamp is going to be spectacular!! We are certainly spoiled by all our modern tools and gadgets, aren't we?

Sue SA said...

Your postage stamp quilt is just divine, what a family treasure it will be. Love your red and white work also, my favorite combination!

Karen said...

I find hand quilting very relaxing. I just don't do it much any more.

jude's page said...

Love the postage stamp quilt, is it hand pieced? Love all my tools, might not have been so keen doing it all the hard way!

audrey said...

The postage stamp quilt is just wonderful, rotary cutting or not.:) Love that your husband commandeered your quilt already! That's a sign a of a great quilt!

KaHolly said...

I am always so amazed at all you accomplish. Each project is truly wonderful. I'm in awe over the postage stamp quilt. Your grandmother would be so proud!

Me and My Stitches said...

Not sleeping again, I see - lol! All great projects, as always. My favorite is your postage stamp quilt - so cool. How big are you going to make it?

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Love the postage stamp quilt--it's going to be awesome!

Quilter Kathy said...

Wowzer... you have been some busy over there!
I started a hand pieced postage stamp quilt way back in the day, using scissors and a template...wonder where that thing went?!?

Chookyblue...... said...

always busy busy...........

Chookyblue...... said...

always busy busy...........

Vic in NH said...

Love that String X quilt and your choices of binding colors just finish it off perfectly; no wonder your Hubby commandeered it for the bed. Please forgive my faulty memory, but are we skipping the August binding blitz this time? CRS syndrome, sigh!

Lilac Joan said...

Always amazed at how much you get done. Busy people get a lot done. I am retired and I do very little! Love all your quilts. About eating M & M first. I fix my Skittles in separate bowls by color and eat one of each color so that I will have the best all through the eating process! Weird!

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...