Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Toys!!

 What fun!!  I have new pieces and parts to play with!!  These are parts of this bow tie quilt below.  Just thought I would lay them out into something new, just for fun.
 Tiny bow ties!!  Aren't they pretty?  They are not mine...they were made by Linda O...she sent them to me.  Linda is just the best piecer!  Just amazingly small and precise...I love them a ton!  Thank you, Linda!
 Just playing with some more pieces....
 And this little quilt is complete.  I hand quilted it, including hand stippling the background.  Folks, I hate to say it...but I am going to think really hard about fusing and blanket stitching a quilt again.  I have a couple prepped and I will finish them, and I think it is fine for wool, but this one raveled pretty badly and the stitches shrunk from the applique piece on the heart only.  I did wash it , just so see how it would hold up. This is second little quilt that this has happened to.  Maybe I should just not wash them, LOL!! I think I will try really hard to concentrate on needle turn applique instead.  Do you have an opinion about fused/blanket stitch versus needle turn?  I would love your opinion!
 This little box contains a lot of work, LOL!!  Deeper than it appears, it has pieces and parts of the blocks below.  I would like to make a couple of patient quilts from these.
I have about twenty blocks made so far.

So there you have it folks!!  Scrapping it over here...and loving it!!  I swear I love little scraps and pieces more than anything!!

Have a great day, 



Karen said...

If I fuse cotton pieces for applique, I do a machine button hole stitch that is very close together. Holds up well.

I like the design you have going in the first picture. Good use of strips.

Leeanne said...

More scrapping adventures from Julie! I was wondering how you are getting on in the sleep department? have you found anything that helps?

Angie said...

Lovely little quilt beginnings. :) Love the finished piece. I prefer needleturn applique, although I do use fusible for wool.

Nancy said...

You know that I love scrappy and your blocks and "play layouts" are tugging at my heart. Nice job.

Rebecca in AK said...

So many cute scrappy projects! I love them all! I have always done needle turn applique.

Kyle said...

Your little scraps are having fun playing together. I'm a needleturner for cottons and a fusible buttonholer when it comes to wool. Good things there are options.

Janet O. said...

You are having WAY too much fun, Julie! Such delightful scrap concoctions. : )
I only do wool applique, so I don't have an opinion, but I'm thinking that if it is a wall hanging, I might decide not to wash it. Bed quilts may not enjoy that luxury.

Loris said...

I have mixed feelings about the blanket stitch ....sometimes I love it but not when the fabric frays.
That plastic container looks like the one that our saline flushes come in :-)

Chantal said...

Not an expert on applique technique but it sure is a lovely little quilt. Love the scrappy looks of the other little quilts. Have fun.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Great New projects, have a lot of fun playing with it. I usully handapplique, have done one top with blnketstitch, which I am quilting at the moment. But I do linke handapplique better.
Greetings, Sylvia

PamKittyMorning said...

i am so curious about this because i do tons of machine appiqued button hole stitched quilts. do you remember which fusible you used? The only time i have problems is when my needle is dull or not the right size, too big or small. I am having trouble finding many fusible options here. anyway, love your projects! thanks.

antique quilter said...

oh of course I just love your little quilts! I haven't made a spool quilt yet am inspired too now that you showed these beautiful blocks from Linda, that was so kind of her.
sorry to hear about the appliqué shrinking I only do needle turn appliqué now. I use to do a lot of machine buttonholing and I used the lite wonder under and always cut away any extra of the paper so used very little of the wonder under, it was important that it was the lite though.
have fun!!!! playing with scraps is addictive isn't it?

KaHolly said...

I'm a meticulous button hole stitcher, however, I no longer use this technique on quilts, just wallhangings, for that very reason. I figure wallhangings won't need to stand up the the washing and drying that quilts do. I use Scotchguard on my wallhangings to make them easier to keep free of dust so they don't have to be thrown into a washer quite so often.

Me and My Stitches said...

You always have such great projects, and get so much done! Fun!

audrey said...

Love the little mini quilt esp.--so sweet.

mkhquilts said...

Great scrappy quilts! I had a chuckle when I saw your 9 patches in the white container. I recognize that container, as I have a few myself! They are packaging for 10cc saline flushes aren't they? They make great trays for small pieces for hand sewing and to store blocks less than 9 inches square! Love em!

Gayle said...

I love the first little quilt you pictured - might have to make one for myself! I love needleturn, but am very happy with invisible machine applique too. Very rarely do I use fusible - for just the reason you mentioned!

Sue SA said...

I gave up hand button hole applique a long time ago as I dont like fuse web. I enjoy needle turn applique but dont often find the time for it. So if I have to applique I have been doing machine applique. Which to be honest isnt very much "fun". I dont have a wool collection but if I did, then I would be happy to do hand button hole, and just pin it into place, and skip the fuse web, think it will wash well, look and feel good and be fun to do!

Lori said...

I haven't done hand buttonhole for some time, but I will only use that on something that won't be washed much. A fusible might help the shrinkage and raveling. Great projects!

Linda O said...

You are so darn creative, Julie!! Love seeing how you play with all the little bits and pieces. I haven't done much applique except needle turn, so am not much help there. Your pieces/blocks are looking wonderful!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...