Saturday, January 16, 2021

Week two of 2021 is behind us!!

Happy weekend!!  I am off work today, working extra tomorrow.  Time to sew and have fun today!  Above is my progress on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt.  I love these little blocks so, so much!!
Just playing with pieces here...
And more play!  You can find all the pieces to the mystery right here!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Grassy Creek Mystery!

***************************Decluttering and cleaning for this year:  Part 2!*************

Last week we worked on our pantries.  Mine feels and looks so much better, and now I have meals planned, using things in the pantry.  Love it!!

So this week, I am working on my linen closet.  Wow...what a mess!!!  

The only way to make things less cluttered is to have less of those things to clutter things up.   I donated a bunch of good towels,  moved others along to the "rag bag", to use for cleaning and out in the garage.   I also donated three new sheet sets...I have plenty, and someone can really use them.  

Now!  That feels better!!!

I found things I had forgotten completely about!!  

The above quilt is a very early one, from my hands.  1990's, sometime.  It has never been on the blog, I don't was made way before the blog.  Of course, hand quilted.  NO label though!  grrrr!!  Lesson learned, of course!!!  Julie, label your quilts!

The binding was done by hand, with a whip stitch.   Hahaha!   I just folded the back to the front, which the backing was obviously as old sheet.   I just love it, anyhow!!!  Glad I have progressed a little bit, in my quilt making.

I also found these hand embroidered pillow cases...done my my mom and grandmother.  I smoothed them out, admired all those tiny stitches, carefully folded them and put them back in the closet.  I just can't part with those, not quite yet.
I found this old comforter!  Wow...must be 30 years old.  It weighs 18 pounds.  Seriously, I weighed it!  Talk about a weighted blanket!! It got donated, too.  

So if I do a bit of decluttering and organizing every week, by the end of the year?  We will make a great deal of good progress!!! Care to join me?

*************************the 1930's, a study***************************

I was recently gifted these pretty, pretty fabrics and this book, which I have been lusting over for years.  Yahoo!!  This reminds me of my reading I have been doing about the 1930's.  

Causes of the Great Depression:  1929-1939.  Did you know it lasted so, so long?  Wow!   There are many reasons why this happened...many theories.  

1.  Easy money.  Remember those roaring Twenties?  They were the result of easy credit, and easy money...lots available.  The government increased the money supply, and this readily available supply also increased prices.  This was compounded by terrible monetary policy throughout. Interest rates were up, and banks were lending...and people and businesses were highly leveraged with lots of loans.  Also, lots of investment in the stock market with this borrowed capital. 

2. The federal reserve cut off the money supply in 1929...resulting in a huge 20% drop in the stock market, over just 4 days.  629 banks closed that year alone (this number varies in my research), but you get the idea...banks can't loan out all that money and not get paid back!! Thousands more failed in 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933.  

  3.  Hebert Hoover instituted the Smoot-Hawley act, raising tariffs, affecting our trade terribly...he just seemed to institute more and more policies that really made it all so much worse. 

Have you heard of the term "Hooverville?"  Common, every day folks were living in encampments, little tents and structures made of cardboard boxes, etc.  People like us!!!  A terrifying thought.

Taxes and levies were added, burdening an already struggling populace.

4.  FDR:  The New Deal:  Work programs! Remember these, or have you heard of them?  President Roosevelt also really contributed to the terrible lengthening of the depression too.  I am finding horrible fiscal policy and taxes, etc. that really did not help anyone.  Seems like everything that was tried, really failed.

TEN years! A decade of doing without essentials,  struggling and scrambling to make ends meet and feed families.  What an awful time!

I have kind of just skimmed over the reasons why this happened, although I am fascinated and have done hours of reading about it. You can get really into it, as I have!   I thought it was important for me to understand why this happened.  I am very interested in how the common folks handled all of this, and how they coped...and the sequalae of all the fear and deprivation that happened.  

Thanks for reading...more next week!


So?  waking up...big smile on your face!  Contracting those abs??  Don't they feel better?  Drinking that first glass of water, so your kidneys are happy???

If you do something for 21 days, they say you have developed a keep going!

This week, I encourage you to look at what supplements you take, if any.  I take a handful...vitamin c, vitamin d ( I have a known deficiency), multi vitamins.  zinc!  Do some research...they sure make me feel better, and although food sources of vitamins are best, we don't always eat very nutritious food, do we? I am taking them!  

You are so worth a little effort in increase your health. We take care of others all the times, but take a moment and love yourself, too!

1.  Contract those abs, securing and strengthening that core.

2.  Drink your water, first thing and throughout the day

3. Take your vitamins, if appropriate for you.

Hope everyone has a lovely, wonderful day!  I have greatly appreciate hearing what you do for your health...thank you for sharing!!




