Thursday, April 24, 2008

quilting stuff at last!! :)

Well, this has been a whirlwind last several days! A quick trip OOT, then working 3 -13 hours shifts straight...I have missed doing anything but working, sleeping and eating!!

Wow! How neat that so many people have commented on the little quilt I am giving away on my last post. It has been so nice to hear from friends and meet new ones, too! I should have made the drawing a shorter time frame, but I will still do the drawing on the 30th, because that is what I said, and I should honor that. But I can hardly wait to speed the little quilt to it's new home!

I am supposed to be working on a plaid quilt, and for evidence that I actually am, I present the above block. All the plaids are different, some from clothing, some from fabric samples, etc. It will be quite the mad mix when it is done.

OK, I just can't stop making little doll quilts! This bowtie pattern was sold in the quilt shop, and I bought it, took it home, and then proceeded to make my own sized pattern...hmmm, a problem there! It is hand pieced, hand quilted, and hand stippled in the border. FUN!! this is addicting...and I love it!

I am also working on the latest Bonnie mystery quilt, Orange Crush. I am on step 2.

A final note: I got a goldfish TWO years ago. The clerk sternly said not to put him in a goldfish bowl, and that he was only a feeder fish (12 cents), and may not live long. He has lived in the big goldfish bowl for two, he is more than twice as big as he was when I got him, and he has teeth! I know, because when you feed him, he crunches the food with said teeth! Cool, huh...his name is Herbert!! (may be a girl for all I know)...

Grins!! Have a wonderful day with whatever occupies you this day!!



Darcie said...

This is too funny, Julie! (I have been such a good girl...and am presently "breaking" -- in more ways than one lol -- and having a hot cuppa!) And now am enjoying your blog post. Fate!

I think that maybe Herbert would like his picture taken! ;-)

Hugs from ND!

jacquie said...

I love working with plaids. So much fun! As for go girl! or guy as the case may be!

Libby said...

Those little quilts can be very addicting *s*

The Calico Quilter said...

I love yur plaid star, and may I compliment you on how perfectly it's cut out. I hate to see plaids in quilts where the lines are all wonky!

Nan said...

Your plaid block is very pretty, Julie! I am looking forward to seeing more plaids, please.
Your little bowtie quilt is adorable, too. I think you should do what makes you a happy quilter!
We have feeder goldfish in our fish pond, and some of them are 4 years old and have had babies, and the largest ones are 10 inches long (including tail)! What the clerk told you wasn't true, was it? LOL!!

Meike The Dutchlady said...

That is a great block, it's so well cut and I love the plaid fabric. That bow tie quilt is looking good too, it's still on my to make list.

Does Herbert nibble on your finger when you put it in the water?

Beertje Zonn said...

The little Quilt is lovely and also the block.
Kind regards

Beertje Zonn

Anonymous said...

Loved your bow-tie quilt. I made one of these many years ago. Your fish story is very amusing.
Bev C

*karendianne. said...

You did a great job on that little bow-tie. Toooooo cute!

I love the fact that Herbert (Hermina) is thriving. It's your TLC I just know it.

And last but not least - I LOVE THAT BLOCK!

country mouse said...

Your block and litte bow tie quilt are lovely! All hand peiced and hand quilted? That's awesome!!

Love the story on the goldfish. We have a similar one here. 2 years ago August we went to a church fun day and my son won a little gold fish. They couldn't have paid much for the fish they were giving away because it was all free. Well, here we are almost 2 years later and Daniel the Goldfish is still alive and doing quite well! Now, as for the teeth...that's quite interesting. Never heard of that before.

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Ginger Patches said...

Very cute little bow tie quilt! I have a pattern similar in my little quilt book that I've been wanting to make.

~Bren~ said...

I want to see a pic of Herbert! Teeth? That is something!
Your little bow ties are wonderful. Are you doing a doll quilt wall? That is a goal I have. Problem...I keep giving the doll quilts away!
The plaids are great!!!

Finn said...

Hi Julie, good to see you posting again *VBS* All work and not sew could make Julie grumpy, you know...LOL
Glad you found some time for you! The new plaid block is very nice, I look forward to seeing more of them.
And your bowties are charming. I think small quilts are very satifying. You can get them done quickly and with a minimum of fabric and fuss, what's not to like?? Hugs, Finn

Teresa said...

I have a whole box of plaids and Ihave yet to use them in a quilt - I just love buying them, LOL..Your star is an inspiration.

Unknown said...

Lovely doll quilt! It certainly is fun to make little quilts, instant satisfaction!
I would love to see Herbert, your story reminds me of that Dr. Seuss book. The title escapes my mind now, but you know the one where the fish continues to grow and eventually the young boy takes his fish to the town pool.

Marilyn Robertson said...

I think Herbert would like his picture posted on your blog too! Love Herbert's story!

kira said...

Found your blog thru crazymomquilts ... love the plaid and all the other fantastic goodness here! :)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...