Monday, July 28, 2014

Wagon Wheels!

I am working on the wagon wheel quilt today.  The circles are appliqued over the nine patches, which are 6 inch finished.  The brightest ones are my favorites, with the most contrast.  I have quite a bit of work to do yet on this one.
And I hand quilted a table runner for a friend...all from plaids of course!!

*****************************Keeping house...kind of....*********************
Monday is house keeping day for me. Lots of times I work the weekends, so this is my day to catch up.  I vacuum, sweep and mop floors, dust, clean mirrors, empty trashes, organize magazines, and change all the linens and toweling.  This is the basic Flylady plan...look her up if you are in need of an organizer type email listing.  How do you do your housekeeping? Really, I would love to know!!!

**********************Nurse's notes***********************

Floated to different nursing units...lots during the last three weeks. And I was cancelled twice, so that means if I am to be paid, I must use my vacation hours.  So we are having our summer slump...I teasingly said we need to offer two for one heart surgeries?  Just kidding of course...but I will worry until we get busy again...

I had a delightful lady who is 92 years old, and she thought she was just getting old.  She came in for a heart monitor...and her heart rate was low 30's, sustained.  So she got a pacemaker, and feels so very much better!  Her husband is a dentist, who still practices, believe it or not!!  They also have a cabin in Colorado that they travel back and forth too...pretty good for a couple in their 90's!!!  Again...there is that activity thing.  The most active patients are the ones who do the best!!  I so enjoyed this couple.  She said it was fine to blog about her, and she is a quilter too...and a retired RN.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!!



Janet O. said...

The wagon wheel blocks are very clever!
And that is a sweet little plaid runner--always love the plaids!
I am familiar with Flylady--my sister has followed her closely. Using a similar chore list, I usually clean house on Saturday because we usually have a dozen or so family members over for Sunday dinner.
Monday I sweep up after everyone and straighten things up. : )
Love the sound of that couple. I want to be that way!!

Sue SA said...

With two boys in the house I have found it easier to clean on a Monday once they are safely at school. I do the towels on a Friday and the sheets get done which ever day over the weekend is fine weather. I work three days mid week, but have cleaned on a Monday since being at SAHM - why spoil Fridays!

Jane said...

Monday has become sheet changing day for me. Other than that, I really don't have a routine, just do what needs to be done when it can't be put off any longer! Not a fan of housework, which is sad since I don't work outside my home! I do make a point to have everything clean, fresh & tidy for the weekend when hubby is home.

Nancy said...

I'm ashamed to say that my house-cleaning is hit and miss - no schedule.

My pacemaker anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. I love being "wired" because I feel sooooo much better!

Missy Shay said...

My housekeeping plan is to invite people over, then I have to clean house or be embarrassed!! LOL

AnnieO said...

Lately I've been trying to stick to a task per night--hubby does help all the time but doesn't do bathrooms :). I'm not a great housekeeper but do concentrate efforts on the kitchen, dining table, and living area. Love your nurses notes!

joe tulips said...

The wagon wheels are very very cool! It gives me ideas...
What is housework? HA

The Calico Cat said...

1. Ignore it (Although hit & miss sounds better)
2. Expect my husband to do it - He does a lot.
3. Go into CRAZY mode when I find out my MIL has scheduled a visit.

We are officially at CRAZY mode since shell be early next month. :o)

The Calico Cat said...

I guess we have more of a routine than I realized - linens get done once a week usually on Friday, Laundry is am almost daily affair. The main bathroom gets a once over once a week & a more thorough going over every 2 to 3 weeks. The guest bathroom gets a once over during CRAZY mode. My son's room & the living room by extension get a once over every time we can cajole him into picking stuff up. (My sewing could use similar cajoling...)

Rebecca in AK said...

Love your wagon wheel blocks! That is a very cute table runner, love plaids! Housekeeping! Ugh! I have gotten very lazy about it, I am sorry to say. I think I will check out Flylady's suggestions.

Rebecca in AK said...

I forgot to say How much I have enjoyed reading about everyone's dream vacations! Your 92 year old patient sounded like an awesome lady!

Chantal said...

Zsa Zsa Gabor once said she was a GREAT housekeeper. Every time she divorced, she kept the house LOL.
I have 3 boys so each have chores to do while I do groceries shopping on Saturday. When I get home, I supervisor their efforts, fixing whatever they forgot and I get the kitchen for cooking and cleaning and the laundry room. They do bathrooms, bedrooms, living room and playroom. Hubby gets the garbage. He's no housekeeper. LOL. All during Saturday morning and then we get to play the rest of the weekend.
Wagon Wheels is an interesting quilt. Can't wait to see more.

Ali Honey said...

I find the 90 year olds very encouraging....I will keep on being active!

Kyle said...

Great technique for the wagon wheel block. My housekeeping routine is really no routine, just take care of things when I see it needs to be done.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...