Monday, August 10, 2015


 Filling in the blanks here!!  This is Texas Tumbleweeds, a Bonnie Hunter pattern.  This represents all the batiks I own...a sampling of every single one. I have a few strips left of each one...but here it is, the whole kit and caboodle!!
A closer view.

Of course, I still need to sew blocks together and find a border...all in due time!!!

De cluttering!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Cosmetics down by at least half.  I do not need blue eye shadow from years ago, which I never wore anyway.

Shoes...down by half...that was harder, but with a deep breath, it is done!!  Donated the nice ones to a lady at work who wears a small size, like I do, tossed the oldies too.

Linen closet!!  Working on that too...sheets and towels are going too, for donation.  I cannot get rid of my mothers and grandmothers hand embroidered linens...sorry, those are staying!!!  I think one set of extra sheets is all I am keeping, and donating all the rest.  


Nurse's notes

I met the most darling man today!!  90 years old...a world war two gunner, who served on a destroyer in the Atlantic Ocean.  He described himself at 17 years old, in charge of a group...and feeling the heat of flak searing close to him and landing on deck.  And him running and humping it back into his gunner's nest!! A round thing, he described, kind of where he lived for a long time...serving our country.  He said the thing he wanted most is to get back home, way back then...and I am so glad he did.  He said he has been married  for over 60 years to an, "older woman," who is 96 years old.  Did not get to meet her yet!

Blue eyed and bright as a button...he says he talks too much, but I was honored to hear his story.  I ignored the phone for a while and just listened to him.  Loved meeting this gentleman!!!  This is what I love about  my job...getting to meet these darling golden oldies!



The binding blitz quilts were amazing, as always, this month!!!  By random number, the winner is Julie Letvin of Me and My Stitches, HERE!!

Thank you so very much, everyone, for entering!!!  I need to take a month off from Binding Blitz with your kind permission.  August is a killer for me at work!!!

ACLS, CPR, TNCC, Skills lab...all of these are really going to take a lot of my time...

So keep on binding, and save them for the September Binding Blitz!!!  An extra special gift is up for grabs!!


Have a great day,



Vicki W said...

What a cute quilt! Congrats on decluttering. Doesn't it feel good?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your quilt and so nice to talk to an old war vet - they do have some stories if people would just listen.

Chantal said...

Love your new quilt! Awesome!!
Did you know that you shouldn't use cosmetic you haven't used in the last six month due to contamination? Same goes for spices but not for the same reason. Spices loose their spike after six month. So de-cluttering just go easier, didn't it?
You take care of yourself! ♥ ;^)

Leeanne said...

Lovey dovey that texas tumbleweeds! I enjoyed hearing about the war veteran and the fact you took time to LISTEN and HEAR him! Hugsxx

Nann said...

Congratulations on your successful decluttering! Have you really used up all your batiks? Wow!
I quit wearing makeup when I retired. Either no one has noticed or everyone is too tactful to comment. I wore it once (a banquet, think) and I felt soooo made up, though it was no more than what I'd used pre-retirement.

Mary said...
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Tired Teacher said...

Fantastic quilt - I love those bright colors!

Congratulations on the decluttering progress.

We owe so much to those who've served. Listening to their stories is indeed an honor.

Mary said...

For some reason, I was thinking you said Tumalo Trail, which is on my list to-do, haven't considered Tumbleweeds. A big part of what I love about working at the nursing home is the interesting people I meet. I've had several fighter pilots as patients and even (my favorite) a U-boat sailor.

Kyle said...

Those batiks just make those tumbleweeds look like jewels. You had a good collection. Thanks for sharing your nurse's story. They always touch my heart.

Janet O. said...

The batiks between the black and white blocks just make this quilt sing!
You are the declutter queen, Julie!
Love your story of the elderly gentleman.
And congrats to Julie! Glad to see her win. : )

Debbie At The Quilt Journal said...

