Saturday, August 1, 2015

Can I get a Whoop whoop!!!?

Well, well...I think I started sewing on this quilt on July 20th.  It is August 1st, friendlies...and the top is done!!  Yippee Skippie!!  This is a land-speed record for me...the fastest sewing I have EVER done to date!

 This was in response to Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville's blog posts, talking about her stash, and her determination to use it up!!  Me too dear Bonnie!!  Of all the things I had, the strings spoke to me the loudest, so I chose Bonnie's string X pattern (free on her website), to make a string quilt.
 So now...with the additional added circles?
Or without?  What is your opinion, oh great and learned quilters of yore!!!??

Thank you, everyone, for putting up with multiple pictures of this in last, it is in one piece!!!

Have a great day,



Frog Quilter said...

Whoop whoop. Love the one with circles. Gives a new dimension and personality.

kdduncan said...

Love the circles.

Jo said...

Circles too

dq said...

Yes you can! How about three of them? Whoop Whoop Whoop!

I love it!

Tired Teacher said...


I love this quilt, and even though the circles look good, I personally wouldn't add them.

Quilter Kathy said...

I like it with the circles and without. The circles make it a little different from Bonnie's pattern... more like Julie :)
And it uses up more scraps!
Did I miss the binding blitz link up again?

gayle said...

Look at you go! You may have broken the sound barrier.
I think I'd do diamonds rather than circles. But I'm just contrary...

Sherrill said...

I like it both ways but maybe without the circles would give a good area to quilt in? That was FAST!! Greased LIGHTENING!!!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

You are so speedy! i like it with the circles. :0)

Rebecca in AK said...

I can't believe how fast you got this quilt top done! I love it! I think I do like the circles, but it is really up to you, what do you like, what will you be happy with.

Leeanne said...

Whooping here in New Zealand! Loving the circles.

Janet O. said...

I'll give you a Whoop and a Holler!
This project went by so fast I almost missed it! : )
I do like the circles, personally, but it is charming without them, as well.

Linda said...

Great quilt. Great pattern - it has been on my 'To Do' for years. Like it both ways but the circles do add an extra dimension.

Lesley said...

Whoop, whoop! Fabulous and both ways are wonderful!

ozone3 said...

Love the circles!! Great quilt.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
what a wonderful quilt top. I love the circles, they look so cute.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I'm not a great nor learned quilter, but I'm a little partial to the circles.

Chantal said...

Whoop! Whoop! and WOW! WOW!! Pedal to the metal girl. Did you get smoke coming out of your sewing machine? No? Well then, all is good! lol.
It is beautiful. It is brilliant with the dots! Just saying. ;^)

Anonymous said...

I'm leaning towards no circles, but then my mind is a bit numb trying to figure out how you made this beautiful scrappiness so quickly. I'm dizzy just thinking about it!

Cindynin NC

Louise SS said...

Whoop! Wow, you are one serious scrap buster! Have you slept anything at all? I like the circles, more work but also more scraps:)

Anonymous said...

I do love it with the circles. I too am working on my strings - I have seriously too many of them here.

Loris said...

oops! I'm out of step with the others...I kind of like it better without the circles. Maybe the diamonds like Gayle suggested. It is certainly a sweet quilt!
And yes, lightening speed. I finished a quilt fast this week too...after finishing one I started in September. I'm trying to do a blog post but for some reason Blogger won't load my pictures...and what's a post without pics :-(
Have a happy Sunday!

Lori said...

What a great quilt! I prefer no circle, but of course, it's your quilt, so do what YOU like. I have one bookmarked that is very similar to yours- maybe this year.....

Kyle said...

Holey, moley! You are a girl on fire. Your scraps are all so happy together. I'm loving the circles. Unless you wanted to do a lot of quilting in all of that open space.

Susan said...

Definitely with the circles.........

Now you have me wanting to make one.........VBG

Carol C. said...

Love the quilt!! Amazing how fast it came together!! I would prefer no circles, but either way it is wonderful!

Missy Shay said...

I think the circles up the wow factor.

Kalicocreations said...

You go girl! A flimsy in less then two weeks is really using it up! I prefer it without the circles, but knowing how much you like applique, you could whip those on quickly if you choose to do so. I think you should do whatever makes the quilt sing to you!

Donna Keating said...

Here is your whoop whoop Julie!!!

Donna Keating said...

Here is your whoop whoop Julie!!!

Donna Keating said...

Here is your whoop whoop Julie!!!

Randy D. said...

That's VERY impressive. Did you sew that on your treadle?? ;-)
I like the circles but I'd probably be happy to have it done so might be tempted to skip it and work on something else.

BRAVO to you!! Did you reduce your stash??

Edie said...

Whoop, Whoop! That is awesome Julie. I have been looking for inspiration, and this might just do it. I have not had the urge to quilt or sew for several months. I really enjoy reading your posts.

Cherie in St Louis said...

A whoop, whoop and a YAHOO!!! I like the circles and think I'd really like Gayle's suggestion of diamonds. Either way, it's awesome :)

Vicki W said...

Love the circles!

jude's page said...

Whoop whoop, it looks fantastic, and with circles or without.

Carli The Quilter said...

Yes, circles are more inviting somehow!

Vic in NH said...

Congratulations on a super fast finish to a beautiful top! I love the restful place for my eyes without the circles, but I like vanilla ice cream sprinkled with powdered ginger root, so go figure!!!

Sue SA said...

I am not a fan of circles, but if you have made them, well use them! What a great pattern, congratulations on using up all those bits in such a short time! I am definately going to put this on my to do list.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Circles - so much personality!

Nancy said...

I like it with the circles (but at first from a different photo and post) I thought they were triangles which made small squares in the middle of the white. I think they add interest.

You're amazingly fast to have made the quilt in such a short time. You've been on vacation?

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Both ways are good. I'll NEVER use up all my stash. I think I bring home more fabric than I use.

Anonymous said...

What a great quilt and a wonderful use of scraps. I love the little cornerstones at the intersections of the sashing. It looks great!

Rose Marie said...

Those circles speak to me big time! That was FAST!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...