Monday, October 6, 2014

Storm stories and Focus!!

 Well, I wrote earlier about being adrift with too many projects on the I decided on one hand project, and two piecing projects to go for!!  I mean to really focus on...and one had to be a UFO.  so...TADA!!!  I am working on my flying geese quilt!!  I am working on the applique.  The quilt will have a top and bottom border of the cheddar fabric, and then a pretty fabric outer border...which I don't have.  But I will have it...maybe I will have to go SHOPPING!!!  Hee!
 Another view...the geese are 3 x 6 inches finished.
 And I love the multi-colored leaves!!  This is all needle turn applique.  Since I have a couple not-good results from my blanket stitched and fused applique, I am going to try and stick with needle turn.  I love it too!  Just takes longer...
 And these stars...I added 12 new ones, completed this morning.  It is still pretty I will keep going until I run out of squares that I have cut out.
And the border on last post's quilt...working on that one too!!

So...I focused!  And feel so much better, and much more productive than dithering hither, thither and yon....

*****************************The STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was at the hospital, at work, last Thursday.  Just a busy day...people on the ventilator, lots of drips, some sick, sick patients there.  Busy and just a normal kinda day.  Then the operator announced, " Code Black!".  This means there is a tornado in the immediate area!  So we all ran...moving the patients to the center hallways, shutting blinds and windows and doors...and all stuck together, close and listened to the wind.  The windows bowed in and out...seemed like a couple inches...I did not know glass could give like that!  But it was the pressure changes. Debris swirled by...huge oak trees in front of the hospital came down...not on the building, thank goodness!  The air was full of darkness and trees limbs and the trees were just sideways.  (yes, we went into an empty room and watched out the window for a time.) Electricity went out...the generator kicked on thankfully. We made sure every patient had slippers or socks or shoes on their feet, so if glass were broken, their feet would be OK.  We monitored the vents and iv pumps and reassured patients too.  Counted wheelchairs, gurneys and decided how we would get patients out if need be.  Who was sickest...who could walk...who needed oxygen, etc. was silent.  And the sun came out so quickly!!  

Buildings collapsed up the street.  Many, many trees down.  I did not even think about my own house because I was too busy!  But we lost several large limbs, and our old, old cedar tree...thanks be to God, it went toward the street and not on our house.  I came home and immediate started helping dear husband clean up the tree...and a neighbor came with a chain saw and cut up the parts that was blocking the road.  Next day I raked and picked up debris all day long.

And now?  what a glorious day!!  And I feel so damage to the house, and we have our electricity only took four days...snort!!!  A hot shower feels amazing, doesn't it??  instead of a cold spit bath....

Many people had significant damage and lots of injuries were told of...but no deaths that I know of.  We were quite lucky indeed.  Praying for those who had worse trouble...and guess what?  The day after, lots of church men from lots of churches came through the neighborhoods looking for people they could help!!  Loved seeing that too!

click HERE to see a crazy picture of the storm cloud

So that is my storm story!   One news agency said 2 tornadoes touched down.  Another said straight line winds 90-100 MPH.  I don't know...but it was a big Storm to this girlie!!!

\Have a great day, all!!



Vic in NH said...

Mercy, what a storm!!! So glad that you and your hubby were okay and that your house survived, too. Your twinkle stars are so bright and pretty! Love the geese, too! We have blizzards and the worst are the ice storms that coat the trees and bring them down onto power lines. So I know what a comfort it is to have your power back on!

Mad about Craft said...

The storm sounds very scary, we rarely have storms like that here in the UK.

As usual your quilts are beautiful and it is your fault I have started making star blocks out of my civil war scraps.

Vicki W said...

Oh gosh, that's a scary story!

Karen said...

Your storm story is very scary. I hope it was not too upsetting for the patients. Quite a picture of the storm. said...

Wow. It is such a blessing that you and the patients were not harmed. I am loving your flying geese project!

Leeanne said...

Scary storm story! Thank goodness the hospital was damaged as well as your home.
I got my pattern today, thank you so much! It is fabulous! Looks like an amazing scrap buster! I have PLENTY of them to go around!!
Take carexxx

KaHolly said...

I found that focusing like that this summer really doubled my productivity!! I'm loving how your flying geese quilt is turning out. That's such a scary weather story. Glad it all turned out okay.

Terry said...

Your geese look great and so do your star blocks! And that storm sounds scary!! Glad there was no loss of life and that you guys didn't have any damage to your house.

Nancy said...

Gracious! Certainly glad the storm spared your home and that the community came together to help with the clean up.

Love the quilts in progress!

Chantal said...

SO happy to hear you and yours are okay. I realize that as I was reading your post I was holding my breath. What a stressful event. Thank God you're okay.
P.s. beautiful quilts! love the geese passing through your vines. Love it.

WoolenSails said...

I saw that photo and cannot believe you were in that one, very scary. Glad you and everyone is ok and love the new quilt.


Janet O. said...

Oh my goodness--from beautiful quilts to ugly storm!!
Love your flying geese--not so fond of flying tree limbs and debris.
What a story. It is hard enough to be responsible for yourself in such a storm, but to have the care of all of these patients must be a big responsibility in such a situation!

Quilter Kathy said...

That sounds very scary... it's a miracle there was not more damage at the hospital and at your home!

jirons42 said...

So glad you are safe and thanks for all you did for the patients.

Helen in the UK said...

Sounds terrifying, so glad to hear that no one died and your house suffered no damage. Probably best you were at work - with so much to do you had less time to worry! Keep safe and keep on stitching :)

Donna Keating said...

So glad you, your work and home remained safe. Where I live just south of Ft. WOrth was on the outer edge of the storm so we missed all the excitement. Whew!

Ruth said...

Having lived in TX near you for 30 years, I know how those storms are. Very fortunate that your house was fine!! Something to be thankful for. Now, we live in Oregon and they don't have storms like that at all. I guess it's because of that, that our house insurance is a lot cheaper. Of course the houses cost more though, so it all evens out I think. I love, love, love your FG quilt! Nice big ones too - so much faster to make them.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad you are safe.

hetty said...

That storm sounds scary! Glad you are safe! Your geese quilt looks great! I love your stars too. How big are they>

Kyle said...

Glad you and your patients were okay as well, as your home. What a scary situation. Love your quilting plan. It sounds like one I should adopt.

Rose Marie said...

Oh my .... that must have been a scary time! So glad that you are safe.

Me and My Stitches said...

How scary - the thought of a tornado ripping through just freaks me out! Glad everyone was safe at the hospital and that your house wasn't damaged.
Love your quilts! Your flying geese with the vine and leaves is awesome - I love scrap quilts!

Loris said...

Well the flying geese and vines are lovely... but oh my! what a storm! That picture is amazing as is all the work you and your co-workers did in the midst of it! I'm glad the damage you found was limited and will certainly pray for those that found their homes in worse shape. You took good care of your patients...I can only imagine trying to document it all :-0

mayme said...

So glad your home and the hospital were spared. I love your quilts. Those stars are adorable. I just had to make one. How big are your blocks. I made mine 6 1/2 since I had lots of 2 1/2 sqs.

Linda O said...

Wow, what a scary shift at work! So glad that your home and the hospital were ok. OK, that flying geese quilt is awesome - love the cheddar and the applique!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

So glad that you and your patients all survived without major incident. Whew!

Gorgeous quilts there ... but then, that's what I would expect from you. ;-)

Lori said...

Holy Moley! It sounds very scary!!

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...