Thursday, October 1, 2009

A traveler...

Hi friends:

I am officially a world traveler! Maybe not really, but I have been on two trips in two weeks, and that is a LOT for me. It is funny how we never go much of anywhere, then all the traveling happens at once. This week, we went to sunny Florida! DH had a business trip there, and I went along with one special thing in mind to do...and it was great fun. More about that in a minute, but above...I quilted...a lot! Hand quilted on the bear paw quilt, about 12 hours worth on the trip. I had a couple of days to spend, and I did this, in between enjoying Florida and its attractions. Fun!! Not all done yet, though. Enough quilting to make my fingers sore!

Dear husband had a team building will never a chocolate factory! YUM! And I was the lucky recipient of the chocolate, as he doesn't eat it. Dear, you need to do more team building!

I also did stitchery...4 hours spent on this, and finished 3 more blocks. Great fun! Only two more to go.

Now for the best part! Many of you know of Karen, at I got to see Karen in sunny Florida! I took a drive the first day we were there, and Karen and I met at her local quilt shop, the Olde Green Cupboard. Man oh man! Wow, it is a quilt shop to end all. Above is Karen's quilt that she made for the shop to display. It is gorgeous!! We had such a great time...and I got fabric! I spent way too much $, but have scheduled overtime to cover for it. (do you read justification here?) Hee!!

This was a quilt on the classroom wall...I officially love this quilt.

This little nine patch was about 12 inches square! Love the plaid.

The quilt shop had a whole section of Jo was my favorite. I love the Cheddar used in the quilt above, and bought some about the same shade, in hopes of making a quilt soon.

Cute cake stand blocks! Aren't they darling, really? I got some fabric for the background...plotting my upcoming projects.

I truly had such a great time...the day ended too soon, and I will remember it always.

I was back to work today...

************************Nursing Notes*************************************

Update on Carrie:

She had a seizure while I was gone on my vacation, and has been confused since. This is not good. Her young hubby shared with me that her hospital bill has mounted up to the 2 MILLION dollar range. He is scared...and now he has to think about rehab. The docs say she will probably have to rehab the better part of a year. Sigh...poor babies.

New patient: Gary came in today, on the ventilator. He has a sad story... He was a pilot, young, full of life and promise, until...he was car-jacked one night. The criminals shot him through the neck, severing his spine, and making him a quadriplegic. He has been paralyzed 10 years. They caught the criminals...they got out of jail in FOUR years! He is actually alert and oriented, and very nice. Hopefully off the vent tomorrow...


I think all of us at times are tired, or just out of sorts. Let me tell you, there are lots of people who would love to be in our shoes...just for a moment.....

Have a great day!!!



Trisha said...

Who knew you could get so much done when you're out of town! Love all your projects you have been working on.

Colleen said...

Thanks for the quilt shop tour and especially for the very inspirational message. God Bless you and the work you do.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun trip Julie. Shame your dh doesn't eat chocolate, or is it?

Pat said...

I love your posts...and you are so right about life and the complaints we might often they are VERY minor compared to what others are suffering. I'm sorry Carrie had a setback...and I hope the gentleman is off the vent today.

Amelia said...

Such beautiful work...I bet your fingers were sore after that much hand quilting.

I agree that sometimes we think our lives are full of problems - then we look around and there are others that "really" have problems.

God will bless you because of your concern for your patients.

Karen said...

Olde Green Cupboard is a favorite shop of mine. I can spend a bundle in a very short time in that place. It is a little over 2 1/2 hour drive for me to get there, so I don't get there as often as I would like.
So, you met Karen from LeeHaven. I want to meet her in person!

Debi said...

What a great trip Julie and so glad you got to meet Karen. Thaks for sharing all those beautiful pictures. Also, thanks for sharing the info about the patients, as it really makes me appreciate what I have.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a great trip and great photo's! :) Thanks for taking me along. :-) Sorry to read abt Carrie. :-(

Nancy said...

You definitely know how to pack a lot of activity into your vacation. I will "team build" with you any time! Chocolate is THE major food group, right?

*karendianne. said...

Being with you, sharing time and connecting was a beautiful experience. You are everything I imagined only cuter and even happier! Such a huggable darling you are with a true Christian heart. It was such an honor for me!

I'm troubled to read about the seizure and as I write that I also feel a sense of calm because through you she has us. We are all of us Aware and Praying, holding her in our hearts.

Oh my gosh I love your stitchery! Wow! I'm not even a Xmas chick. But those, those I dig!

ladydi said...

Julie, just want you to know that whenever I need a little inspiration I visit your blog. I don't always leave a comment, but just want you to know that I so admire all your beautiful quilts, and of course the work you do with your patients. After watching you put together the beautiful strips and strings quilt and admiring it SEVERAL times I finally ordered the book!

Stephanie D said...

Meeting a fellow blogger and winning chocolates all in one trip? Nice going!!

So sorry to read about Carrie. I hope the seizure was just a fluke thing, not to be repeated.

The Calico Quilter said...

Karen's quilt is lovely. And, your nursing notes break my heart. Do we all know how lucky we are and how bad it could be? If we are "up and at'em" with all appedages functioning, we should be grateful every second of our lives.

Texan said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun on your trip :O)

I am just so sorry to hear Carrie has had a set back :O(...

I had a test done last week, the nurses were so VERY good to me, you guys sure make a difference! A BIG one!

AnnieO said...

What a satisfying trip you had--and to meet a special blogger in the flesh, how great!

Sorry to hear about Carrie too. What an awful trial this young couple has been going through. How will they ever pay down that bill?

Darcie said...

A traveler indeed!!! You. And Karen Dianne. Together in the Olde Green Cupboard!!! WHAT FUN!!! I missed it though...darn. Someday.... ;-)

I am deeply touched by your stories of Carrie and her sweet husband and now Gary. I will continue to be on my knees in prayer for them...and others as well.

Blessings to you, my sweet friend!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great quilt show on your post! I love Jo Morton fabric too...I am working with some for the QUilt for an Hour project Judy is giving us. Great job on the quilting!

House of Mouse said...

You lucky lady to get to meet Karen...I love her...I have"known" her a long time and hope one day to meet her in person.

Love your blog and all the string quilts.

Great Job.


Alice Grace said...

I enjoyed your post about meeting Karen. I can imagine you both having such a fun day! How wonderful!
I am in such sympathy for the people you mentioned who are having such a hard time physically. I will pray that they have a special touch from God.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...