Teresa said...

A very interesting blog post. Thanks for sharing your research with us. Love the quilting as well!

Julierose said...

We must be on the same wave length--I cleaned out my linen closet and my medicine chest (old outdated meds!!) and I have a lot more room...
Your blocks are so pretty...nice work....hugs, Julierose

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Embroidered pillowcases are treasures, but please use them. It’s better to wear them out than have them waste away in a closet or drawer.

cityquilter grace said...

looking good so far...i am a perpetual de-clutter maven...and i would keep those pillowcases as well...vintage linens with family ties are priceless and take up little room

AnnieO said...

Lots to enjoy and ponder today! Love the old quilts. Both of my grandmothers came of age in the 1930s. I treasure a yo-yo quilt my paternal grandma made of 30s fabrics, likely flour sacks. The family lived on a farm so grew lots of their food.

---"Love" said...

I just love reading your every post! You have such a positive attitude with everything you do! I need to capture some of your energy! Your quilt blocks are all so pretty! You might want to consider making a little throw with those embroidery pieces, maybe similar to what I finished in October, 2019, or maybe another plan that wouldn't have to cut the embroidery so much. Either way it would be a way to keep them as a treasure that you would use now. ---"Love"

Flickenstichlerin said...

Lovely post Julie, so much going on and wonderful findings during decluttering efforts.

Susan said...

And here's question for the ages. How many of those or similar policies have we implemented in our last ten years? At some point, those pigeons will come home to roost again. I hope it isn't as bad next time it happens, though it's already been close a few times in the last 30 years.

Janet O. said...

I really love your blocks for the mystery--like daisies on a sunny morning!
You are so inspiring with your decluttering and health measures.

Lori said...

I love decluttering and yes, we usually have way more than we need. I love your "vintage" quilt!
I take vitamins regularly, but switched brands adn now they make me nauseous. I need to get rid of them!
Love your mystery block.
Ah, the 30's what a sad time in history. I don't think we learn from our past mistakes. Personally it is a matter of being ready for anything. Know how to grow your own food and take care of yourself and neighbors.

Jennie in GA said...

You’ve got the New Year going girl!!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Before getting rid of those lovely pillowcases, think of a project you can use them in. I've taken stained linens and cut them up to put in mini quilts and wall quilts. I made a crazy quilt with some. That quilt is hanging on my computer room wall.
The work programs built lots of things, including the HUGE stadium in my home town (holds over 13,000 people in that stadium).

Rebecca said...

So as others have asked....Are you thinking of getting rid of the pillow cases or making them up into something for yourself or a loved one?

julieQ said...

No not getting rid of them, tucked them right back into the closet!

julieQ said...

No I said I was keeping them for sure! I love them!

darlynn said...

Julie, I have always enjoyed your blog though naughty me, I have rarely commented.
Couple things about this post....use those precious pillowcases. I purchase and use old embroidered cases for the decorative pillows on my beds. My MIL is 97, will turn 98 in March. She still lives in the house my husband grew up in, and loves to embroider. While her stitches are not what they used to be, I love her work. Every year for Christmas I purchase pillow cases for her to embroider from ebay (she and I both love the older designs), hoping one day I will receive some of her workmanship to showcase on my beds.
Secondly, I am completely enjoying the new layout of your blog! I LOVE hx, so your 1930's study has been very interesting. I am confident, the 10 years of doing without made my MIL and mother the savers of EVERYThING!! never know when you may need it. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that!
Oops, thirdly. I have been contracting my abdomen muscles not only in bed in the mornings but throughout the day. If it ends up making a difference, lovely. If not, it helps my mental health.
Thank you for a great blog.

Kyle said...

You are busiest person I know. I did tackle my pantry as well. It's nice knowing what exactly in there. Have a great week.

abelian said...

I was born in the 30s, and my mother said people had asked her, "How can you bring a child into this terrible world?" But on the other hand, my mother-in-law said, "We were happy; we didn't have any money, but none of our friends had money either, and we all had fun together anyway." Dot

susan q said...

I am using the dresser scarves my mother embroidered and smiling when I do. Thanks for the 1930's history recap. I wish more of my family members would have discussed more the depression but upon further thought, it was probably so painful they just could not. And mother's mother died when she was 11 so more pain. Keep sharing those health tips! Very helpful. Drinking my water upon rising. Need to focus on the abs as I recently had a hysterectomy. Be healthy and safe♥

QuiltGranma said...

I remember asking Mom in love what the Depression was like. They lived out in the country and grew their own food. "It didn't effect us much", was her response. "Those that lived in the cities really had it tough." Lots of folk are now (last year and this next year) considering and planting a garden for food themselves. There is already talk of a shortage of seeds.

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Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...