Love all the beautiful colors- what a great idea using up all those batiks hanging out in my bins!
Add me to your nurses(retired) that blog list! :)

Gina said...

I need to declutter. It's a winter job in this house though as summer is spent working on the garden.
I used to work in an old people's home and loved hearing all the stories

KaHolly said...

Julie, it's a stunner!! Sounds like you are doing a good job destashing. Keep up the good work. Love your little nurses stories.

Karen said...

I never purchase batiks though I think they can be very pretty in a quilt. I gave away what I had years ago.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
the batiks come out so pretty, wonderful paatern by Bonnie Hunter. You are faster than a rocket.
Neat story from the old man who is married to an older women. So special.

Me and My Stitches said...

Wow - I'm excited to be the winner!! Thank you so much!! Love your quilt and you know that I love your de-cluttering story. Reminds me that I need to go through some of my make-up - I probably have some of that awful blue eye shadow too!

Quiltingbebbs said...

Interesting to hear your observations of your elderly patient Julie - my Sarah, who as you may remember is a physiotherapist works for a hospital trust about half an hour from central London - it's an area that had a lot of residential development immediately after WWII and lots of East Enders from the city were re-housed there after their homes were destroyed in the Blitz from all the German bombing. She says the real oldies who lived through this time, those who are now in their 80s, 90s and some past 100 are the stoic ones who will happily put up with her manhandling them and will do all the exercises etc that she suggests. Those of her patients who are younger say mid 50s, 60s and sometimes 70s are much greater whingers and moan all the time - she puts all this down to the fact that her 'old dearies' went through the war and lived to tell the tale. She loves sneaking a few minutes or more just to sit and chat with them when she can and feels the benefit is felt by her as well as them

Loris said...

Hi Julie, Your Texas Tumbleweeds is gorgeous! You have such great ideas! Very inspiring!
This really is a full month for you with all those classes and recerts! My Augusts were often like that and I'm not going to miss it this year ;-) Hope it all goes smoothly for you. Hope you are feeling good :-)

jude's page said...

THe quilt looks great and well done with the decluttering. You can come to my house when you are finished at yours!

Sue SA said...

Great quilt, love your progress. Good work on the decluttering, we all need to do it, just most of us dont until we have to, then it is overwhelming. One room and cupboard at a time sounds like a good plan to me.

Missy Shay said...

I love your quilt! I love talking to the older generation!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray for decluttering efforts - I did well for a while but with cooler weather it is time to begin again. Really like your quilt top and THANK YOU for sharing your gentleman's story.

Gypsy Quilter said...

Were you able to discover if the wonderful veteran had received a quilt of valor yet? If not, perhaps a local guild could help out. Good job on the decluttering. I need to do the same. You may wish to save a few of the better sheets, as new store brands have gone downhill in quality and way up in price. I use my older sheets for tablecloths, when reupholstering chair covers, to protect the sofa from the pup, etc. etc.

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness...I turn my head for a moment and you've whipped out another quilt! I need to get back into the blogging groove so I don't miss anything else. LOL Love this one...I just finished one in red/white/blue for a was hard to let go! :)

Vic in NH said...

The Texas Tumbleweeds looks so much better with that generous splash of batik colors! I misunderstood previous posts which showed the b/w blocks only done. Now I like it!
Loved the tale of the gentleman who married an older woman! Happy to have a respite from the binding blitz, LOL!

Kalicocreations said...

Wow, I thought the black and white was pretty but add the batiks and it is stunning. I like to hear your nurses notes, they show the resilience of the human spirit.

Quilter Kathy said...

I think you should call this quilt Texas Sparkleweed! Gorgeous!
Enjoyed hearing about your 'golden oldie' sweetheart patient... hope he is doing well in his recovery.
I'll keep binding, and be ready for September!
But don't work too hard my friend!

Lori said...

Love your quilt and so nice to use up so many fabrics!
That generation won't be around long, so its nice to let them tell their stories. said...

I love how you alternated the blocks!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...