Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Winners! And a couple little things before I disappear...

 I made the little wall hanging from a previous post in other scrap fabrics I had.  I know that yellow print in the watering can is at least 25  years old!  This is a little portable project; one I can take in the car with me.  I love those, don't you?

I have been cutting!!  Scraps all...I just love them!  The OMIGOSH pattern by Sue Garmer uses one inch strips.  I always save that size, thinking log cabin quilts, and now I have just the project to use them up!  I am sure this will not be near enough...so I have been going through the strings and anything suitable is being cut up.

Randomly selected winners of the two patterns from Sue Garmer are:

Kathie at Antique Quilter http://inspiredbyantiquequilts.blogspot.com/

Leeanne at http://quiltmekiwi.blogspot.com/

Congratulations you two!!  I wish I had enough patterns for everyone who so graciously replied...thank you, everyone!!

Would you do me a favor and go over to Sue's blog and leave her a comment, thanking her for the pattern giveaway? What a nice thing for a famous designer to do! I know she would appreciate it...but be prepared!!  You will want to take hours there, and read every single post!  HERE

What I mean by my disappearing is going back to work at the hospital...lots of days coming up!



Chantal said...

Yes! I do love little portable projects. It makes the time go by so much faster in any Doctors' waiting rooms. Love that little wall hanging.
Congrats to the winners. Lucky girls!!
Hope you will get all the sweet patients. Have a great week.

Leeanne said...

Holy smoke! I won! Thank you sooooo much, however I did ask you not to put my name in the draw, not because I didn't want to win the gorgeous pattern because I won a lovely wool felt bundle from you a few years ago. I don't want to be greedy, so if you want to give to someone else, I will understand.

Janet O. said...

I'm glad you aren't truly disappearing--you had me worried! : )
Congrats to your winners--I "know" them both and they are both great gals!
That fabric makes a great watering can, BTW!

antique quilter said...

Thank you!!!! Oh no now I have to make it finally!!!!!

KaHolly said...

Congrats to the winners. Always such fun to wait for the postman to bring something other than bills and advertisements.

Kyle said...

Getting a gift in the mail always fun. Congrats to the winners. Glad you've had some time to play and create.

Nancy said...

Want some more strips? I can send you some.

audrey said...

So sweet! Love that half square triangle border too. Very zingy.:)

Rebecca in AK said...

Congratulations to the winners! Such a pretty wall hanging! Are you making the OMIGOSH quilt? I am glad you are just 'disappearing' to work.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...