Friday, April 11, 2008

pie crust...hmmm :)

NOTE TO SELF: Do not make pie crust with self-rising flour!

Still tastes good, but the crust rose and is pretty thick!! (Apple pie) Looks pretty bizarre... :)


Anonymous said...

LOL I don't think I'd complain if it were dished up to me....

Deb Geyer said...

LOL!! I'd love to see a picture of that one!

*karendianne. said...

You're funny!!!

Libby said...

Now that is an excellent tip *s* I hope to try my hand at pie crusts from scratch this summer.

Dorothy said...

Tag! You're it! (click on my blog for all the sordid details)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...